Sonderliste "russische Bücher"
mehr als 4.000 weitere paläontologische Titel von 1850 - 2008 auf Anfrage
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Abdulkabirova M.A. (Ed.) Geology of Northen Kazakhstan: Stratigraphy. (Geologiya Severnogo
Kazakhstana: Stratigrafiya). Alma-Ata 1987. 222 p., 22 figs., 7 tabs. Cloth. With Latin
nomenclature. €23.50
Deals with descr. of fossil fauna, flora, Spore-Pollen.
Ablaev A.G., S.M. Tashchi & I.V. Vasilyev. The Miocene Hanka depression of West Primorye.
(Miotsen khankaiskoi vpadiny zapadnogo Primorya). Vladivostok 1994. roy.8. 150 p., 18 pls., 9
figs., 4 tabs. With Latin nomenclature & English annotation. €11.50
Deals with the flora.
Ablizin B.D., M.L. Klyuzhina, F.A. Kurbatskaya & A.M. Kurbatsky. The Upper Riphean and
Vend of the western slope of the Central Urals. (Verkhnii rifei i vend zapadnogo sklona srednego
Urala). Moscow 1982. roy.8. 140 p., 32 figs., 11 tabs. €14.50
Abramov B.S. Biostratigraphy of the Carboniferous deposits of Sette-Daban (southern Verkhoyanye).
(Biostratigrafiya kamennougolnykh otlozhenii Sette-Dabana). Moscow 1970. roy.8. 176 p.,
38 pls., 38 figs., 10 tabs. H.cloth. With Latin nomencl. €16.50
Deals with 104 species of Brachiopoda.
Abramov B.S. & A.D. Grigoryeva. The Lower Carboniferous biostratigraphy and Brachiopoda of
Verkhoyan. (Biostratigrafiya i brakhiopody nizhnego karbona Verkhoyanya). Moscow 1986. roy.8.
192 p., 32 pls., 66 figs. With Latin name index. €21.50
Deals with 150 species and 77 genera, 37 species and 4 genera are descr. for the first time.
Abramov B.S. & A.D. Grigoryeva. The Middle and Upper Carboniferous Biostratigraphy and
Brachiopoda of Verkhoyan. (Biostratigrafiya i brakhiopody srednego i verkhnego karbona
Verkhoyanya). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 200) 1983. roy.8. 168 p., 32 pls., 59 figs. With Latin
nomenclature. €21.50
Abramov B.S. & A.D. Grigoryeva. Permian Biostratigraphy and Brachiopoda of Verkhoyanye.
(Biostratigrafiya i brakhiopody permi Verkhoyanya). Moscow 1988. 204 p., 32 pls., 53 figs. Cloth.
With Latin nomenclature. €17.50
Deals also with new species.
Abushik A.F. Silurian Ostracoda of the Siberian Platform. (Siluriiskie ostrakody Sibirskoi
platformy). (Moscow, Trudy VSEGEI, n.s., 39) 1960. roy.8. 132 p., 11 pls., 22 figs., 2 tabs. With
Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Adamiya Sh.A. The Pre-Jurassic formations of the Caucasus. (Doyurskie obrazovaniya
Kavkaza). (Tbilisi, Trudy Geol. Inst. AN Gruz. SSR, n.s., 16) 1968. roy.8. 294 p., 61 figs., 2 tabs.
Cloth. With Latin nomenclature and with summary in English. €15.90
Afanasyev B.L., I.D. Danilov, G.N. Nedesheva, T.I. Smirnova. History of the geological
development of the Baltics in the Pliocene-Quaternary. (Istoriya geologicheskogo razvitiya
Pribaltiki v pliotsen-chetvertichnoe vremya). Riga 1979. 68 p., 12 figs., 4 tabs. With Latin
nomenclature. €3.40
Deals also with descr. of Foraminifera, Ostracoda, Spore-Pollen.
Afanasyeva, G.A. Brachiopoda of the order Chonetida. (Historical development, functional morphology, phylogenesis and system). (Brakhiopody otryada Chonetida). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 228)1988. roy.8. 124 p., 54 figs., 2 tabs. - In Russian with Latin nomenclature. . €18.00
Ainemer A.I. & D.S. Yashin (Ed.) Cenozoic marine sedimentation and the ore origin. (Kainozoiskoe
morskoe osadkonakoplenie i rudogenez). Leningrad 1984. 111 p., num. figs. & tabs. With
Latin nomenclature. €3.40
Deals also with Diatoms and Foraminifera.
Akhvlediani E.G. On the phylogenetic systematic of the brackish-water Cardiids in the Black Sea
Pliocene. (Filogeneticheskaya sistematika solonovatovodnykh kardiid Chernomorskogo Pliotsena).
Tbilisi 1984. 166 p., 10 pls. With summary in English. €11.50
Aksarina N.A. & Yu.L. Pelman. The Cambrian Brachiopoda and bivalve mollusks of Siberia.
(Kembriiskie brakhiopody i dvustvorchatye mollyuski Sibiri). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz.,
362) 1978. 180 p., 20 pls., 15 tabs. With Latin nomencl. €15.00
Alabushev A.I. Gastroplitinae of the Cretaceous boundary system. (Gastroplitiny na granitse
ordelov melovoi sistemy). Magadan 1987. 26 p., 4 figs., 2 tabs. With Latin nomenclature.
(Preprint). €2.50
Alekseev M.N. The Anthropogen of East Asia. Stratigraphy and correlation. (Antropogen
vostochnoi Azii). Moscow 1978. roy.8. 207 p., 49 figs., 16 tabs. With Latin nomenclature and
English summary. €19.50
Alekseev M.N., N.P. Kuprina, A.I. Medyantsev & I.M. Khoreva. Stratigraphy and correlation of
the Neogene and Quaternary of the north-eastern part of the Siberian Platform and its eastern
folded frame. (Stratigrafiya i korrelyatsiya neogenovykh i chetvertichnykh otlozhenii severovostochnoi
chasti Sibirskoi platformy i ee vostochnogo skladchatogo obramleniya). (Moscow,
Trudy Geol. Inst., 66) 1962. roy.8. 126 p., 37 figs., 10 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €7.00
Deals with descr. of fossil flora, spore-pollen and Mammalia.
Alekseeva R.E. The Lower Devonian Brachiopoda and stratigraphy of the North-East of the
USSR. (Brakhiopody i stratigrafiya nizhnego devona Severo-Vostoka SSSR). Moscow 1967.
roy.8. 146 p., 16 pls., 73 figs., 2 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Aleskerov Z.T., M.S. Gurevich & T.I. Osyko. Geological structure and valuation of the perspectives
of the oil & gas content of the southern half of the Omsk region. (Geologicheskoe stroenie i
otsenka perspektiv neftegazonosnosti yuzhnoi poloviny Omskoi oblasti). (Leningrad, Mat.
VSEGEI, n.s., 30) 1960. roy.8. 208 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Deals with its fossils.
Aliev M.M. (Ed.) Biostratigraphy and Paleogeography of the Meso-Cenozoic oil & gas bearing
regions of the South-East of the USSR. (Biostratigrafiya i paleogeografiya mezo-kainozoya
neftegazonosnykh oblastei yugo-vostoka SSSR). Moscow 1964. roy.8. 90 p., 9 pls., num. figs.
With Latin nomenclature. €10.00
Deals with Ostracoda, Foraminifera, Flora, Bivalvia, Spore-Pollen, „Cycadocarpidium N &
Fraxinopsis W“, „Acanthohoplites ex gr. uhligi & Diadochoceras“.
Alikhova T.N. The leading Brachiopod fauna in the Ordovician deposits of the northwestern part
of the Russian platform. (Rukovodyashchaya fauna brakhiopod ordovikskikh otlozhenii severozapadnoi
chasti russkoi platformy). Moscow 1953. roy.8. 128 p., 17 pls., 2 fold. schemes. With
Latin nomenclature. €12.50
Alikhova T.N. The Lower Silurian Brachiopoda of the Leningrad region. (Brakhiopody nizhnego
silura Leningradskoi oblasti). Moscow 1951. roy.8. 72 p., 4 pls. With Latin nomenclature. €10.00
Plectorthidae, Orthidae, Dalmanellidae, Plectambonitidae, Strophomenidae.
Ali-Zade A.A. The Akchagyl of Azerbaidzhan. (Akchagyl Azerbaidzhana). Leningrad 1969. roy.8.
270 p., 61 pls., 1 fig., 1 tab. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €16.50
Deals with new genera and species of Lamellibranchiata & Gastropoda and with genera &
species not noted before.
Alkhovik, T.S. & A.B. Ivanovsky. Lower Devonian Corals and Biostratigraphy of North-Eastern Yakutia. (Korally i biostratigrafiya nizhnego devona Severovostochnoi Yakutii). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 237)1988. roy.8. 95 p., 32 pls., 23 figs. - In Russian with Latin name-index. €15.00
The very abundant and significant complex of favositids (23 species) and rugosa corals (26 species) from the Lower Devonian of Yakutia is firstly described. The authors offer a new in details stratigraphic scale of these deposits.
Ananiashvili G.D. The territory of Georgia and its adjacent regions in the Tarkhanian time.
(Territoriya Gruzii i smezhnye s nei regiony v Tarkhanskoe vremya). (Tbilisi, Trudy Geol. Inst.,
n.s., 90) 1985. 218 p., 15 pls., 25 figs., 29 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €13.70
Deals with Mollusks.
Anatolyeva A.I. Comparative characteristics of the Devonian deposits in the Sayan-Altai folded
region. (Sravnitelnaya kharakteristika devonskikh otlozhenii Sayano-Altaiskoi skladchatoi oblasti).
Moscow 1964. roy.8. 124 p., 25 figs., 14 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €7.95
Andrusov N.I. Selected Works. Vol. I. (Izbrannye trudy). Moscow 1961. roy.8. 712 p., 33 pls.,
num. figs. Cloth. With Latin name index. €27.50
Deals with Miocene Foraminifera, Porifera, Vermes, Bryozoa, Lamellibranchiata, Gastropoda,
Vertebrata; Sarmatian Foraminifera, Spongia, Vermes, Molluscs, Bryozoa, Fishes, Mammalia,
Flora, of the Crimean-Caucasian region.
Antonova Z.A. New Miliolidea from the Lower Jurassic of the western Caucasus. (Novye
Miliolidea iz nizheyurskikh otlozhenii zapadnogo Kavkaza). (Moscow, ex. Pal. Zhurnal, ’73, no. 2)
1973. 9 p., 2 pls. With Latin nomenclature.- In photostat. €1.13
Antoshchenko-Olenev I.V. The Cenozoic of the Dzhida region of Transbaikalye. (Stratigraphy,
paleogeography, neotectonics). (Kainozoi Dzhidinskogo raiona Zabaikalya). Novosibirsk 1975.
127 p., 18 figs., 4 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €3.40
Antoshkina A.I. The Riphean in the Paleozoic of the Pechorian Urals. (Rify v paleozoe Pechorskogo
Urala). St. Petersburg 1994. 154 p., 33 pls., 37 figs., 4 tabs. With summary in English. €15.00
Arendt Yu.A. Hypocrinidae. (Morskie lilii gipokrinidy). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 128) 1970. roy.8.
220 p., 16 pls., 67 figs., 2 tabs. With Latin name index. €14.00
Arendt Yu.A. The Sea Lilies Cyrtocrinids. (Morskie lilii tsirtokrinidy). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst.,
144) 1974. roy.8. 252 p., 37 pls., 38 figs., 4 tabs. Cloth. With Latin name index. €19.50
Arkhangelsky A.D. & N.M. Strakhov. Geological structure and developmental history of the
Black Sea. (Geologicheskoe stroenie i istoriya razvitiya Chernogo Morya). Moscow 1933. roy.8.
226 p., 10 pls., 21 figs., 29 tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature and with summary in English. €16.50
Deals with descr. of fossil Mollusks.
Arkhipov S.A. (Ed.) Problems of the Pleistocene Stratigraphy and Paleogeography of Siberia.
For the XIth Congress of INQUA. (Problemy stratigrafii i paleogeografii pleistotsena Sibiri).
(Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 521) 1982. roy.8. 176 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin
nomenclature & English annotation. €17.50
Cont.: Palynologic characteristics of intermorain sediments in the lower Ob river region.- Late
Pliocene Tishian flora of the southern West-Siberian Plain.- New methods in ecologic analysis of
diatoms.- On the distribution of Foraminifers in interior shelf of the Chukotsk Sea.- a.o.
Arkhipov S.A. Quaternary Period of Western Siberia. (Chetvertichnyi period v zapadnoi Sibiri).
Novosibirsk 1971. roy.8. 332 p., 46 figs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €18.15
Descr. are Mammals, freshwater mollusks, Ostracoda, Foraminifera, Flora and palynological data.
Arkhipov S.A. (Ed.) Stratigraphy of the Neogene and Anthropogene boundary deposits of
Siberia. (Stratigrafiya pogranichnykh otlozhenii Neogena i Antropogena Sibiri). Novosibirsk 1984.
159 p., 3 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €10.50
Deals also with descr. of Mammals, freshwater Mollusks, Palynoflora, Foraminifera.
Arkhipov S.A. (Ed.) Stratigraphy of the Pliocene-Quaternary beds of the Pri-Ob plateau.
(Stratigrafiya pliotsen-chetvertichnykh tolshch Priobskogo plato). For the Xth Congress of INQUA,
Birmingham, 1977. (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 373) 1977. roy.8. 102 p., 38 figs., 5
tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €8.50
Deals with Mammalia, Ostracoda, Palynology, Paleomagnetism, radiocarbon data.
Arkhipov S.A. Stratigraphy of the Quaternary deposits, questions of neotectonics and paleogeography
of the central Yenisei basin. (Stratigrafiya chetvertichnykh otlozhenii, voprosy neotektoniki
i paleogeografii basseina srednego techeniya Eniseya). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 30) 1960.
roy.8. 172 p., 24 figs., 47 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €9.10
Deals also with fossil fauna and flora.
Arkhipov S.A. (Ed.) The Tobolsk horizon of the Siberian Pleistocene. (Tobolskii gorizont
Sibirskogo pleistotsena). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 210) 1975. roy.8. 96 p., num.
figs. With Latin nomenclature. €9.50
Deals with Mollusks, Mammals, Spore-Pollen and Flora.
Arkhipov S.A. & V.A. Martynov (Eds.) The Kochkovsky horizon in western Siberia and its age
analogues in adjacent regions. (Kochkovskii gorizont zapadnoi Sibiri i ego vozrastnye analogi v
smezhnykh raionakh). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 452) 1980. roy.8. 120 p., num.
figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Deals with: Mammals, Ostracoda, Spore-Pollen, Mollusks.
Arkhipov S.A. & O.V. Matveeva. The Anthropogen of the southern margin of the Yenisei
depression. (Antropogen yuzhnoi okrainy Eniseiskoi depressii). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i
Geofiz., 29) 1964. roy.8. 128 p., 5 pls., 30 figs., 2 tabs. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Deals with Spores and Pollen.
Artyushenko A.T. The vegetation of the forest-steppe and steppe of the Ukraine in the Quaternary
Period (by data of Spore-Pollen analysis). (Rastitelnost lesostepi i stepi Ukrainy v chetvertichnom
periode). Kiev 1970. roy.8. 174 p., 43 figs., 28 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €10.50
Astafyeva M.M. Permian Inoceramus-like Bivalvia of Russia. (Permskie inotseramopodobnye
dvustvorchatye mollyuski Rossii). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 246) 1993. roy.8. 128 p., 16 pls., 23
figs., 21 tabs. With Latin nomenclature & English annotation. €14.00
Astrova G.G. & I.I. Chudinova (Eds.) New species of Paleozoic Bryozoa and Corals. (Novye
vidy paleozoiskikh mshanok i korallov). Moscow 1970. roy.8. 178 p., 56 pls., 14 figs., tabs. Cloth.
With Latin name index. €16.50
Deals with new species found in many European and Asiatic localities of the USSR and in some
regions of the Mongolian People’s Republic.
Atlas of Lithologic-Paleogeographical Maps of the USSR. (Atlas litologopaleogeograficheskikh
kart SSSR). In 4 vols. Moscow 1967-1969.- 243 coloured maps. Scale 1:
7.500.000 & 1: 400.000-1: 500.000. With English translations. €300.00
Deals with the most important families and genera of fauna and flora. Vol. I: Precambrian,
Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian.- II: Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian.- III: Triassic, Jurassic,
Cretaceous.- IV: Paleogene, Neogene, Quaternary.
Atlas of lithologic-paleogeographical maps of the USSR: Short descriptive note.(Atlas
litologo-paleogeograficheskikh kart SSSR: Kratkaya ob’yasn. zapiska).Leningrad 1972. 63 p., 4
figs. €2.27
Aubekerov B.Zh. & E.V. Chalykhyan. The Cenozoic of the Irtysh-Karaganda canal zone.
(Kainozoi zony kanala Irtysh-Karaganda). Alma-Ata 1974. roy.8. 108 p., 48 figs., 1 tab. With Latin
nomenclature. €6.80
Deals also with palynological characteristics.
Babaev R.G. The Late Jurassic Hexacoralla (Scleractinia) of the north-eastern part of the Maly
Caucasus (Azerbaidzhan). (Pozdneyurskie shestiluchevye korally „skleraktinii“ severo-vostochnoi
chasti Malogo Kavkaza). Baku 1973. roy.8. 166 p., 15 pls., 11 figs., 3 tabs. Cloth. With Latin
nomenclature. €11.50
Bagdassarian K.G. Development of the Chokrakian Molluscan fauna in Georgia. (Razvitie
mollyuskovoi fauny Chokraka Gruzii). Tbilisi 1965. 233 p., 7 pls., 16 figs., 17 tabs. H.cloth. With
Latin nomenclature and summary in English. €9.50
Banner F.T. Morphology, classification and stratigraphical significance of Spirocyclinidae.
(Moscow, ex. Voprosy Mikropal., 10) 1966. roy.8. 24 p., 20 pls. With Latin nomenclature. €1.13
Bannikov A.F. Fossil carangids and apolectids of the USSR. (Iskopaemye stavridovye i voronryby
SSSR). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 244) 1990. roy.8. 108 p., 16 pls., 22 figs., 1 tab. With Latin
nomenclature and with English annotation. €16.50
Deals also with a new subfamily, 5 new species, 1 new subspecies. A new species of Lichia from
the Eocene of Italy is descr.
Bannikov A.F. The fossil Scombridae of the USSR. (Iskopaemye skumbrievye SSSR). (Moscow,
Trudy Pal. Inst., 210) 1985. roy.8. 111 p., 8 pls., 36 figs., 6 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Deals with 9 genera and 16 species, of them 1 genus and 3 species are new.
Bannikov A.F. New Blennioid Fishes of the fam. Blenniidae and Clinidae (Perciformes) from the
Miocene of the Caucasus and Moldova. (Moscow, ex. Pal. Zhurnal 1998, pt. 4) 1998. 5 p., 2 figs.
With summary in English.- In photostat. €0.81
Barash M.S. (Ed.) The Neogene-Quaternary paleo-oceanology by micropaleontological data.
(Neogen-chetvertichnaya paleookeanologiya po mikropaleontologicheskim dannym). Moscow
1989. 285 p., 60 figs., 9 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €23.50
Deals with Planktonic Foraminifera, Coccolithophorida, Diatoms and Silicoflagellates, Radiolaria,
Benthonic Foraminifera, Pollen and Spores of terrestrial vegetation.
Barash M.S. Planktonic Foraminifera in the sediments of the Northern Atlantic. (Planktonnye
foraminifery v osadkakh Atlantiki). Moscow 1970. roy.8. 97 p., 6 pls., 39 figs., num. tabs. With
Latin nomenclature. €10.50
Barkhatova N.N. (Ed.) The continental formations of the eastern regions of Central Asia and
Kazakhstan. (Kontinentalnye obrazovaniya vostochnykh raionov srednei Azii i Kazakhstana).
(Lithology and biostratigraphy). Leningrad 1969. roy.8. 152 p., 21 pls., num. figs. With Latin
nomenclature. €11.50
Deals with Charophyta, Gastropoda, Vascoceratidae, Conchostraca, new Paleogene freshwater
mollusks, new Paleogene Bivalvia, Subsurface fauna and its importance for the study of
continental deposits.
Barkhatova N.N. & G.I. Nemkov. The large Foraminifera of Mangyshlak and the northern Pre-
Aral region and their stratigraphical significance. (Krupnye foraminifery Mangyshlaka i Severnogo
Priaralya i ikh stratigraficheskoe znachenie). Leningrad 1965. roy.8. 98 p., 17 pls., 9 figs., 3 tabs.
With Latin nomenclature. €10.00
Barskov I.S. Late Ordovician and Silurian Cephalopoda of Kazakhstan and Central Asia.
(Pozdneordovikskie i siluriiskie golovonogie mollyuski Kazakhstana i Srednei Azii). Moscow 1972.
roy.8. 112 p., 12 pls., 2 figs., 1 tab. With Latin nomenclature. €10.00
Deals also with 39 new species and 9 new genera.
Barskov I.S. Morphogenesis and ecogenesis of Paleozoic Cephalopoda. (Morfogenez i
ekogenez paleozoiskikh tsefalopod). Moscow 1989. 160 p., 49 figs., 16 tabs. With Latin nomenclature.
Bartosh T.D. (Comp.) Palynologic researches in geologic studies of the Baltic region and the
Baltic Sea. (Palinologiya v geologicheskikh issledovaniyakh Pribaltiki i Baltiiskogo Morya). Riga
1983. 4. 100 p., 5 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With preface in English and with summaries in English. €10.50
Bekker-Migdisova E.E. Fossil Psyllomorpha. (Iskopaemye nasekomye Psillomorfy). (Moscow,
Trudy Pal. Inst., 206) 1985. roy.8. 94 p., 16 pls., 67 figs., 2 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €18.15
Deals with 9 new genera and 25 new species.
Belousov V.V. & Yu.B. Gladenkov (Eds.) Iceland and Mid-Ocean Ridge: Stratigraphy. Lithology.
(Islandiya i sredinno-okeanicheskii khrebet). Moscow 1978. roy.8. 204 p., 46 figs., 6 tabs. With
abstract in Emglish & Latin nomenclature. €13.65
Belova V.A. The history of development of basin vegetation of the Baikal Rift Zone (on the
example of Baikal and Verkhnecharsky basins). (Istoriya razvitiya rastitelnosti kotlovin Baikalskoi
riftovoi zony). Moscow 1975. 142 p., 30 figs., 5 tabs. With Latin nomenclature and English
annotation. €11.50
New methods of interpretation of sporophytespolinic analysis results of Cenozoic sediments of
upland regions with the usage of statistical methods are given. Detailed palynological characterization
of every facies of Late Cenozoic sediments of Baikal and Verkhnecharsky basins are
suggested. Floristic composition of sporophytes-pollinic complexes is analysed.
Besprozvannykh N.I. & E.I. Myagkova (Comp.) Catalogue of originals, held in the Paleontological
Dept. of the Central Siberian Geol. Museum at the Inst. of Geol. and Geophysics: Graptolites,
Bryozoa. (Katalog originalov, khran. v Paleont. otdele Tsentr. Sib. Geol. Muz. pri Inst. Geol. i
Geofiz.: Graptolity, Mshanki). Novosibirsk 1980. 119 p. With Latin name index. €11.35
Besprozvannykh N.I. & T.I. Nalnyaeva (Comp.) Catalogue of originals, held in the Paleontological
Dept. of the Central Siberian Geological Museum at Inst. of Geol., Geophysics and Mineralogy:
Flora. (Katalog originalov, khran. v pal. otdele Tsentr. Sib. Geol. Muz. pri ob’yed. Inst. geol.,
geofiz. i min.: Flora). Novosibirsk 1992. 171 p. With Latin name indices. €12.50
Betekhtina O.A. Non-Marine Bivalves and the Biostratigraphy and Correlation of the Late
Paleozoic Coal Measures. (Biostratigrafiya i korrelyatsiya uglenosnykh otlozhenii pozdnego
paleozoya po nemorskim dvustvorkam). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 170) 1974.
roy.8. 180 p., 21 pls., 38 figs., 8 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Siberia and Kuzbass.
Betekhtina O.A. The Upper Paleozoic non-marine Pelecypoda of Siberia and eastern Kazakhstan.
(Verkhnepaleozoiskie nemorskie peletsypody Sibiri i vostochnogo Kazakhstana). Moscow
1966. roy.8. 220 p., 20 pls., 45 figs. With Latin nomencl. €15.00
Betekhtina O.A. & R.T. Gratsianova (Ed.) Fauna and stratigraphy of the Middle and Upper
Paleozoic of Siberia). (Fauna i stratigrafiya srednego i verkhnego paleozoya Sibiri). (Novosibirsk,
Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 401) 1979. roy.8. 125 p., 15 pls., 3 figs., 2 tabs. With Latin nomenclature.
Deals with: Corals, Flora, Brachiopoda, Pelecypoda, Bivalvia, new Dechenella, Thamnopora
Steininger and Gracilopora Tchudinova.
Betekhtina O.A. & S.V. Sukhov. Fauna and flora of the Late Paleozoic of Gorlovka coal-bearing
basin (South of the Novosibirsk region). (Fauna i flora verkhnepaleozoiskikh otlozhenii Gorlovskogo
basseina). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 23) 1968. roy.8. 140 p., 36 pls., 7 figs., 2 fold.
tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €16.00
Biostratigraphical Collection. (Biostratigraficheskii Sbornik). Pt. 4. Ed. by I.V. Vasilyev.
(Leningrad, Trudy VSEGEI, n.s., 130) 1969. roy.8. 251 p., 29 pls., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With
Latin nomenclature. €18.15
Deals with: Stratigraphy (Far East, Siberia, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, European part of the
USSR); Paleobotany (Diatomaceae, Pollen, and other new data on fossil flora of Turgai, North
Vietnam, Kuznetsk basin, Western Siberia); Paleozoology (new species of Radiolaria of the
Eocene of the USSR, Late Ordovician Crinoids, Early Cretaceous Belemnites, Early Visean
generic type Davidsonina Schubert et Le Vene).
Biske G.S. (Ed.) The Quaternary geology and geomorphology of the eastern part of the Baltic
shield. (Chetvertichnaya geologiya i geomorfologiya vostochnoi chasti Baltiiskogo shchita).
(Leningrad, Trudy Inst. Geol. Kar. Fil. AN SSSR, 13) 1972. roy.8. 132 p., num. figs. & tabs. With
Latin nomenclature. €5.70
Cont.: Morphostructures of Western Onega region.- Foraminifera of marine interglacial deposits of
the Kola-Karelian region, its stratigraphical significance and developmental history.- Palynological
characteristics of the Upper Quaternary of Karelia.- a.o.
Biske S.F. (Ed.) Late Cenozoic Stratigraphy and Paleogeography of the East of the USSR.
(Stratigrafiya i paleogeografiya pozdnego kainozoya vostoka SSSR). Magadan 1983. roy.8. 156
p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €15.90
Deals also with Spore-Pollen and Foraminifera.
Biske S.F. Paleogene and Neogene in the Far North-East of the USSR. (Paleogen i neogen
krainego severo-vostoka SSSR). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 241) 1975. roy.8. 268
p., 61 figs., 10 tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €21.00
Deals with Spore-Pollen, Plants, Fauna.
Bludorova E.A. & K.V. Nikolaeva. Geological and palynological characteristics of the Pliocene of
the Kazan Volga region and of the Kama region. (Geologicheskaya i palinologicheskaya
kharakteristika pliotsenovykh otlozhenii Kazanskogo Povolzhya i Prikamya). Kazan 1986. 136 p.,
16 figs., 3 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Bobkova N.N. The Late Cretaceous Rudistes of the south-eastern part of Central Asia. (Pozdnemelovye
rudisty yugo-vostochnoi chasti srednei Azii). (Moscow, Trudy VSEGEI, n.s., 196)
1974. roy.8. 196 p., 54 pls., 19 figs., 3 tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €13.70
Bobrinskaya O.G. & N.I. Konkova. The Late Tortonian Microfauna of Moldavia. (Mikrofauna
pozdnego tortona Moldavii). Kishinev 1972. 108 p., 14 pls., tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €5.70
Deals with Foraminifera and Bryozoa.
Bogdanowitsch K. Das Dibrar System im südöstlichen Kaukasus. (Sistema Dibrara v yugovostochnom
Kavkaza). (St. Petersburg, Trudy Geol. Kom., n.s., 26) 1906. fol. VI, 179 p., 1 geol.
Uebersichtskarte, 2 Profiltaf., 9 pal. Taf., 54 Abb. With summary in German (39 p.). €95.30
Cont.: Die stratigraphische Aufeinanderfolge im Dibrar-System.- Die Stellung des Dibrar-Systems
in der Reihe der übrigen Gebilde des südöstlichen Kaukasus.- Beschreibung der cretaceischen
Fossilien des Dibrar-Systems.- Beschreibung einiger Fossilien aus den Juraablagerungen von
Gepze im Samurthale.
Bogolepov K.V. Kazachinsk graben and stratigraphy of infilling Paleozoic deposits. (Kazachinskii
graben i stratigrafiya vypolnyayushchikh ego paleozoiskikh otlozhenii). (Moscow, ex. Geol. i
Geofiz., 8) 1961. 15 p., 6 figs. With Latin nomenclature & summary in English. €1.50
Bogolepov K.V. & M.A. Zharkov (Ed.) Problems of the evolution of geological processes.
(Problemy evolyutsii geologicheskikh protsessov). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 517)
1981. roy.8. 210 p., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth €20.50
Evolution of tectonic processes.- Evolution of sedimentary rock formation.- Evolution of the
Bogoslovskaya M.F. Artinskian Ammonoidea of the Central Urals. (Artinskie Ammonoidei
Srednego Urala). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 87) 1962. roy.8. 117 p., 11 pls., 52 figs. With Latin
nomenclature. €11.50
Bogoyavlenskaya O.S. (Ed.) History of the Study of Paleozoic Corals and Stromatoporoidea:
1970-1975. (Istoriya izucheniya paleozoiskikh korallov i stromatoporoidei). (Novosibirsk, Trudy
Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 311) 1976. roy.8. 55 p. With Latin name index. €7.00
Bogoyavlenskaya O.V. & V.G. Khromykh. Catalogue of the genera and species of the
Palaeozoic Stromatoporata. (Ukazatel rodov i vidov stromatoporat). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i
Geofiz., 545) 1985. 104 p., 16 pls. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Bogush O.I. & O.V. Yuferev. Carboniferous and Permian Foraminifera of the Verkhoyansk
region. (Foraminifery karbona i permi Verkhoyanya). Moscow 1966. roy.8. 208 p., 14 pls., 18 figs.,
7 tabs. Cloth. With Latin name index. €25.00
Bogush O.I. & O.V. Yuferev. Foraminifera and stratigraphy of the Carboniferous deposits of the
Karatau and the Talass Alatau. (Foraminifery i stratigrafiya kamennougolnykh otlozhenii Karatau i
Talasskogo Alatau). Moscow 1962. roy.8. 234 p., 9 pls., 9 figs., 8 tabs. H.cloth. With Latin
nomenclature. €16.00
Boiko E.V., G.V. Belyaeva & I.T. Zhuravleva. The Phanerozoic Sphinctozoa of the USSR.
(Sfinktozoa fanerozoya territorii SSSR). Moscow 1991. 224 p., 64 pls., 35 figs., 5 tabs. Bound.
With Latin nomenclature and English annotation. €20.45
Bolkhovitina N.A. The fossil and recent spores of the fam. Schizaeaceae. (Iskopaemye i
sovremennye spory semeistva Skhizeinykh). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 40) 1961. roy.8. 176 p.,
41 pls., 10 figs., 9 tabs. With Latin name index. €16.00
Bolotnikova M.D. The Tertiary Spore-Pollen complexes of the western shore of the Sea of
Japan. (Sporovo-pyltsevye kompleksy tretichnykh otlozhenii zapadnogo poberezhya Yaponskogo
morya). Moscow 1979. 195 p., 26 pls., 8 figs., 25 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €16.00
Bolshakova L.N. The Silurian and Lower Devonian Stromatoporoidea of Podolia. (Stromatoporoidei
silura i nizhnego devona Podolii). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 141) 1973. roy.8. 135 p.,
20 pls., 36 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Boos R.G. Paleozoic of the Tunkinsky bald mountains of Eastern Sayan. (Paleozoi Tunkinskikh
goltsov vostochnogo Sayana). Novosibirsk 1991. roy.8. 144 p., 35 figs., 5 tabs. €11.35
Bragin N.Yu. Radiolaria and Lower Mesozoic units of the USSR East regions. (Radiolyarii i
nizhnemezozoiskie tolshchi vostoka SSSR). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst. AN SSSR, 469) 1991.
roy.8. 125 p., 16 pls., 22 figs. With Latin nomenclature and English annotation. €16.50
Brangulis A.P. (Ed.) Essays on the Geology of Latvia. (Ocherki geologii Latvii). Riga 1978. roy.8.
164 p., num. figs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Cont.: Stratigraphical researches of the Phanerozoic of Latvia. (Cambrian Stratigraphy; Correlation
of the Ordovician with a descr. of Graptolites, Conodonts, Trilobites, Ostracoda; Articulate
Brachiopoda of the Frasnian of the Main Devonian Field; Zones and complexes of Devonian
Ichthyofauna).- Structure and lithological peculiarities of the Upper Proterozoic and Lower
Paleozoic of Latvia.- a.o.
Bublichenko N.L. The Middle and Upper Devonian Brachiopoda of the Rudny Altai. (Brakhiopody
srednego i verkhnego devona Rudnogo Altaya). Alma-Ata 1974. roy.8. 174 p., 11 pls., 12 figs.,
3 tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €18.15
Budnikov V.I. Laws of sedimentation in the Carboniferous and Permian of the West-Siberian
Platform. (Zakonomernosti osadkonakopleniya v karbone i permi zapada Sibirskoi Platformy).
(Moscow, Trudy SNIIGGIMS, 189) 1976. roy.8. 136 p., 39 figs., 4 tabs. H.cloth. With Latin
nomenclature. €11.50
Deals with Pelecypoda, Flora, Spores-Pollen.
Bulatova Z.I. The Aptian-Albian Stratigraphy of the oil and gasbearing deposits of the West-
Siberian Plain by Foraminifera. (Stratigraphiya apt-albskikh neftegazonosnykh otlozhenii
zapadno-Sibirskoi ravniny po foraminiferam). (Moscow, Trudy SNIIGGMS, 209) 1976. roy.8. 151
p., 21 pls., 1 fig., 1 tab. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €13.75
Deals with 61 species of mostly agglutinating foraminifera, 29 are new.
Bulgakova M.D. Paleogeography of Yakutia in the Early-Middle Paleozoic. (Paleogeografiya
Yakutii v rannem-srednem Paleozoe). Yakutsk 1996. 72 p., 25 figs. With summary in English. €6.80
Bulgatov A.N. (Ed.) Cenozoic stratigraphy of the western Trans-Baikal region. (Stratigrafiya
kainozoiskikh otlozhenii zapadnogo Zabaikalya). (Ulan-Ude, Trudy Geol. Inst. Buryat. Fil. AN
SSSR SO, 8) 1976. 122 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €6.80
Deals also with descr. of faunistic complex, flora, diatoms, Spore-Pollen.
Bulletin of the Committee on the Study of the Quaternary Period. No. 34. Ed. by V.I. Gromov.
(Byulleten komissii po izucheniyu chetvertichnogo perioda). Moscow 1967. roy.8. 174 p., num.
figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €4.55
Cont.: About the geological activity of the ancient European ice shields.- Rodents of the Khapry
faunistic complex (Don region).- New data about the Upper Pliocene fauna of the Urals.- New
species of Elphidiella urbana and its stratigraphical position.- a.o.
Bulletin of the committee on the study of the Quaternary period. No. 51. Ed. by G.I. Goretsky
& I,K, Ivanova. (Byulleten komissii po izucheniyu chetvertichnogo perioda). Moscow 1981. roy.8.
192 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.75
Cont.: Upper Pleistocene section of Pasva (Vaga river, Arkhangelsk region) and its stratigraphical
significance (with spore-pollen).- Geology and Mammalian fauna of Zasukhino, Western Trans
Baikal region.- Marine karginsk deposits in the basin of the Lower Taimyr and its micropaleontological
characteristics (Foraminifera).- Complex of Foraminifera of the Upper Pleistocene of the
Zimny shore of the White Sea.- To the history of gen. Spirocerus Boule et Teilhard de Chardin in
the Trans Baikal region.- a.o.
Bulletin of the Committee on the study of the Quaternary period. No. 54. Ed. by G.I. Goretsky
& I.K. Ivanova. (Byulleten komissii po izucheniyu chetvertichnogo perioda). Moscow 1985. roy.8.
168 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €13.75
Cont.: New data about the Late Pleistocvene of the Middle Don (with spore-pollen).- Small
mammals of the Early Pleistocene of the Shirak basin of Armenia.- About the stratigraphical
position of the Olkhov shield of eastern Kamchatka (by foraminiferal data).- a.o.
Bulletin of the Commission for the Study of the Quaternary. Nr. 57. Ed. by G.I. Goretsky &
I.K. Ivanova. (Byulleten komissii po izucheniyu chetvertichnogo perioda). Moscow 1988. roy.8.
160 p., 4 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.75
Cont.: Quaternary of Europe and their zonal peculiarities.- On the age of Chazarian, Chvalynian
and Novocaspian deposits of the Caspian Sea.- Association of small wolf-xenocyon in the Upper
Eopleistocene-Lower Pleistocene of Central Asia.- On regional palaeoecology of Neanderthal
age.- a.o.
Bulletin of the Commission for the Study of the Quaternary Period. No. 61. Ed. by M.N.
Alekseev & I.M. Khoreva. (Byulleten komissii po izucheniyu chetvertichnogo perioda). Moscow
1994. roy.8. 62 p., num. figs. & tabs. With summaries in English. €6.80
Cont.: Climate events and changes in the Pleistocene circulation in the Arctic Ocean’s central
part.- Stratigraphy and geochronology of the Late Pleistocene-Holocene shelf deposits in the
northwestern sector of the Sea of Japan.- The Pliocene-Pleistocene nannoplankton of Syria.-
Stratigraphic significance of the first find of Mimmomys Pitymyoides (Rodentia) in the northern
Caucasus.- a.o.
Bulynnikova S.P. Foraminifera of the oil & gasbearing deposits of the Neocomian of the West-
Siberian Plain. (Foraminifery neftegazonosnykh otlozhenii neokoma zapadno-Sibirskoi ravniny).
(Moscow, Trudy SNIIGGIMS, 153) 1973. roy.8. 129 p., 16 pls., 7 figs., 9 tabs. With Latin
nomenclature. €14.00
Burchak-Abramovich N.I. Fauna of the cave of Sagvardzhile in western Georgia. (Neolithic and
Eneolithic. Wild animals). (Fauna peshchery Sagvardzhile v zapadnoi Gruzii). Tbilisi 1972. 100 p.,
9 pls., 20 figs., 60 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €7.00
Bury G.I. Lower Triassic Conodonts of the southern Primorye region. (Nizhnetriasovye konodonty
yuzhnogo Primorya). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 412) 1979. 144 p., 21 pls., 15 figs., 3
tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.50
Bushmina L.S. Carboniferous Ostracoda of the lower course of the Lena. (Kamennougolnye
ostrakody nizovyev r. Leny). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 125) 1970. roy.8. 80 p., 15 pls.,
3 figs., 1 tab. With Latin nomenclature. €10.00
Bushmina L.S. Early Carboniferous Ostracoda of the Kolyma massifs. (Rannekamennougolnye
Ostrakody Kolymskogo massiva). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 219) 1975. roy.8. 104 p.,
15 pls. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Deals with 80 species, 27 are new.
Bushmina L.S., O.I. Bogush & L.I. Kononova. Microfauna and biostratigraphy of the Lower
Carboniferous (of the south of western Siberia). (Mikrofauna i biostratigrafiya nizhnego karbona).
(Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 599) 1984. 128 p., 32 pls., 3 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.50
Deals with Foraminifera, Ostracoda, Conodonts.
Catalogue of the fossil plants of the Caucasus. (Katalog iskopaemykh rastenii Kavkaza). Pt. 1.
Comp. by I.I. Abramov, G.S. Avakov, N.A. Bolkhovitina et al. Tbilisi 1973. 316 p. Cloth. With Latin
nomenclature. €16.50
Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic Algae, Fungi, Mosses, Lycopsida, Arthrophyta, Pteridophyta,
Gymnospermae, Angiospermae.
Catalogue of monographic paleontological collections, kept in CNIGR museum. Issue 2.
(Katalog monograficheskikh paleontologicheskikh kollektsii khranyashchikhsya v TsNIGR muzee).
Leningrad 1971. 48 p. With preface in English. €1.13
Chelidze L.T. The fossil flora of tufogenic rocks of Vale (Caucasus, Southern Georgia). (Flora
tufogennykh otlozhenii Vale). Tbilisi 1970. roy.8. 108 p., 12 pls., 4 figs., 4 tabs. With Latin
nomenclature and with summary in English. €9.50
Chepalyga A.L. Anthropogen Freshwater Mollusks in the South of the Russian Plain and their
stratigraphic importance. (Antropogenovye presnovodnye mollyuski yuga Russkoi ravniny i ikh
stratigraficheskoe znachenie). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 166) 1967. roy.8. 222 p., 42 pls., 23
figs., 3 tabs. With Latin name index. €14.00
Cheremisinova E.A. Neogene Diatom flora of Pribaikal region. (Diatomovaya flora neogenovykh
otlozhenii Pribaikalya). Novosibirsk 1973. roy.8. 70 p., 12 pls., 10 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €8.00
Chernov Yu.I. (Ed.) Faunal genesis and phylocoenogenosis. (Faunogenez i filotsenogenez).
Moscow l984. 176 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Cont.: Evolutionary process and historical development of communities. - Distribution and
faunogenesis of the Diplopoda of the European part of the USSR. - Stages and factors of
historical development of Diptera. -a.o.
Chernykh V.V. Problems of integrity of higher taxa. The point of view of the paleontologist.
(Problema tselostnosti vysshikh taksonov. Tochka zreniya paleontologa). Moscow 1986. 143 p., 6
figs., 2 tabs. €11.35
Chernysheva N.E. (Ed.) Amginian layer of the Altai-Sayan region. (Amginskii yarus Altae-
Sayanskoi oblasti). (Novosibirsk, Trudy SNIIGGIMS, 111) 268 p., 25 pls. With Latin nomenclature.
Deals with Trilobites.
Chumakov I.S., S.L. Byzova & S.S. Ganzei. Geochronology and correlation of the Paratethys
Late Cenozoic. (Geokhronologiya i korrelyatsiya pozdnego kainozoya Paratetisa). Moscow 1992.
96 p., 12 figs., 5 tabs. €6.80
Collection of Scientific-Technic Information. Questions of Geology. Pt. 6. (Sbornik nauchnotekhnicheskoi
informatsii. Voprosy geologii). Baku 1960. 74 p., 6 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin
nomenclature. €3.40
Cont.: L.N. Klein. About the change of composition of the Ostracoda in the Apsheron layer of the
Kura lowland.- Z.V. Kuznetsova. Some new Ostracod species from the Barremian of Northeastern
Azerbaidzhan and its stratigraphical importance.- Z.K. Kadyrova. To the stratigraphy of
Akchagyl of the lower Kura depression by microfaunal data.- a.o.
Congress.- All-Union Conference, Tallinn, Oct. 19-22, 1982: Abstracts: Theory and practice
of Ecostratigraphy. Ed. by D.L. Kaljo & E.R. Klaamann. (Teoriya i opyt ekostratigrafii. Tezisy
dokladov vses. soveshchaniya). Tallinn 1982. 100 p. €4.55
Congress.- Chronostratigraphy of the Paleolithic in North, Central, East Asia and America.
Papers for the International Symposium. Novosibirsk 1990. 4. 269 p., num. figs. & tabs. In
English. €18.15
Congress.- Geology of Late Cenozoic of West Siberia and adjacent territories. Materials of
the conference, held 10-13 April 1967 in Leningrad. (Geologiya pozdnego kainozoya zapadnoi
Sibiri i prilegayushchikh territorii). Ed. by O.V. Suzdalsky. Leningrad 1967. 60 p., 3 tabs. With
Latin nomenclature. €2.00
Congress.- International Symposium on „Paleogeography and periglacial phenomena of
the Pleistocene“, USSR, 1969. Ed. by K.K. Markov & I.I. Spasskaya. (Paleogeografiya i
periglyatsialnye yavleniya pleistotsena). Moscow 1975. roy.8. 223 p., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth.
With Latin nomenclature. €11.35
Congress.- Materials of the Conference on Neogene Stratigraphy, Kazan, April 1966:
Neogene Stratigraphy of the East of the European part of the USSR. Ed. by A.G. Eberzin & N.V.
Kirsanov. (Stratigrafiya neogena vostoka Evropeiskoi chasti SSSR: Mat. Soveshch. po strat.
neogena). Moscow 1971. roy.8. 327 p., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €20.45
Deals with descr. of Foraminifera, Ostracoda, Mollusks, Flora, Spores-Pollen.
Congress.- Problems of the Pleistocene Division, Papers presented to the symposium,
Leningrad 1970. Ed. by V.A. Zubakov & S.M. Tseitlin. (Problemy periodizatsii pleistotsena.
Materialy simpoziuma). Leningrad 1971. 328 p., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature
& English annotation. €13.60
Congress.- Proceedings of the working session of the Commission on the Holocene -
INQUA (Eurosiberian subcommission), Tatranska Lomnica & Bratislava, 1976. Ed. by I. Vaskovsky.
Bratislava 1977. roy.8. 195 p., figs., tabs. Articles in Russian, English, German. €6.80
Congress.- Resolutions of the Interdepartmental regional stratigraphic conference for the
establishment of the unified stratigraphic schemes of the Baltics, 1976. Ed. by A.A. Grigelis.
(Resheniya mezhvedomstvennogo regionalnogo stratigraficheskogo soveshchaniya po razrabotke
unifitsirovannykh stratigraficheskikh skhem Pribaltiki). (Leningrad, Interdept. Strat. Kom.) 1978.
roy.8. & 4. 85 p., 19 correl.charts. With Latin nomencl. €15.90
Congress.- Theses of Reports for the All-Union Conference on the Study of the Quaternary
Period, Sept. 1964. Ed. by S.A. Arkhipov. In 3 pts. (Tezisy dokladov k Vsesoyuznomu Soveshchaniyu
po izucheniyu chetvertichnogo perioda). Novosibirsk 1964. 332 p. €13.75
Cont.: Sections of the history of flora, fauna and fossil man.- Section of stratigraphy.- Section of
Congress.- Thesis of Reports of the Conference on the development of the unified
stratigraphical scale of the Tertiary of the Crimean-Caucasian region. Ed. by Sh.F. Mekhtiev.
(Tezisy dokladov soveshchaniya po razrabotke unifitsirovannoi stratigraficheskoi shkaly tretichnykh
otlozhenii Krymsko-Kavkazskoi oblasti). Baku 1955. 115 p., num. tabs. With Latin nomenclature.
Deals with Nummulites, Mollusks.
Congress.- Theses of reports of the Interdepartmental stratigraphical Conference: The
Cenozoic of the North-East of the USSR. Ed. by A.V. Lozhkin. (Kainozoi severo-vostoka SSSR.
Tezisy dokladov mezhved. strat. sov.). Magadan 1975. roy.8. 130 p., 6 tabs. With Latin nomenclature.
Deals with descr. of flora, Spore-Pollen.
Congress.- Transactions of the Conference on the development of the unified stratigraphical
scale of the Tertiary deposits of the Crimean-Caucasus region. (Trudy soveshchaniya po
razrabotke unifitsirovannoi stratigraficheskoi shkaly tretichnykh otlozhenii Krymsko-Kavkazskoi
oblasti). Baku 1959. 311 p., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €15.90
Congress.- Transactions of the Interdepartmental Conference on the development of the unified
stratigraphical schemes of Siberia, 1956: Reports on the stratigraphy of the Mesozoic and
Cenozoic. Ed. by V.N. Saks. (Trudy mezhvedomstvennogo soveshchaniya po razrabotke
unifitsirovannykh stratigraficheskikh skhem Sibiri: Doklady po stratigrafii mezozoiskikh i
kainozoiskikh otlozhenii). Leningrad 1957. roy.8. 575 p., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin
nomenclature. €44.00
Deals also with the descr. of fossil fauna, flora, spore-pollen.
Congress.- Transactions of the Interdepartmental conference for elaboration of unification and
correlation stratigraphy schemes of the Precambrian and Cambrian of Middle Siberia, Novosibirsk,
Feb. 1965: Stratigraphy of the Precambrian and Cambrian of Middle Siberia. Ed. by
B.M. Keller, D.I. Musatov & B.S. Sokolov. (Stratigrafiya dokembriya i kembriya Srednei Sibiri).
Krasnoyarsk 1967. roy.8. 428 p., num. figs. & tabs. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €22.70
Congress.- Materials on the 1st Examination on the microfauna and biostratigraphy of the
Maikop series and its Age Analogues, Lvov 1961; Maikop deposits and their age analogues in
the Ukraine and in Central Asia. (Maikopskie otlozheniya i ikh vozrastnye analogi na Ukraine i v
srednei Azii). Kiev 1964. roy.8. 302 p., 8 pls., num. figs. & tabs. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €16.50
Deals with Foraminifera.
Congress.- Trudy of the 1st All-Union symposium on the study of fossil corals. Pt. 1:
Tabulate corals of the Ordovician and Silurian of the USSR. (Tabulyatomorfnye korally ordovika i
silura SSSR). Ed. by B.S. Sokolov & V.N. Dubatolov. Moscow 1965. roy.8. 138 p., 34 pls. With
Latin nomenclature. €12.50
Congress.- Ist All-Union Symposium on the study of the fossil corals of the USSR: Trudy.
Pt. 3: Paleozoic Rugosa of the USSR. Ed. by B.S. Sokolov & A.B. Ivanovsky. (Rugozy paleozoya
SSSR. Trudy I Vses. simp. po izucheniyu iskopaemykh korallov SSSR). Moscow 1965. roy.8. 90
p., 26 pls., 16 figs. With Latinnomenclature. €9.50
Congress.- Ist All-Union Symposium on the Study of Fossil Corals of the USSR: Trudy. Pt. 4:
Scleractinia of the Mesozoic of the USSR. Ed. by B.S. Sokolov & A.B. Ivanovsky. Moscow 1965.
roy.8. 47 p., 5 pls., 2 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €5.00
Congress.- 2nd International Colloque of Jurassic, Luxemburg, July 1967: Problems of
paleontologic substantiation of detailed Mesozoic stratigraphy of Siberia and the Far East of the
USSR. Ed. by V.N. Saks. (Problemy paleontologicheskogo obosnovaniya detalnoi stratigrafii
mezozoya Sibiri i Dalnego Vostoka). Leningrad 1967. roy.8. 178 p., 34 pls., nu. figs. & tabs. With
Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Cont.: On the systematic of Jurassic and Cretaceous Belemnites.- A new genus of Middle
Jurassic Arctic Ammonites.- A new Ammonite zone of Oxfordian and position of Oxfordian-
Kimmeridgian boundary in Northern Siberia.- Tithonian Ammonites of Northern Siberia.- a.o.
Congress.- 2nd International Palynological Conference, Utrecht 1966: Palynology and
stratigraphy of Quaternary deposits of the Ob and Yenisei river basins. (Palinologiya i stratigrafiya
chetvertichnykh otlozhenii basseinov rek Obi i Eniseya). Moscow 1966. 76 p., num. figs. With
summaries in English & with Latin nomenclature. €5.00
Congress.- Papers of the 2nd All-Union Symposium on fossil corals of the USSR. Vol. 1:
Paleozoic Tabulata and Heliolitoidea of the USSR. Ed. by V.N. Dubatolov. (Tabulyaty i geliolitoidei
Paleozoya SSSR). Moscow 1971. roy.8. 197 p., 39 pls., 83 figs., 14 tabs. With Latin nomenclature.
Congress.- Trudy of the 2nd All-Union Symposium on Fossil Corals of the USSR. Vol. 2:
Paleozoic Rugosa and Stromatoporoidea of the USSR. Ed. by A.B. Ivanovsky. (Rugozy i
stromatoporoidei paleozoya SSSR). Moscow 1971. roy.8. 152 p., 38 pls. With Latin nomenclature.
Congress.- Proceedings of the 3rd Int. Palynological Conference: Microfossils of the oldest
deposits. Ed. by T.V. Vozzhennikova & B.V. Timofeev. (Trudy III Mezhd. Palinol. Konf.: Mikrofossilii
drevneishikh otlozhenii). Moscow 1973. roy.8. 85 p., 11 pls., num. figs. With summaries in
English, 1 article in German. €11.50
Congress.- Proceedings of the 3rd Int. Palynological Conference, Novosibirsk, 1971:
Palynology of the Holocene and Marine Palynology. Ed. by N.A. Khotinsky & E.V. Koreneva.
(Palinologiya golotsena i marinopalinologiya). Moscow 1973. roy.8. 152 p., num. figs. & tabs.
Cloth.- 7 articles in English, 1 in German and 14 in Russian with summaries in English. €14.00
Congress.- Trudy of the 4th Committee of the Uralian Interdepartmental Conference on the
development of the regional stratigraphical scale of the Quaternary of the Urals. Ed. by V.L.
Yakhimovich. (Stratigrafiya chetvertichnykh-antropogenovykh- otlozhenii Urala). Moscow 1965.
roy.8. 250 p., 11 pls., num. figs. & tabs. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €13.75
Deals with descr. of Spore-Pollen, Diatoms, Ostracoda, Gastropoda, Bivalvia; New data on
Pliocene flora of Bashkiria; Tilia; Mammalia.
Congress.- 5th International Conference on Palynology. Papers of Soviet Palynologists:
Paleopalynology of Siberia. Ed. by V.N. Saks. (Paleopalinologiya Sibiri). Moscow 1980. roy.8. 148
p., 8 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €16.50
Congress.- Trudy of the 5th Session of the Scientific Council on Precambrian Geology, Ufa
1977: Stratigraphy of the Archean and the Lower Proterozoic of the USSR. Ed. by K.A. Shurkin &
V.A. Sokolov. (Stratigrafiya arkheya i nizhnego proterozoya SSSR). Leningrad 1979. 230 p., num.
figs. & tabs. With English annotation. €18.15
Congress.- A symposium of papers for the 6th International INQUA Congress, Warsaw
1961: Holocene Problems. Ed. by M.I. Neistadt & V. Gudelis. (Voprosy golotsen). Vilnius 1961.
roy.8. 384 p., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature and with summary in English. €17.50
Cont.: Diatomaceous algae in marine and continental sediments of the Holocene.- The significance
of fresh-water molluscs for studying the Holocene of the USSR.- Change of bird and rodent
fauna in the middle zone of the European part of the USSR during the Holocene.- a.o.
Congress.- For the 7th Congress of the International Association for the Study of the
Quaternary Period: Materials on the Quaternary Period of the Ukraine. (Materialy po chetvertichnomu
periodu Ukrainy). Ed. by V.G. Bondarchuk & V.N. Shelkoplyas. Kiev 1965. roy.8. 332 p.,
num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature and summaries in English. €13.75
Cont.: Genetic types, Material composition, Problems of research methods of Anthropogene
deposits/ Biostratigraphy of continental and marine deposits of the Anthropogene/ Neotectonics,
relief and sedimentation in the Anthropogene.
Congress.- 8e Congrès de l’INQUA en France: Résultats et Matériaux. (VIII Kongress INQUA
vo Frantsii). Ed. by I.K. Ivanova & M.I. Neustadt. Moscow 1973. roy.8. 222 p., num. figs., tabs.
Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €11.35
Deals with articles of the Soviet geologists. (Stratigraphical problems of the Quaternary.- About
the international map of the Quaternary of Europe.- Problems of paleobotany and paleosoil
science.- Investigations of the Quaternary Period in France.- a.o.).
Congress.- For the 9th Congress of INQUA, New Zealand 1973: Paleocryology in the
Quaternary stratigraphy and paleogeography. Ed. by V.V. Baulin & S.M. Tseitlin. (Paleokriologiya
v chetvertichnoi stratigrafii i paleogeografii). Moscow 1973. roy.8. 144 p., num. figs. & tabs. €7.95
Congress.- For the 9th INQUA Congress, New Zealand 1973: Paleomagnetic analysis in the
study of Quaternary deposits and volcanites. Ed. by M.A. Pevzner & V.P. Chichagov. (Paleomagnitnyi
analiz pri izuchenii chetvertichnykh otlozhenii i vulkanitov). Moscow 1973. roy.8. 100 p.,
num. figs. With Latin nomenclature and with summaries in English. €6.80
Cont.: Paleomagnetism and biostratigraphy of Late Cenozoic in Kura lowland.- Paleomagnetic
research on Pliocene of Apsheron Peninsula.- New data on the stratigraphy of the Quaternary in
the middle Amur region.- a.o.
Congress.- For the 9th Congress of INQUA: Palaeogeographical problems of the Anthropogen
of Byelorussia. Ed. by E.A. Levkov. (Problemy paleogeografii antropogena Belorussii). Minsk
1973. roy.8. 224 p., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €10.20
Congress.- The IXth Congress of INQUA: Pleistocene of Siberia and adjacent regions. Ed. by
V.N. Saks. (Pleistotsen Sibiri i smezhnykh oblastei). Moscow 1973. roy.8. 186 p., num. figs. &
tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €13.75
Deals with Spore-Pollen, Fossil flora, Ostracoda, Mollusks, Foraminifera.
Congress. – Theses of the Xth Session of the All-Union Paleontological Society, 3-8 Feb. 1964:
Tasks of paleontological investigations about the problem of development of life on Earth. (Tezisy
X sessii Vses. Pal. Ob) Leningrad 1964. roy.8. 55 p. €2.25
Congress.- For the 10th Congress of INQUA, U.K. 1977: The multilayer paleolithic site.
Korman IV on the middle Dnestr. Ed. by G.I. Goretsky & E.V. Tseitlin. (Mnogosloinaya paleoliticheskaya
stoyanka Korman IV). Moscow 1977. roy.8. 184 p., 68 figs., 21 tabs. With Latin
nomenclature. €11.35
Deals with data on Paleolithic, Lithology, Pleistocene Soils, Palynology, Fauna of Vertebrates,
Fauna of Continental Molluscs, Geology and Paleogeography.
Congress.- For the 11th Congress of INQUA in the USSR, Moscow 1982: Late Cenozoic
history of the lakes in the USSR. Ed. by V.A. Belova. (Pozdnekainozoiskaya istoriya ozer v
SSSR). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Limnol. Inst., 40) 1982. roy.8. 193 p., num. figs. With Latin
nomenclature & English annotation. €16.50
Congress.- 11th Congress of INQUA, Moscow 1982: Results and perspectives. Ed. by M.N.
Alekseev, I.K. Ivanova & M.I. Neishtadt. (XI Kongress INKVA: Itogi i perspektivy). Moscow 1985.
roy.8. 204 p., figs., tabs. €11.35
Congress.- XXIst International Geological Congress. Reports of Soviet Geologists. Problem 4:
Chronology and climatology of the Quaternary. (Mezhdunarodnyi Geologicheskii Kongress:
Khronologiya i klimaty chetvertichnogo perioda). Moscow 1960. roy.8. 184 p., num. figs. & tabs.
With Latin nomenclature & summaries in English. €13.75
Congress.- 21st International Geological Congress. Reports of Soviet Geologists. Problem
9: Precambrian stratigraphy and correlations. (Mezhdunarodnyi geol. kongress: Stratigrafiya i
korrelyatsiya dokembriya). Moscow 1960. roy.8. 148 p., 1 pl., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin
nomenclature and with summaries in English. €14.00
Deals with Spores.
Congress.- 21st Int. Geol. Congress. Reports of Soviet Geologists. Pr. 12: Regional
Paleogeography. Ed. by A.V. Khabakov. (Mezhdun. Geol. Kongress. 21 Sessiya. Doklady Sov.
Geol.: Regionalnaya paleogeografiya). Moscow 1960. roy.8. 192 p., num. figs. With summaries in
English. €11.35
Cont.: Paleogeography and history of Graptolithic facies of the Arctic part of the USSR.-
Paleogeography of the USSR during the Carboniferous.- Mesozoic Paleogeography of Asia.- The
Ferghana Gulf of the Paleogene Sea, its history, sediments, fauna and flora, their environment
and evolution.- a.o.
Congress.- 23rd International Geological Congress. Reports of Soviet geologists. Problem
9: Stratigraphy of Central European Lower Paleozoic. Ed. by B.S. Sokolov. (Mezhdunarodnyi
geol. kongress). Moscow 1968. roy.8. 158 p., 5 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With summaries in English
and with Latin nomenclature. €10.20
Congress.- 28th Session of the International Geological Congress, Wash. 1989. Reports of
Soviet Geologists: Quaternary Period. Stratigraphy. Ed. by M.N. Alekseev & K.V. Nikiforova.
(Mezhdun. geol. kongr. 28 sessiya. Doklady Sov. Geol.: Chetvertichnyi Period. Stratigrafiya).
Moscow 1989. 224 p., num. figs. & tabs. With summaries in English. €18.15
Cont.: Quaternary climatostratigraphy and geochronology.- New sections of Mikulian sequences
in central Russian plain.- Pliocene-Quaternary stratigraphy of the Baikal basin and major
geological events.- Quaternary stratigraphy of the Novosibirsk Islands.- Holocene ecostratigraphy
and palaeogeography of the North Bering Sea shelf based on foraminifera, spores and pollen.-
Congress.- Reports of Soviet Geologists for the 28th Int. Geological Congress in Washington,
July 1989: Sedimentary cover of the Earth in space and time. Stratigraphy and Paleontology.
Ed. by B.S. Sokolov. (Dokl. Sov. Geol. na 28 ses. Mezhdun. Geol. Kongr.: Osadochnaya
obolochka zemli v prostranstve i vremeni: Stratigrafiya i Paleontologiya). Moscow 1989. 174 p.,
num. figs. & tabs. W. summaries in English. €16.50
Cont.: V.Yu. Dmitriev. On the diversification of Phanerozoic marine animals.- T.N. Koren. Biocrisis
of Ashgill graptolites.- G.A. Afanasyeva. Specialization in Brachiopod evolution.- L.A. Nevesskaya
et al. Homeomorphous molluscan faunas of Late Cenozoic basins of Paratethys and their origin.-
Congress.- For the 28th International Geological Congress, Wash. 1989: Quaternary Age:
Palaeogeography and Lithology. Ed. by A.L. Yanshin & A.V. Golbert. (K 28 Mezhdun. Geol.
Kongr.: Chetvertichnyi Period: Paleogeografiya i litologiya). Kishinev 1989. roy.8. 252 p., num.
figs. & tabs. Bound. With Latin nomenclature & with summaries in English. €22.70
Cont.: A. Svitoch. Paleogeographic scales of pleistocene.- O.M. Adamenko et al. An experience
of Anthropogenic climate reconstruction in the south of Moldavia utilizing the methods of
palynology and geochemistry.- V. Pokatilov et al. Eopleistocene terraces of Dniester basin and
their paleogeography.- a.o.
Congress.- Trudy of the V & Vith Session of the All-Union Paleontological Society: The
significance of the Biosphere in geological processes.- Questions of the interconnection of
paleontology and tectonics. Ed. by A.M. Obut. (Trudy V i VI sess. Vses. Pal. Obshch.: Znachenie
biosfery v geologicheskikh protsessakh.- Voprosy vzaimosvyazi paleontologii i tektoniki). Moscow
1962. roy.8. 248 p., 5 pls., num. figs. & tabs. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €19.50
Cont.: Algae-rockforming organisms.- The connection of reef massifs of the Urals with tectonic
structures.- Trilobites.- Graptolites.- Spirophyton.- Microfauna.- Elasmobranchi.- a.o.
Congress.- Trudy of the XXVth session of the All-Union Paleontological Society: Paleontology
and evolution of the Biosphere. Ed. by A.N. Oleinikov. (Paleontologiya i evolyutsiya biosfery;
Trudy XXV sessii Vses. Pal. Obshch.). Leningrad 1983. 152 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin
nomenclature. €14.00
Congress.- Trudy of the 27th Session of the All-Union Paleontological Society: The Role of
Paleontology in the development of native Geology. Ed. by M.V. Kulikova & V.S. Belenkova.
(Trudy 27 Sessii Vses. Pal. Obshch.: Rol Paleontologii v razvitii otechestvennoi geologii).
Leningrad 1985. 180 p., 3 figs., 1 tab. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Congress.- Trudy of the 28th Session of the All-Union Paleontological Society: Paleontology
and detailed stratigraphic correlation. Ed. by G.Ya. Krymgolts and V.S. Belenkova. (Trudy 28
Sessii Vses. Pal. Obshch.: Paleontologiya i detalnaya stratigraficheskaya korrelyatsiya).
Leningrad 1986. 128 p., figs., tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.00
Deals with descr. of Ostracoda, Graptolites, Freshwater Mollusks; Ostrea.
Congress.- Trudy of the 29th Session of the All-Union Paleontological Society: Paleontology
and reconstruction of geological history of paleobasins. Ed. by T.N. Bogdanova & L.I. Khozatsky.
(Trudy 29 Sessii Vses. Pal. Obshch.: Paleontologiya i rekonstruktsiya geologicheskoi istorii
paleobasseinov). Leningrad 1987. 198 p., num. figs. With Latin nomenclature and English
annotation. €15.90
Congress.- Trudy of the 31st Session of the All-Union Paleontological Society: Formation
and evolution of continental biotas. Ed. by T.N. Bogdanova & M.V. Oshurkova. (Trudy 31 Sessii
Vses. Pal. Obshch.: Stanovlenie i evolyutsiya kontientalnykh biot). Leningrad 1988. 232 p., num.
figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature & with English annotation. €16.50
Cont.: O. Betekhtina. Major stages in the history of evolution and dispersion of non-marine bivalve
mollusks in Late Paleozoic.- E. Guseva & V. Gorsky. The process of transformation of marine
ostracods into freshwater ones.- N. Petrosyan. Late Devonian flora of Northern Timan.- a.o.
Congress.-Proceedings of the 35th Session of the All-Union Paleontological Society, Jan.
1989, Leningrad: Phylogenetical aspects of the Paleontology. Ed. by T.N. Bogdanova & L.I.
Khozatsky. (Trudy 35 sessii VPO: Filogeneticheskie aspekty paleontologii). St. Petersb. 1993. 232
p., 10 pls., num. figs. With summaries in English and Latin nomenclature. €15.00
Cont.: Horizons of paleontology.- Phylogenetic grounds of the first zonal schemes (80‘s of the XIX
cent.-30‘s of the XX cent.).- Evolution of ceratoliths (Nannoplankton) and problems of the
Miocene-Pliocene biostratigraphy and biochronology.- Phylogenetic criterion in the assessment of
the taxonomic significance of features exemplified by foraminifers and rodeopterids.- New data on
phylogeny of Late Paleozoic tetracorals of suborder Caniniina.- Genus Belbekella Moissev, 1939
(Brachiopods), ites composition and evolution.- Lower cretaceous Bivalves of the genus Neithea
in Central Asia.- Evolution of conodont genus Pterospathodus and the Celloni and Amorphognatoides
zones in the Estonian Silurian.- Ceratodontoidei.- Extinct deer.- Florogenesis.- Charophytes.-
Palynology.- Crinoids.- Gastropods.- Echinoid.
Congress.- Thesis of Reports of the 27th Session of the All-Union Paleontological Society,
26-30 Jan. 1981: The Role of Paleontology in the development of native geology. Ed. by N.V.
Kruchinina. (Rol paleontologii v razvitii otechestvennoi geologii. Tezisy dokladov 27 sess. Vses.
Pal. Obshch.). Leningrad 1981. 88 p. €4.55
Congress.- Thesis of Reports of the 30th Session of the All-Union Paleontological Society,
23-27 Jan. 1984: The imprints of life and the environmental dynamics in ancient biotopes. Ed. by
N.V. Kruchinina & T.L. Modzalevskaya. (Sledy zhizni i dinamika sredy v drevnikh biotopakh.
Tezisy dokladov 30 sessii Vses. Pal. Obshch.). Lvov 1984. 86 p. With Latin nomenclature. €3.40
Congress.- Thesis of reports of the 32nd Session of the All-Union Paleontological Society:
The most important biotic events in the history of the Earth. Ed. by N.V. Kruchinina & T.L.
Modzalevskaya. (Tezisy dokl. XXXII sess. VPO: Vazneishie bioticheskie sobytiya v istorii Zemli).
Tallinn 1986. 73 p. With Latin nomenclature. €4.55
Congress.- Thesis of Reports of the 37th Session of the All-Union Paleontological Society,
28 Jan.-1 Feb. 1991: Reconstruction of ecosystems and the evolution. Ed. by N.V. Kruchinina &
T.L. Modzalevskaya. (Ekosistemnye perestroiki i evolyutsiya. Tez. dokladov 37 Sess. Vses. Pal.
Obshch.). Leningrad 1991. 77 p. €6.80
Congress.- Thesis of Reports of the 38th Session of the All-Union Paleontological Society,
28 Jan.-1 Feb. 1992, Novosibirsk: Paleontology and correlation of heteroprovincial and polyfacial
deposits. (Tezisy dokladov 38 sessii Vsesoyuznogo paleontologicheskogo obshchestva:
Paleontologiya i korrelyatsiya raznoprovintsialnykh i polifatsialnykh otlozhenii). Novosibirsk 1991.
110 p. With Latin nomenclature. €9.10
Continental Paleogene and Neogene of the North-East of the USSR. Pt. 3: Chukotka. Ed. by
V.I. Volobueva. (Kontinentalnyi paleogen i neogen severo-vostoka SSSR). Magadan 1988. 78 p.,
3 figs., 1 tab. With Latin nomenclature. €7.00
Deals with new material on Palynostratigraphy.
Dagis A.A. Early Triassic Conodonts of northern Middle Siberia. (Rannetriasovye konodonty
severa srednei Sibiri). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 554) 1984. 71 p., 16 pls., 1 fig., 3
tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €9.50
Dagis A.S. Jurassic and Early Cretaceous Brachiopoda of North Siberia. (Yurskie i rannemelovye
brakhiopody severa Sibiri). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 41) 1968. roy.8. 169 p., 26 pls.,
81 figs., 2 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Dagis A.S. (Ed.) Triassic Bio- & Lithostratigraphy of Siberia. (Bio- i litostratigrafiya triasa Sibiri).
(Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 462) 1982. 88 p., 4 pls., 2 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €10.50
Cont.: The Oldest Olenekian Conodonts of Northern Siberia.- The first occurrence of the genus
Streblopteria in Triassic of Northern Siberia.- On the investigation of the Triassic flora of Eastern
Taimyr.- On subdivision of Carnian zone Protrachyceras seimkanense.- a.o.
Dagis A.S. Triassic Brachiopoda. (Morphology, classification, phylogeny, stratigraphical
significance and biogeography). (Triasovye brakhiopody). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz.,
214) 1974. roy.8. 385 p., 49 pls., 171 figs., 3 tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €31.50
Dagis A.S. The Upper Triassic Brachiopoda in the South of the USSR. (Verkhnetriasovye
brakhiopody yuga SSSR). Moscow 1963. roy.8. 278 p., 31 pls., 106 figs. H.cloth. With Latin
nomenclature. € 12.50
Dagis A.S. & A.B. Ivanovsky (Ed.) Morphological and phylogenetical problems of Paleontology.
(Morfologicheskie i filogeneticheskie voprosy paleontologii). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz.,
112) 1972. roy.8. 132 p., 10 pls., 58 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Deals with problems of detailed morphology of the skeletal of various groups of Paleozoic and
Mesozoic animals: Calophyllum profundum, Stromatoporoidea, Terebratulida, non-marine
Bivalvia, Neurodontiformes, Arctichnus, Pentamerinae, Retziinae, Trachyporidae, Atrypa,
Rotundostrophia Gratz.
Dagis A.S. & A.M. Kazakov. Stratigraphy, Lithology and cyclic recurrence of the Triassic of the
North of Central Siberia. (Stratigrafiya, litologiya i tsiklichnost triasovykh otlozhenii severa Srednei
Sibiri). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 586) 1984. roy.8. 176 p., 28 figs., 4 tabs. H.cloth.
With Latin nomenclature. €21.00
Deals with descr. of Foraminifera, Brachiopoda, Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Orthoceratoids and
Nautiloids, Conodonts, Flora.
Danilovsky I.V. Geological structure of the basin of the Lovat within the limits of sheet 27 of the
10-verst geological map. (Geologicheskoe stroenie basseina reki Lovati v predelakh 27-go lista
10-verstnoi geologicheskoi karty). (Moscow, Trudy Glavn. Geol.-Razved. Upravl. VSNKh SSSR,
125) 1931. roy.8. 120 p., 1 map, 25 figs. With Latin nomenclature & summary in English. €11.35
Deals with land mollusks, Gastropoda and Brachiopoda, Ichthyodorulites, a.o.
Danukalova G.A. Bivalves and Aktschagylian stratigraphy. (Dvustvorchatye mollyuski i stratigrafiya
akchagyla). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 265) 1996. roy.8. 132 p., 24 pls., 23 figs., 8 tabs. With
Latin nomenclature & English annotation. €14.00
Datsenko V.A., I.T. Zhuravleva, N.P. Lazarenko, Yu. N. Popov, N.E. Chernysheva. Biostratigraphy
and fauna of the Cambrian deposits of the northwestern Siberian Platform. (Biostratigrafiya
i fauna kembriiskikh otlozhenii severo-zapada Sibirskoi platformy). With appendix: Atlas of
stratigraphical columus and schemes. (Leningrad, Trudy NIIGA, 155)1968. roy.8. and fol. 214 p.,
23 pls., 65 figs , appendix 42 p. Cloth and wrs.
Described are Archacocyatha, new Trilobita, Scyphomedusae €19.50
Davitashvili, L. Sh. Cours of Paleontology. Moscow/Leningrad 1941. roy.8. 573 p., portr., 781
figs. Cloth. – With Latin name index. – Waterstained. €10.00
Davitashvili L.Sh. Evolution of the conditions of accumulation of combustible minerals in
connection with the development of the organic world. (Evolyutsiya uslovii nakopleniya goryuchikh
iskopaemykh). Moscow 1971. 296 p., 17 figs. Cloth. With Latin name index. €10.20
Davitashvili L.Sh. Variation of organisms in the past geological times. (Izmenchivost organizmov
v geologicheskom proshlom). Tbilisi 1970. roy.8. 255 p., 18 pls., 55 figs. Cloth. With Latin name
index & with summary in English. €16.00
Deals with Foraminifera, Bivalvia, Gastropoda, Pelecypoda, Fishes, Reptiles, Mammals, a.o.
Davitashvili L.Sh. & R.L. Merklin (Ed.) Reference book on the ecology of marine Bivalvia. The
way of life of bivalve mollusks, belonging to the generic types in the marine and brackish water
deposits of the Cenozoic of the South of the USSR. (Spravochnik po ekologii morskikh dvustvorok).
Moscow 1966. 352 p., 117 figs. Cloth. With Latin name index. €12.50
Debrenne F., A.Yu. Zhuravlev & A.Yu. Rozanov. Regular archaeocyatha. (Pravilnye
arkheotsiaty). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 233) 1989. roy.8. 198 p., 32 pls., 70 figs., 7 tabs. In
Russian with Latin name index & English annotation. €27.50
The book presents a new system of regular archaeocyaths. Material on Archaeocyaths from all
over the world has been analysed.
Devyatova E.I. & E.I. Loseva. The Quaternary stratigraphy and paleogeography in the river
Mezen basin. (Stratigrafiya i paleogeografiya chetvertichnogo perioda v basseine r. Mezeni).
Leningrad 1964. roy.8. 106 p., 38 figs., 6 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Deals with Mollusks, Diatoms, Spore-Pollen.
Diatoms of the USSR. Fossil and Recent. Vol. 1. Ed. by A.I. Proshkina-Lavrenko. (Diatomovye
vodorosli SSSR). Leningrad 1974. roy.8. 403 p., 93 pls., 16 figs., 20 tabs. Cloth. With Latin
nomenclature. €32.00
Cont.: General knowledges about diatoms.- Survey of the diatom flora from the Mesozoic up to
Diatoms of the USSR: Fossil and Recent. Vol. 2, fasc. 1: Pyxidiculaceae, Thalassiosiropsidaceae,
Triceratiaceae, Thalassiosiraceae. Ed. by I.V. Makarova. (Diatomovye vodorosli SSSR:
Iskopaemye i sovremennye). Leningrad 1988. roy.8. 116 p., 60 pls., 7 figs. Bound. With Latin
name index. €18.50
Dikenshtein G.Kh. (Ed.) New data on the geology and oil & gas content of Central Asia. (Novye
dannye po geologii i neftegazonosnosti Srednei Azii). (Moscow, Trudy VNIGNI, 39) 1964. roy.8.
210 p., 7 pls., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €18.15
Cont.: Geological structure and perspectives of the oil & gas content of the Kirghizian SSR.-
Mesozoic of the Bairamal region.- Cretaceous of the Kushka region (with Spore-Pollen).-
Micropaleontological characteristics of the Oligocene and Lower Miocene of western Kopet-Dag,
North Karabugaz end mt. Mangyshlak (with Foraminifera).- a.o.
Dikenstein G.Kh. (Ed.) Some data on stratigraphy, lithology, tectonics, oil-gas content and
industrial geology of the Ukraine and Caucasus. (Nekotorye dannye po stratigrafii, litologii,
tektonike, nefte-gazonosnosti i promyslovoi geologii Ukrainy i Kavkaza). (Leningrad, Trudy
VNIGNI, 12) 1958. 424 p., 3 pls., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €13.65
Deals with descr. of Foraminifera, Ostracoda, Pelecypoda, Ammonites, Spore-Pollen, Flora.
Dmitrenko O.B. Biogeography of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans in the Cenozoic by Nannoplankton.
(Biogeografiya atlanticheskogo i indiiskogo okeanov v kainozoe po nanoplanktona).
Moscow 1993. roy.8. 175 p., 24 pls., 35 figs., 8 tabs. With Latin name list. €17.50
Dobrolyubova T.A. Form development at Lower Carboniferous Corals Lithostrotion and
Lonsdaleia in the light of the Michurin study. (Formoobrazovanie u nizhekamennougolnykh
korallov Lithostrotion i Lonsdaleia v svete michurinskogo izucheniya). (Moscow, ex. Izv. AN
SSSR, ser. Biol., no. 6) 1952. 16 p., 8 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €2.50
Dobrolyubova T.A., N.V. Kabakovich, I.I. Chudinova. Instruction for the collecting and study of
Paleozoic Corals. (Nastavlenie po sboru i izucheniyu paleozoiskikh korallov). (Moscow, Nast. po
sboru i izuch. iskop. organ. ostatkov, 9) 1964. 56 p., 6 pls., 41 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €6.80
Dodin A.L., V.N. Guryanova, V.K. Mankovsky et al. The Oka and Iya stratigraphical sections of
the Late Precambrian formation of eastern Sayan. (Okinskii i Iiskii stratigraficheskie razrezy
pozdnedokembriiskikh obrazovanii vostochnogo Sayana). (Moscow, Trudy VSEGEI, n.s., 179)
1971. roy.8. 196 p., 61 figs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €18.15
Deals with Merostomata, Riphean-Algal formation.
Dolnik T.A. & G.A. Vorontsova. Biostratigraphy of the Upper Precambrian and the Lower
Horizons of the Cambrian of the north-Baikalian and Patom Highlands. (Biostratigrafiya verkhnego
dokembriya i nizhnikh gorizontov kembriya severo-Baikalskogo i Patomskogo nagorii). Irkutsk
1974. roy.8. 96 p., 22 pls., 5 figs., 11 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Deals with Stromatolites & Microphytolites.
Doludenko M.P. & E.R. Orlovskaya. Jurassic flora of the Karatau. (Yurskaya flora Karatau).
(Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 284) 1976. roy.8. 262 p., 89 pls., 54 figs., 7 tabs. With Latin
nomenclature. €20.45
Doludenko M.P. & Ts.I. Svanidze. The late Jurassic flora of Georgia. (Pozdneyurskaya flora
Gruzii). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 178) 1969. roy.8. 118 p., 81 pls., 11 figs., 9 tabs. With Latin
nomenclature. €18.50
Dubatolov V.N. (Ed.) Pribalkhashye - transition zone of biogeographical belts of the Late
Carboniferous. (Pribalkhashye - perekhodnaya zona biogeograficheskikh poyasov pozdnego
karbona). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 285) 1976. roy.8. 164 p., 25 pls., 17 figs., 11 tabs.
With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Deals with 7 new species and subspecies of Foraminifera, 16 species of Crinoidea, 1 species of
Bryozoa, 6 species of Corals and 42 species of Pelecypoda.
Dubatolov V.N. Tabulata and biostratigraphy of the Lower Devonian of the North-East of the
USSR. (Tabulyaty i biostratigrafiya nizhnego devona severo-vostoka SSSR). (Moscow, Trudy Inst.
Geol. i Geofiz., 70) 1969. roy.8. 180 p., 67 pls., 46 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.35
Dubatolov V.N. Tabulata and biostratigraphy of Middle and Upper Devonian of Siberia. (Tabulyaty
i biostratigrafiya srednego i verkhnego devona Sibiri). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz.,
134) 1972. roy.8. 184 p., 30 pls., 9 figs., 13 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €13.75
Dubatolov V.N. Zoogeography of the Devonian seas of Eurasia. (Materials covering investigation
of Tabulata). (Zoogeografiya devonskikh morei Evrazii). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz.,
157) 1972. roy.8. 128 p., 3 figs., 30 tabs. With Latin nomenclature and English annotation. €14.00
Dubatolov V.N. & N.Ya. Spassky. Stratigraphy and geographical survey of the Devonian Corals
of the USSR. (Stratigraficheskii i geograficheskii obzor devonskikh korallov SSSR). Moscow 1964.
roy.8. 152 p., 11 pls., 5 figs., 21 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €12.50
Dubatolov V.N. & O.V. Yuferev (Eds.) Paleontology, Stratigraphy and Palaeobiogeography of
the Devonian and Carboniferous of Siberia. (Paleontologiya, stratigrafiya i paleobiogeografiya
devona i karbona Sibiri). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 259) 1975. roy.8. 66 p., 11 pls.,
figs., tabs. With Latin nomenclature & English annotation. €7.00
Deals with new data on Bashkirian Foraminifera; Elements of Australian fauna among Devonian
Brachiopoda of the Altai-Sayan region.- Lower Devonian Tabulata.- Foraminifera, non-marine
Duryagina D.A. & L.A. Konovalenko. Pleistocene Palynology of the North-East of the European
part of Russia. (Palinologiya pleistotsena severo-vostoka evropeiskoi chasti Rossii). St. Petersb.
1993. 124 p., 32 figs., 11 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €10.20
Dzyuba O.S. Belemnites (Cylindroteuthidae) and biostratigraphy of the Middle and Upper
Jurassic of Siberia. (Belemnity “Cylindroteuthidae” i biostratigrafiya srednei i verkhnei yury
Sibiri). Novosibirsk 2004. 4. 203 p., 23 pls., 25 figs., 54 tabs. Cloth. With Latin name index &
English annotation. €22.50
Eberzin A.G. The brackish water Cardiidae of the Pliocene of the USSR. Vol. 3: Prosodacna,
Prionopleura and Pachydacna. (Solonovatovodnye Kardiidy Pliotsena SSSR). (Moscow, Trudy
Pal. Inst., 74) 1959. roy.8. 198 p., 27 pls., 8 figs. With Latin name index. €10.50
Eberzin A.G. The brackish-water Cardiidae of the Pliocene of the USSR. Vol. 4: Genus Didacna
Eichwald: Subgen. Pontalmyra and Crassadacna. (Solonovatovodnye kardiidy pliotsena SSSR).
(Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 91) 1962. roy.8. 180 p., 29 pls., 2 figs., 3 tabs. With Latin name index. €6.80
Eberzin A.G. The brackish-water Cardiidae of the Pliocene of the USSR. Vol. 5: Pseudocatillus,
Didacnomya & Macradacna. (Solonovatovodnye kardiidy pliotsena SSSR). (Moscow, Trudy Pal.
Inst., 112) 1967. roy.8. 170 p., 18 pls., 11 figs., 11 tabs. With Latin name index. €6.80
Elkin E.A. Trilobites (Dechenellidae) and stratigraphy of the Lower and Middle Devonian of the
South of West Siberia. (Trilobity i stratigrafiya nizhnego i srednego devona yuga Zapadnoi Sibiri).
Moscow 1968. roy.8. 156 p., 13 pls., 43 figs., 10 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Eltysheva R.S. Ordovician and Silurian Crinoidea of the Siberian Platform. (Ordovikskie i
siluriiskie krinoidei Sibirskoi platformy). (Moscow, Trudy VSEGEI, n.s., 40) 1960. roy.8. 40 p., 6
pls. With Latin nomenclature. €3.50
Environment and Life at the Boundaries of Cenozoic Epochs in Siberia and Far East. Ed. by
S.B. Shatsky. (Sreda i zhizn na rubezhakh epokh kainozoya v Sibiri i na Dalnem Vostoke).
(Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 593) 1984. roy.8. 200 p., 8 pls., num. figs. & tabs.
H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature and English annotation. €20.45
Environment and Life in the Geological Past. (vol. 10): Aspects of evolution of organisms and
the environment. Ed. by O.A. Betekhtina & I.T. Zhuravleva. (Sreda i zhizn v geologicheskom
proshlom: Aspekty evolyutsii organizmov i sredy). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz. SO AN
SSSR, 764) 1990. roy.8. 134 p., 16 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €16.00
Deals with Trilobites, Graptolites, Stromatoporoidea, Ostracoda, Bivalvia, Camasiidae.
Environment and Life in the Geological Past: Palaeobiocoenosis and conditions of sedimentation.
Ed. by O.A. Betekhtina & I.T. Zhuravleva. (Sreda i zhizn v geologicheskom proshlom).
(Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. geol. i Geofiz., 360) 1977. roy.8. 148 p., 34 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With
Latin nomenclature. €16.00
Deals with Devonian Brachiopoda and Stromatoporoides; Ordovician Brachiopoda; Cretaceous
Bivalvia, Late Permian non-marine Bivalves, Cretaceous Gastropoda, Rock-forming Algae.
Environment and Life in the Geological Past: Palaeoecological Problems. Ed. by O.A.
Betekhtina & I.T. Zhuravleva. (Sreda i zhizn v geologicheskom proshlom). (Novosibirsk, Trudy
Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 84) 1974. roy.8. 258 p., 39 pls., num. figs. & tabs. H.cloth. With Latin
nomenclature. €18.50
Deals with Early Cambrian Algae, Early Cambrian Trilobites, Devonian Bivalvia, Holocene
benthos Foraminifera, Late Paleozoic Foraminifera, Jurassic and Early Chalk-Sea Taxodonts,
Early and Middle Devonian Schuchertella, Ordovician Ostracoda, Conodonts.
Environment and Life in the Geological Past: Paleolandscapes and biofacies. Ed. by O.A.
Betekhtina & I.N. Zhuravleva. (Sreda i zhizn v geologicheskom proshlom: Paleolandshafty i
biofatsii). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 510) 1982. roy.8. 192 p., 31 pls., num. figs. &
tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €21.50
Deals with: Devonian Brachiopoda.- Olenelloidea.- Hyolithida, Stromatoporates.- Tabulata,
Archaeocyatha, a.o.
Environment and Life in the Geological Past: Paleolandscapes of the seas and continents. Ed.
by O.A. Betekhtina & I.T. Zhuravleva. (Sreda i zhizn v geologicheskom proshlom: Paleolandshafty
morei i kontinentov). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz. SO AN SSSR, 686) 1987. roy.8. 144
p., 8 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €16.00
Deals with descr. of Early Cambrian Trilobites; Brachiopoda; Late Devonian sedimentative basins
of Siberian Platform; To the developmental history of landscapes in the Late Paleozoic of South
Ferghana; Psyllomorpha; a.o.
Erbaeva M.A. History of the Anthropogene fauna of Lagomorpha and Rodentia of the Selenga
highland. (Istoriya antropogenovoi fauny zaitseobraznykh i gryzunov Selenginskogo srednegorya).
Moscow 1970. 132 p., 24 pls., 2 figs., 17 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €6.80
Essays on the Geology of Siberia. Pt. 14: I.I. Katushenok & A.F. Kalmykov. Stratigraphy and
tectonics of the ancient Paleozoic of the Lena-Ilim divide.- (&): A.I. Levenko, I.V. Luchitsky & M.S.
Nagibina. Stratigraphy and tectonics of the ancient Paleozoic Angara-Ilim divide. (Ocherki po
Geologii Sibiri). Moscow 1950. roy.8. 91 p., 22 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €10.00
Essays on the Geology of Siberia. Pt. 15: N.S. Zaitsev & N.V. Pokrovskaya. The Lower
Paleozoic stratigraphy and tectonics of the middle course of the Lena.- (&): Yu.P. Ivensen & S.A.
Salun. Stratigraphy and tectonics of the north-eastern margin of the Patom Highlands. (Ocherki
po geologii Sibiri). Moscow 1950. roy.8. 75 p., 15 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature.
Fedorov P.V. The Ponto-Caspian Pleistocene. (Pleistotsen Ponto-Kaspiya). (Moscow, Trudy
Geol. Inst., 310) 1978. roy.8. 166 p., 32 figs., 5 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.75
Deals also with the fossil Mollusks.
Fedorov P.V. Stratigraphy of Quaternary deposits on the Crimean-Caucasian coast and certain
problems in the geological history of the Black Sea. (Stratigrafiya chetvertichnykh otlozhenii
Krymsko-Kavkazskogo poberezhya i nekotorye voprosy geologicheskoi istorii Chernogo morya).
(Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 88) 1963. roy.8. 160 p., 82 figs., 5 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Fedorovsky V.S. Stratigraphy of the Lower Proterozoic of the Kodar and Udokan ranges (East
Siberia). (Stratigrafiya nizhnego proterozoya khrebtov Kodar i Udokan). (Moscow, Trudy Geol.
Inst., 236) 1972. roy.8. 130 p., 1 pl., 17 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
One article deals with Stromatolites.
Fedotov, V.F. The Gadidae of the Paleogene-Neogene from the USSR (Treskovye Paleogen-Neogenovykh otlozhenii SSSR). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 157)1976. roy.8. 84 p., 7 pls., 24 figs., 6 tabs. - In Russian with Latin nomenclature. 12.50
Florensov N.A. (Ed.) Biostratigraphical and paleogeographical questions of the Siberian Platform
(Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic). (Voprosy biostratigrafii i paleogeografii Sibirskoi platformy).
Moscow 1969. roy.8. 120 p., 12 pls., 22 figs., 14 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €9.10
Deals with Spore-Pollen and vegetation.
Fonin V.D. Taenial Archaeocyatha from the Altai-Sayan folded region. (Tenialnye arkheotsiaty
Altae-Sayanskoi skladchatoi oblasti). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 209) 1985. roy.8. 144 p., 32 pls.,
24 figs., 2 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €16.00
Deals with 53 species, 28 are new.
Fotieva, N.N. Classification key of the Brachiopoda of the boundary deposits of the Devonian and Carboniferous.(Opredelitel brakhiopod pogranichnykh otlozhenii Devona i Karbona). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 212)1985. roy.8. 80 p., 8 pls., 12 figs, 1 tab. - In Russian with Latin nomenclature. 12.50
Deals with 89 species from the southern part of the Timan-Pechora province and of the western slope of the Urals.
Fradkina A.F. The Neogene Palynoflora of the North-East of Asia (Yakutiya, Priokhotye,
Chukotka and Kamchatka). (Palinoflory neogena severo-vostoka Azii). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol.
i Geofiz., 523) 1983. 224 p., 8 pls., 24 figs., 33 tabs. With Latin nomenclature & English annotation.
Fradkina A.F. Palynostratigraphy of the Paleogene and Neogene of the North-East of Russia.
(Palinostratigrafiya paleogenovykh i neogenovykh otlozhenii Severo-Vostoka Rossii).(Novosibirsk,
Trudy Ob. Inst. Geol., Geofiz. i Min., 806) 1996. 82 p., 16 pls., 9 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €10.50
Fundamentals of Paleontology. (Osnovy Paleontologii). Vol. 14: Algae, Bryopsida, Psilophytales,
Lycopsida, Arthropsida and Filices. Ed. by V.A. Vakhrameev, G.P. Radchenko, A.L.
Takhtadzhan. Moscow 1963. 4. 698 p., 56 pls., 1018 figs. Cloth. With Latin name index. €60.85
Fursenko A.V. (Ed.) Cenozoic biostratigraphy, fauna and flora of the north-western part of the
Pacific mobile belt. (Biostratigrafiya, fauna i flora kainozoya severo-zapadnoi chasti
tikhookeanskogo podvizhnogo poyasa). Moscow 1969. roy.8. 184 p., 4 pls., num. figs. & tabs.
With Latin nomenclature. €17.50
Deals with Foraminifera, Spore-Pollen, Mollusks, Flora and other fossils.
Fursenko A.V. (Ed.) General questions on the study of the microfauna of Siberia, the Far East
and of other regions. (Obshchie voprosy izucheniya mikrofauny Sibiri, Dalnego Vostoka i drugikh
raionov). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 71) 1970. roy.8. 176 p., 25 pls., num. figs. & tabs.
With Latin nomenclature. €18.50
Deals with systematics, ecology and stratigraphical distribution of Foraminifera, Ostracoda and
Conodonts and the boundary problem between Silurian and Devonian, Devonian and Carboniferous.
Fursenko A.V. Introduction in the study of Foraminifera. (Vvedenie v izuchenie foraminifer).
(Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 391) 1978. roy.8. 242 p., 59 figs., 6 tabs. Cloth. With
Latin nomenclature. €22.70
Fursenko A.V. (Ed.) Problems of Foraminifera’s Biogeography and Ecology. (Voprosy biogeografii
i ekologii foraminifer). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 62) 1973. roy.8. 220 p., 34
pls., num. figs. & tabs. H.cloth. With Latin name index. €18.50
Deals with Neogene, Quaternary and recent Foraminifera of the Far East. Descr. are 76 species,
9 are new.
Garetsky R.G. The depth-geology of the kokpektinskaya anticline in Mugodzhar region.
(Glubinnaya geologiya kokpektinskoi antiklinali v Primugodzharye). (Moscow, ex. Byull. M. O-va
Isp. Prirody, otd. Geol., vol. 32, pt. 6) 1957. 31 p., 6 figs., 5 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €
Deals with descr. of Spore-Pollen, Foraminifera.
Garetsky R.G. (Ed.) Paleontology and its role in the knowledge of the geological structure of
Byelorussia. (Paleontologiya i ee rol v poznanii geologicheskogo stroeniya territorii Belorussii).
Minsk 1986. roy.8. 254 p., 7 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €18.15
Deals with Bryozoa, Brachiopoda, Coelenterata, Mollusks, Foraminifera, Ostracoda, small
mammals; Acritarcha, Algae, Diatoms, Palynological data, flora.
Garunkshtis A.A. (Ed.) Stratigraphy of the Quaternary deposits and the paleogeography of the
Anthropogen of south-eastern Lithuania. (Stratigrafiya chetvertichnykh otlozhenii i paleogeografiya
antropogena yugo-vostochnoi Litvy). (Vilnius, Trudy Geol. Inst., 2) 1965. roy.8. 424 p., num.
figs. & tabs. H.cloth. With summary in Lithuanian and German. €11.35
Cont.: Stratigraphical separation of the Pleistocene deposits in the south-eastern part of Lithuania
by palynological data.- Distribution of pollen in the surface layer of lacustrine deposits of
Lithuania.- Some problems on the stratigraphy and paleogeography of the Holocene in southeastern
Lithuania. a.o.
Gasanov T.A. Middle Jurassic of Azerbaidzhan. (Srednyaya yura Azerbaidzhana). Baku 1973.
166 p., 23 figs., 10 tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €7.50
Deals with Ammonites, Belemnites, Bivalvia.
Gekker R.F. (Ed.) Organisms and environment in the geological past. (Organizm i sreda v
geologicheskom proshlom). Moscow 1966. roy.8. 268 p., 1 portr., 26 pls., num. figs. Cloth. With
Latin nomenclature. €13.75
Deals with Agnatha, Trilobita, Brachiopoda, Bivalvia, Archaeocyatha, a.o.
Gekker R.F., A.I. Osipova & T.N. Belskaya. The Ferghana Bay of the Paleogene Sea of Central
Asia, its history, sediments, fauna, flora, conditions of existence and the development. Pt. 1.
(Ferganskii zaliv paleogenovogo morya Srednei Azii). Moscow 1962. roy.8. 335 p., 22 pls., 89
figs., 26 tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €15.00
Cont.: History of study and the stratigraphy of the Ferghanian Paleogene.- Facial complexes,
types of sediments, their origin and the fauna and flora connected with them.- Paleogeography,
developmental history of the Ferghanian Bay in the Paleogene, distribution and change in the bay
of fauna and flora.
General Questions of Evolutionary Paleobiology. (Obshchie voprosy evolyutsionnoi paleobiologii).
Pt. 8. Tbilisi 1975. 90 p. With Latin nomenclature and with summaries in English. €2.30
Cont.: Present-day status of problems of Monophyly and Polyphyly.- Relics in the Early and
Middle Pliocene floras of Western Georgia.- Middle Miocene relics in Sarmatian Molluscan fauna.-
On the problem of origin and phylogenetic development of Kosmoceratids.- On the genesis of the
Maeotian marine molluscan fauna.
Geological Collection. Vol. 2 (Geologicheskii Sbornik). (Leningrad, Trudy VNIGRI, 95) 1956.
532 p., num. figs. and tabs. Cloth. – With Latin nomenclature. €9.50
Articles by E.I. Sokolova / I.E.Turishchev / S.N. Simakov a.o.
Geological Collection. Vol. 3. Ed. by R.I. Shishchenko. (Geologicheskii Sbornik). (Moscow,
Trudy KF VNII, 3) 1960. 272 p., 5 pls., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €11.35
Cont.: Rostovtsev: To the question about the Triassic stratigraphy of the western Caucasus (with
descr. of fossils).- Grossgeim et al.: Key section of Maikop of the river Laba basin (with descr. of
its fossils).- Buryak: The Miocene of Eastern Kuban (with its fossils).- Bogdanovich: About new
and little-known species of Foraminifera from the Miocene of the western Fore-Caucasus.- And
other geological articles.
Geology of the shelf of the Ukrainian SSR: Stratigraphy (Shelf and Coasts of the Black Sea).
Ed. by Yu.V. Teslenko. (Geologiya shelfa USSR: Stratigrafiya). Kiev 1984. roy.8. 184 p., 20 figs.
Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €21.00
Geology & Useful Minerals of Siberia. Vol. I: Stratigraphy and Paleontology. Ed. by A.R.
Ananyev. (Geologiya i poleznye iskopaemye Sibiri). Tomsk 1974. 185 p., figs. & tabs. With Latin
nomenclature. €14.00
Deals with Flora, Tabulata, Rugosa, Brachiopoda, Stromatolites, Stromatoporoidea, a.o.
Gerasimov I.P. (Ed.) Quaternary stratigraphy and the latest tectonics of the Caspian Lowland.
(Stratigrafiya chetvertichnykh otlozhenii i noveishaya tektonika Prikaspiiskoi nizmennosti).
Moscow 1953. Roy.8. 132 p., 20 pls., num. figs. & tabs. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €10.20
Deals mainly with mollusks (Didacna Eichwald) and paleobotanical data (Pollen-Spores).
Giterman R.E. The developmental stages of the Quaternary vegetation of Yakutia and its
significance for the stratigraphy. (Etapy razvitiya chetvertichnoi rastitelnosti Yakutii i ikh znachenie
dlya stratigrafii). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 78) 1963. roy.8. 192 p., 12 pls., 65 figs., 67 tabs.
With Latin nomenclature. €9.10
Deals also with Spore-Pollen.
Gladenkov Yu.B. Marine Upper Cenozoic of the northern regions. (Morskoi verkhnii kainozoi
severnykh raionov). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst. AN SSSR, 313) 1978. roy.8. 194 p., 39 figs., 36
tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €21.00
Deals also with a comparison of ancient complexes of mollusks of the Atlantic and Pacific.
Gladenkov Yu.B. The Neogene of Kamchatka. (Problems of Biostratigraphy and Paleoecology).
(Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 214) 1972. roy.8. 252 p., 8 pls., 48 figs., 37 tabs. Cloth. With Latin
nomenclature. €20.50
Deals mainly with Yoldia.
Gladenkov Yu.B. & E.V. Devyatkin (Eds.) Detailed division of the Neogene of Kamchatka.
(Detalnoe raschlenenie neogena Kamchatki). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst. RAN, 478) 1992. roy.8.
207 p., 60 pls., 25 figs., 7 tabs. With Latin nomenclature and summary in English. €16.50
Deals with Mollusks (Bivalvia, Gastropoda), Foraminifera, Diatoms, Radiolaria, Palynology.
Golbert A.V. Principles of regional Paleoclimatology. (Osnovy regionalnoi paleoklimatologii).
Moscow 1987. 222 p., 22 figs., 14 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Climates of the Jurassic, Cretaceous and Paleogene of the largest geological regions of Siberia;
evolution of paleoclimates of Siberia in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic.
Golbert A.V., L.G. Markova, I.D. Polyakova et al. Paleolandscapes of West Siberia in the
Jurassic, Cretaceous and Paleogene. (Paleolandshafty zapadnoi Sibiri v yure, melu i paleogene).
Moscow 1968. roy.8. 152 p., 13 col. maps, 19 figs., 12 fold. schemes on floristic data. Cloth. With
Latin nomenclature. €16.50
Golovenok C.K. (Comp.) Selection of flints from Precambrian calcareous rocks for the study of
ancient microfossils. Methodical recomendations. (Otbor kremnei iz dokembriiskikh karbonatnykh
porod dlya izucheniya drevnikh mikrofossilii). Leningrad 1989. 26 p., 10 figs. With Latin nomenclature.
Golubev S.N. Real crystals in the skeletous of Coccolithophorids. (Realnye kristally v skeletakh
kokkolitoforid). Moscow 1981. 162 p., 17 figs., 32 pls. With Latin nomenclature. €14.75
Golubeva L.V. & L.P. Karaulova. Vegetation and climatostratigraphy of the Pleistocene and
Holocene of the south of the Far East of the USSR. (Rastitelnost i klimatostratigrafiya pleistotsena
i golotsena yuga Dalnego Vostoka SSSR). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst. AN SSSR, 366) 1983.
roy.8. 143 p., 42 figs., 3 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €16.00
Goncharova I.A. Bivalve mollusks of Tarkhanian and Chokrakian basins. (Dvustvorchatye
mollyuski Tarkhanskogo i Chokrakskogo basseinov). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 234) 1989. roy.8.
200 p., 24 pls., 6 figs., 3 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €22.70
Gor Yu.G. Stratigraphy and flora of the Upper Paleozoic coal-bearing deposits of the Norilsk
region. (Stratigrafiya i flora verkhnepaleozoiskikh uglenosnykh otlozhenii Norilskogo raiona).
(Leningrad, Trudy NII Geol. Arktiki, 147) 1965. roy.8. 140 p., 10 pls., 2 figs., 2 tabs. Cloth. With
Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Goretsky G.I. The Alluvium of the great anthropogenous pre-rivers of the Russian Plain: The prerivers
of the Kama basin. (Allyuvii velikikh antropogenovykh prarek Russkoi ravniny: Prareki
Kamskogo basseina). Moscow 1964. roy.8. 415 p., 112 figs., 111 tabs. Cloth. With Latin
nomenclature. €15.90
Deals also with its flora and palynological data.
Goretsky G.I. (Ed.) The Cenozoic paleogeography of Byelorussia. (Paleogeografiya kainozoya
Belorussii). Minsk 1989. roy.8. 175 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Deals with descr. of Ostracoda, paleoentomofauna, Diatoms, Spore-Pollen, flora.
Goretsky G.I. (Ed.) Fauna and Flora of Simbugino. (Key sections of the Akchagyl and Apsheron
of Bashkiria). (Fauna i flora Simbugino). Moscow 1977. roy.8. 234 p., 56 pls., 24 figs., 13 tabs.
With Latin nomenclature. €17.50
Deals with: Flora, Ostracoda, Molluscs, Small Mammals.
Goretsky G.I. Paleopotamological studies of the Paleo-Don and the Pre-Don.
(Paleopotamologicheskie eskizy Paleo-Dona i Pra-Dona). Minsk 1982. roy.8. 248 p., 29 figs., 20
tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €24.00
Goryunova R.V. Morphology, system and phylogeny of Bryozoa (Rhabdomesida). (Morfologiya,
sistema i filogeniya mshanok). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 208) 1985. 152 p., 16 pls., 56 figs., 5
tabs. With Latin name index. €17.00
Deals with 3 suborders, 2 are new; 13 families, 9 are new; 11 subfamilies, 9 are new; 45 genera,
6 are new; 41 new species.
Goryunova R.V. Phylogeny of the Paleozoic Bryozoans. (Filogeniya paleozoiskikh mshanok).
(Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 267) 1996. roy.8. 165 p., 48 pls., 45 figs., 15 tabs. with Latin name
index & English annotation. €21.00
Goryunova, R.V. & L.A. Nevesskaya. Fossil cephalopods: Evolutionary trends and systematics of some groups. (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 243)1990. roy.8. 136 p., 10 pls., many figs. - In Russian with Latin name-index. €15.00
Processes of convergence in cephalopods history, paths of evolution, morphology, systematics and biogeography of orthoceratiods, bactritoids and ammonoids are reviewed.
Gramm M.N. (Ed.) Morphology and Systematics of Soviet Far East fossil Invertebrates.
(Morfologiya i sistematika iskopaemykh bespozvonochnykh Dalnego Vostoka). (Vladivostok,
Trudy Biol.-Pochv. Inst., 42) 1976. roy.8. 86 p., 25 pls., num. figs. With Latin nomenclature &
summaries in English. €14.00
Deals with: Early Carboniferous Rugosa; New Visean Neokolymophyllum; Oldest Syringoporids;
New Upper Permian Amplexoporoidea; New Middle Jurassic Mytilocerams; Arcidae; Early
Triassic Pachyproptychites; Triassic Pearylandites; Permian Heterelasminidae; New genus of
Permian Basiliolacea.
Gramm M.N. (Ed.) Paleozoological Articles: Problems on evolutional morphology od some fossil
Invertebrates. (Paleozoologicheskii Sbornik: Materialy po evolyutsionnoi morfologii iskopaemykh
bespozvonochnykh). (Vladivostok, Trudy Biol.-Pochv. Inst., n.s., 38) 1976. roy.8. 96 p., 10 pls.,
num. figs. & tabs. W. summaries in English. €11.50
Cont.: Some problems of morphology, systematics and evolution of the fam. Uraliniidae.- On the
modi of sexual reproduction in Paleozoic Bryozoans.- Origin and some aspects of evolution of
Stenoscismataceans.- On developmental stages of Early-Middle Jurassic Inocerams as exemplified
by South Sikhote-Alin.- Peculiarities of growth and the duration of shell-building in coil
ammonoids.- On ontogenesis of suture of Zelandites.- On two tendencies in the evolution of
ostracod adductor muscle scar.
Gratsianova R.T. & O.A. Betekhtina (Ed.) Some new data about the fauna and stratigraphy of
the Middle and Late Paleozoic of the USSR. (Novoe o faune i stratigrafii srednego i pozdnego
paleozoya SSSR). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 345) 1977. 178 p., 30 pls. With Latin
nomenclature. €12.50
Deals with Amphiporids, Tabulata, Favosites, Bryozoa, non-marine Bivalvia, Ostracoda.
Grichuk V.P. History of the flora and vegetation of the Russian plain in the Pleistocene. (Istoriya
flory i rastitelnosti Russkoi ravniny v pleistotsene). Moscow 1989. roy.8. 183 p., 41 figs., 32 tabs.
With Latin nomenclature. €18.15
Grichuk V.P. & E.D. Zaklinskaya (Eds.) Palynology of the Quaternary Period. (Palinologiya
chetvertichnogo Perioda). Moscow 1985. 228 p., 47 figs., 35 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €17.50
History of the flora and vegetation of the large regions of Eurasia and separate regions of the
Grigoryeva A.D. The Productidae of the Kazan stage of the Russian Platform and conditions of
its existence. (Produktidy kazanskogo yarusa Russkoi Platformy i usloviya ikh sushchestvovaniya).
(Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 92) 1962. roy.8. 94 p., 16 pls., 32 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €12.50
Grinenko O.V., A.I. Sergeenko & I.N. Belolyubsky. Paleogene and Neogene of the North-Eastern
Russia. In 2 pts. (Paleogen i neogen Severo-Vostoka Rossii). Yakutsk 1998. 122 p., 4 figs. With
annotation in English. €9.00
Gromov V.I. On the geology of Omsk-Barabinsk region.- L.A. Yushko: The Quaternary deposits
of South Bashkiria (the Belaya river).- V. Hokhlovkina: The terraces of the Azov Sea shore
between Rostov and Taganrog. (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. Nauk, pt. 28. Geol. Ser., no. 8) 1940.
roy.8. 90 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature & summaries in English. €4.55
Gromov V.I., I.K. Ivanova, K.K. Markov et al. (Eds.) Quaternary Period and its History. For the
VIIth Congress of INQUA. (Chetvertichnyi period i ego istoriya). Moscow 1965. roy.8. 224 p., 9
pls., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With summaries in English. €18.50
Gromov V.I., I.K. Ivanova & E.I. Ravsky. Stratigraphical and paleogeographical questions of the
Quaternary Period (Anthropogen). (Voprosy stratigrafii i paleogeografii chetvertichnogo perioda
“Antropogena”). (Moscow, Trudy Kom. Po Izuch. Chetvert. Per., 19) 1962. Roy.8. 275 p., num.
figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €18.50
Gubin Yu.M. The Permian archegosauroid amphibians of the USSR. (Permskie arkhegozavroidnye
amfibii SSSR). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 249) 1991. roy.8. 142 p., 4 pls., 45 figs., 4 tabs.
With English annotation and Latin nomenclature. €25.00
Gudina V.I. (Ed.) Foraminifera of the fareastern seas of the USSR. (Foraminifery dalnevostochnykh
morei SSSR). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 387) 1979. roy.8. 397 p., 54 pls., 38
tabs. Cloth. With Latin name index. €34.50
Deals with 253 species and subspecies of Late Pleistocene, Holocene and recent Foraminifera,
among them are 21 new.
Gudina V.I. Foraminifera, Stratigraphy and Paleozoogeography of the marine Pleistocene of the
North of the USSR. (Foraminifery, stratigrafiya i paleozoogeografiya morskogo pleistotsena
severa SSSR). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 314) 1976. roy.8. 126 p., 18 figs., 9 tabs.
With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Gudina V.I. The Foraminifera and stratigraphy of the Quaternary deposits in the northwest of
Siberia. (Foraminifery i stratigrafiya chetvertichnykh otlozhenii severo-zapada Sibiri). Moscow
1966. roy.8. 132 p., 13 pls., 27 figs., 6 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €9.10
Gudina V.I. Marine Pleistocene of Siberian Plains. The Foraminifera of the Yenisei vicinity.
(Morskoi pleistotsen Sibirskikh ravnin. Foraminifery eniseiskogo severa). (Moscow, Trudy Inst.
Geol. i Geofiz. SO AN SSSR, 63) 1969. roy.8. 80 p., 16 pls., 18 figs., 2 tabs. With Latin nomenclature.
Gudina V.I. & V.Ya. Evzerov. Stratigraphy and Foraminifera of the Late Pleistocene of the Kola
Peninsula. (Stratigrafiya i foraminifery verkhnego pleistotsena Kolskogo poluostrova). (Novosibirsk,
Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz. SO AN SSSR, 175) 1973. roy.8. 145 p., 17 pls., 14 figs., 3 tabs.
With Latin nomenclature. €10.50
Gudina V.I. & A.V. Kanygin (Ed.) Systematics, morphology and ecology of recent and fossil
microfauna. (Sistematika, morfologiya i ekologiya sovremennoi i iskopaemoi mikrofauny).
(Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 559) 1983. roy.8. 135 p., 14 pls., figs., tabs. With Latin
nomenclature. €12.50
Cont.: To the revision of Late Cretaceous Marginotruncanidae.- Morphology and taxonomy of the
Arctic and boreal quaternary Retroelphidium Vol.- Late Jurassic Foraminifera from the fam.
Nodosariidae in Siberia.- Distribution and change of Ochescaphella altaica Pol. (Ostracoda) in the
Silurian of Gorny Altai.- a.o.
Gurevich A.B. The Upper Paleozoic coalbearing formations of the Norilsk region.
(Verkhnepaleozoiskaya uglenosnaya formatsiya Norilskogo raiona). Leningrad 1969. roy.8. 131
p., 38 figs., 15 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €15.00
Gurtovaya E.E. Subdivision of Pre-Zyrianka Quaternary deposits of the northern part of the Ob
river basin (on the basis of palynological evidence). (Raschlenenie dozyryanskikh chetvertichnykh
otlozhenii Obskogo Severa). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 208) 1975. roy.8. 76 p., 14
figs., 11 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €4.55
Guslitser B.I. & E.I. Loseva. The Upper Cenozoic of the Pechora lowland. (Verkhnii kainozoi
Pechorskoi nizmennosti). (Syktyvkar, Preprints „Nauchnye doklady“, 43) 1979. 43 p., 1 fig. With
English annotation and with Latin nomenclature. €3.50
Hecker R.Th. On the Silurian Plateau. (Na siluriiskom plato). (Moscow, Ocherki po istorii geol.
znanii, 24) 1987. 152 p., 27 figs. €11.35
Herngreen G.F.W. & A.F. Khlonova. Cretaceous palynofloristic provinces of the World. (Melovye
palinofloristicheskie provintsii mira). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 556) 1983. roy.8.
120 p., 14 pls., 21 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €13.65
History of Lakes. Vol. 8: The history of Pleistocene lakes of the East European Plain. Ed. by V.I.
Khomutov. (Istoriya ozer: Istoriya pleistotsenovykh ozer vostochno-Evropeiskoi ravniny). St.
Petersb. 1998. 404 p., 132 figs., 11 tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature & summary in English. €22.70
Cont.: Problems of formation and evolution of lakes in Pleistocene.- Pleistocene of Russia’s
northern regions.- History of the Pleistocen lakes of the North-Western region.- Large ice margin
basins of the Baltic shield.- Late Pleistocene stage in the evolution of small lakes in Russia’s NW.-
Pleistocene lakes of the Baltic region.- Pleistocene lakes of Byelorussia.- History of
Pleistocene lakes of Central Russia and on contiguous territories.- Deals also with palynological
Horie S. & M. Kuzmin (Eds.) History of Lake Biwa (Japan). Development of Lake Biwa on the
base of study of 1400m core sample. (Istoriya ozera Biwa). Novosibirsk 1993. roy.8. 302 p., 131
figs., 24 tabs. Cloth. With Latin name indices. €20.45
Ignatova V.F. Early Triassic Paleogeography of the Asiatic part of the USSR. (Paleogeografiya
rannego triasa Aziatskoi chasti SSSR). Moscow 1973. 122 p., 8 figs., 8 tabs. With Latin nomenclature.
Ilyev A.Ya. (Ed.) The Cenozoic fauna and flora of the North-West of the Pacific (Southern
Sakhalin). (Fauna i flora kainozoya severo-zapada Tikhookeanskoi oblasti). Vladivostok 1977.
126 p., 23 pls., num. figs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Deals with fossil plants, Ostrea, Saccella, Yoldia, Acila, Nemocardium, a.o.
Ilyina L.B., L.A. Nevesskaya, N.P. Paramonova. Regularities of mollusc development in the
Neogene semimarine and brackishwater basins of Eurasia. (Late Miocene-Early Pliocene).
(Zakonomernosti razvitiya mollyuskov v opresnennykh basseinakh neogena Evrazii). (Moscow,
Trudy Pal. Inst., 155) 1976. roy.8. 288 p., 28 pls., 38 figs., 83 tabs. Cloth. With Latin name index. €20.50
Bivalvia & Gastropoda. Deals also with new species.
Ilyina N.V. & I.V. Novikov. The Triassic of the northern Sub-Urals. (Triasovye otlozheniya
severnogo Priuralya). (Syktyvkar, Nauchnye Dokl., Preprint, 271) 1991. 25 p., 3 figs. With Latin
nomenclature & English abstract. €2.95
Deals with descr. of Spores.
Ilyina V.I. Comparative analysis of spore-pollen complexes of the Jurassic deposits in the
southern part of western Siberia. (Sravnitelnyi analiz sporovo-pyltsevykh kompleksov yurskikh
otlozhenii yuzhnoi chasti zapadnoi Sibiri). Moscow 1968. roy.8. 111 p., 21 pls., 14 figs., 6 tabs.
With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Ilyina V.I. Jurassic Palynology of Siberia. (Palinologiya yury Sibiri). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i
Geofiz. SO AN SSSR, 638) 1985. 237 p., 24 pls., 19 figs., 19 tabs. With Latin nomenclature and
with English annotation. €21.50
Ilyina V.I., I.A. Kulkova & N.K. Lebedeva. Microphytofossils and detail stratigraphy of the marine
Mesozoic and Cenozoic of Siberia. (Mikrofitofossilii i detalnaya stratigrafiya morskogo mezozoya i
kainozoya Sibiri). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Ob’yed. Inst. Geol., Geofiz. i Min., 818) 1994. roy.8. 192 p.,
56 pls., 12 figs., 8 tabs. With Latin nomenclature & abstract in English. €14.00
Cont.: Zonal subdivision and correlation of the upper part of Pliensbachian and Toarcian of
Siberia according to dinoflagellate cysts.- Dinoflagellate cysts and palynostratigraphy of the Upper
Cretaceous of the Ust-Enisey region.- Dinoflagellate cysts of the marine Paleogene of West
Siberian Plain.
Imetkhenov A.B. & N.P. Kalmykov. Cenozoic fauna and flora of Buryatia. (Catalogue). (Fauna i
flora kainozoya Buryatii). Ulan-Ude 1988. 180 p., 1 fig. With Latin name index. €10.50
Itogi i Nauki i Tekhniki. (Results of Science and Technics): Stratigraphy. Paleontology. Vol. 7:
Biogeography of the Paleozoic. Ed. by B.M. Keller & I.N. Krasilova. Moscow 1976. 92 p., 23 figs.
With Latin nomenclature. €5.70
Ivakhnenko, M.F. The Permian Parareptilia of the USSR. (Permskie parareptilii SSSR). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 223)1987. roy.8. 160 p., 4 pls., 41 figs. - In Russian with Latin nomenclature. €15.00
Ivanova E.A. & T.G. Sarycheva. Instruction for the collecting and study of Brachiopoda.
(Nastavlenie po sboru i izucheniyu brakhiopod). (Moscow, Nast. po sboru i izuch. iskop. organ.
ostatkov, X) 1963. 75 p., 4 pls., 31 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €5.70
Ivanova E.F. Foraminifera of the Volgian age of the boreal basins of the USSR. (Foraminifery
Volzhskogo veka borealnykh basseinov SSSR). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 171)
1973. roy.8. 140 p., 8 pls., 34 figs., 11 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Ivanova I.K. The geological age of the fossil men. (Geologicheskii vozrast iskopaemogo
cheloveka). For the 7th Congress of INQUA. Moscow 1965. roy.8. 192 p., 68 figs., 13 tabs. Cloth.
With Latin nomenclature. €3.40
Ivanova I.-N.V. Bivalve molluscs and sedimentation conditions. (Actualistic and lithologopaleoecological
analysis of Late Paleozoic coal-bearing deposits of South-West Siberia and some
seas of the USSR). (Dvustvorchatye mollyuski i usloviya osadkonakopleniya). Moscow 1973.
roy.8. 164 p., 7 pls., 50 figs., 18 tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €22.70
Ivanova V.A. Early and Middle Ordovician Ostracoda: Hollinomorpha. (Ostrakody rannego i
srednego ordovika). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 172) 1979. roy.8. 216 p., 16 pls., 24 figs. With
Latin nomenclature. €18.50
Ivanovsky A.B. The ancient Tetracorals/Rugosa/. (Drevneishie rugozy). Moscow 1965. roy.8. 152
p., 39 pls., 77 figs. H.cloth. With Latin name index. €21.00
Ivanovsky A.B. Corals: the past, present and future. (Korally: proshloe, nastoyashchee i
budushchee). Moscow 1989. 64 p., 33 figs. With Latin name index. €2.30
Ivanovsky A.B. (Ed.) History of the study of Paleozoic Corals and Stromatoporoidea. (Istoriya
izucheniya paleozoiskikh korallov i stromatoporoidei). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 131)
1973. roy.8. 288 p. Cloth. With Latin name index & bibliography of 3360 titles. €22.50
Ivanovsky A.B. History of study of Paleozoic Corals and Stromatoporoidea: Rugosa (1975-1983).
(Istoriya izucheniya paleozoiskikh korallov i stromatoporoidei: Rugozy). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst.,
207) 1984. roy.8. 88 p., 16 pls. With Latin name index. €11.50
Ivanovsky A.B. History of study of Rugosa: 1983-1991. (Istoriya izucheniya rugoz). Moscow
1993. 80 p. With Latin nomenclature. €7.00
Ivanovsky A.B. Index of Rugose Coral Genera. (Ukazatel rodov rugoz). (Moscow, Trudy Inst.
Geol. i Geofiz., 217) 1976. 254 p., 26 pls. With Latin name index. €16.50
Ivanovsky A.B. (Ed.) The news in the paleontology of Siberia and Middle Asia. (Novoe v
paleontologii Sibiri i srednei Azii). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 47) 1973. roy.8. 144 p.,
26 pls., num. figs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Deals with: New Ordovician Kstaugraptus Tsaj.- Early Llanvirnian Dendroidea.- Upper Ordovician
and Lower Silurian Graptolites.- Tabulata, Rugosa, Early Carboniferous Ostracoda.- Ordovician
Conodonts.- Middle Devonian Stems of Crinoidea.
Ivanovsky A.B. Rugosa. (Rugozy). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 242) 1975. roy.8. 123 p.,
85 figs., 9 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Ivanovsky A.B. Stratigraphical and paleobiogeographical survey of the Ordovician and Silurian
Rugosa. (Stratigraficheskii i paleobiogeograficheskii obzor rugoz ordovika i silura). Moscow 1965.
120 p., 9 figs., 20 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €6.80
Ivanovsky A.B. Studies about Early Carboniferous Rugosae. (Etyudy o rannekamennougolnykh
rugozakh). Moscow 1967. roy.8. 94 p., 22 pls., 22 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €7.00
Ivanovsky A.B. (Ed.) The Upper Paleozoic of Siberia and the Far East. (Verkhnii Paleozoi Sibiri i
Dalnego Vostoka). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 68) 1969. roy.8. 134 p., 26 pls., num.
figs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Deals with Tabulata, Stromatoporoidea, Cyrthoceratites altaicus sp.n., Bryozoa (Lioclema),
Crinoidea, Foraminifera, Westphalian non-marine Lamellibranchia, Wentzelella orientale sp.n.
Ivanovsky A.B. & I.B. Ivanov (Ed.) Stratigraphy and Paleontology of the ancient Phanerozoic.
(Stratigrafiya i paleontologiya drevneishego fanerozoya). Moscow 1984. 128 p., 8 pls., figs. &
tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Cont.: Vendian of the history of the Earth (with microfossils).- Ordovician and Silurian stratigraphy.-
Paleozoic Corals.
Ivanovsky A.B. & N.P. Kulkov. The Rugosa, Brachiopoda and Stratigraphy of the Silurian of the
Altai-Sayan mountainous region. (Rugozy, Brakhiopody i stratigrafiya silura Altae-Sayanskoi
gornoi oblasti). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 231) 1974. roy.8. 122 p., 25 pls., 30 figs., 3
tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €15.00
Ivashov P.V. Continental Jurassic Deposits of the North-East of the Russian Platform.
(Kontinentalnye yurskie otlozheniya severo-vostoka Russkoi Platformy). Moscow 1981. 176 p., 60
figs., 15 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Deals with the flora, Spores, Pollen, Foraminifera.
Izvestiya Glavnogo Geologo-Razvedochnogo Upravleniya. (Bulletin of the Geological &
Prospecting Service). Vol. 49, no. 7. Moscow 1930. roy.8. 144 p., 6 pls., num. figs. With summaries
in English or French. €15.90
Cont.: I. Nikolaev. The glacial deposits (tillites) of Lower Cambrian age in the Yenissei Range.- O.
Vialov. Sur les échinides réguliers des dépôts mésozoiques du Grand Balkhan (Turkmenia).- J.
Palibin. The Upper Cretaceous flora of south-east Transcaucasia.- a.o.
Kabailiene M. On Formation of Pollen spectra and restoration of vegetation. (Formirovanie
pyltsevykh spektrov i metody vosstanovleniya paleorastitelnosti). (Vilnius, Trudy Inst. Geol., 11)
1969. roy.8. 148 p., 36 figs., 34 tabs. Cloth. With summary in English and with Latin nomenclature.
Kabanov G.K. The skeleton of Belemnitidae. (Skelet belemnitid). Morphologigy and biological
analysis. (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 114) 1967. roy.8. 100 p., 16 pls., 45 figs., 7 tabs. With Latin
nomenclature. €9.50
Kalesnik S.V. (Ed.) The history of the lakes in the North-West. Papers read at the I Symp. on
Paleolimnology of the North-West of the USSR (Leningrad, 17-20 Nov. 1965). For Int. Symp. on
Paleolimnology (Hungary, 1967). (Istoriya ozer severo-zapada). Leningrad 1967. roy.8. 382 p.,
num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €27.50
Deals also with Spore-Pollen and Diatomic analysis.
Kaljo D.L. (Ed.) Fossil and recent Echinoderms researches. (Problemy izucheniya iskopaemykh i
sovremennykh iglokozhikh). Tallinn 1989. roy.8. 224 p., 19 pls., 81 tabs. Cloth. With Latin
nomenclature and with summaries in English. €21.00
Cont.: E.P. Wiegmanu & V.A. Sveshnikov. The ecomorphological systematics of Echinoderms.-
A. Korts. Brachiolar plates of Bockia (Eocrinoidea) from the Middle Ordovician of Estonia and
Leningrad region.- S.V. Rozhnov. New data about Rhipidocystid.- Rozhnov, Männil, Nestor.
Pisocrinid crinoids from the Lower Silurian of the East Baltic.- T.V. Shevchenko. Eifelian Crinoids
of South Tien Shan.- Yu.A. Dubatolova. Polymorphocrinidae-a new family of the Middle Devonian
Crinoids.- A.V. Kurilenko. New Platycrinitidae from the Lower Carboniferous of eastern Trans-
Baikal Area.- A.N. Solovyev. New Echinoid genus Eoholaster from the Berriasian.- Z.I. Baranova.
A new Holothurian species of the genus Elpidia from the Arctic Ocean.- a.o.
Kaljo D.L. & T.N. Koren (Ed.) Graptolites and stratigraphy. (Graptolity i stratigrafiya). Materials of
the 2nd Colloquium, held in Tallinn, 1973. Tallinn 1976. roy.8. 256 p., 28 pls., num. figs. & tabs.
Cloth. With summaries in English & 10 articles in English. €16.00
Kamaletdinov M.A. & V.L. Yakhimovich (Ed.) Pliocene and Pleistocene of the Volga-Ural Area.
(Pliotsen i pleistotsen Volgo-Uralskoi oblasti). Moscow 1981. roy.8. 175 p., 1 pl., 25 figs., 3 tabs.
With Latin nomenclature. €19.50
Deals with Spore-Pollen, Mollusks, Ostracoda, Charophyta.
Kamaletdinov M.A. & V.L. Yakhimovich (Ed.) Results of study of the Pleistocene key sections
of Bashkiria with remains of Elephantids. (Itogi izucheniya razrezov pleistotsena Bashkirii s
ostatkami Elefantid). Ufa 1985. roy.8. 78 p., 47 figs., 9 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €12.50
Kamaletdinova M.A. & V.L. Yakhimovich (Eds.) Some questions of biostratigraphy, paleomagnetism
and tectonics of the Cenozoic of the Fore-Ural-Region. (Nekotorye voprosy biostratigrafii,
paleomagnetizma i tektoniki kainozoya Preduralya). Ufa 1988. roy.8. 104 p., 9 pls., num. figs. &
tabs. with Latin nomenclature. €10.50
Cont.: First find of Archidiskodon Gromovi Garutt et Alexeeva in the Bashkirian Fore-Urals.- To
the history of the development of the genus Arvicola in the Pleistocene of the Bashkirian Fore-
Urals.- Ostracoda from the key sections of the Bashkirian Fore-Urals, Chui-Atasevo and Gornov.-
Characteristics of the climate of the Bashkirian Fore-Urals in the Holocene.- a.o.
Kanygin A.V. (Ed.) Lower Ordovician Stratigraphy and Fauna of Mountain Altai. (Stratigrafiya i
fauna nizhnego ordovika Gornogo Altaya). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 565) 1984. 124
p., 24 pls., 10 figs., 12 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Deals with Brachiopoda, Graptolites, Chitinozoa.
Kanygin A.V. Ordovician Ostracoda and Biostratigraphy of the ridge Sette-Daban (Mountain
system of Verkhoyan). (Ostrakody i biostratigrafiya ordovika khrebta Sette-Daban). (Moscow,
Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz. SO AN SSSR, 128) 1971. roy.8. 107 p., 14 pls., 9 tabs., 12 figs. With
Latin nomenclature. €9.50
Kanygin A.V. Ordovician Ostracoda of the mountainous system of Chersky. (Ostrakody ordovika
gornoi sistemy Cherskogo). Moscow 1967. roy.8. 153 p., 20 pls., 13 figs., 10 tabs. With Latin
nomenclature. €9.50
Kanygin A.V. (Ed.) The Paleozoic of the South-East of the West-Siberian Platform. (Paleozoi
yugo-vostoka Zapadno-Sibirskoi plity). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 568) 1984. roy.8.
204 p., 28 pls., 9 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €18.50
Deals with Foraminifera, Stromatoporata, Tabulata, Rugosa, Articulata, Ostracoda, Crinoidea,
Condontophorida, Acritarcha.
Kanygin A.V. (Ed.) The Phanerozoic microfauna and biostratigraphy of Siberia and adjacent
regions. (Mikrofauna i biostratigrafiya fanerozoya Sibiri i smezhnykh regionov). (Novosibirsk,
Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz. SO AN SSSR, 651) 1987. roy.8. 208 p., 32 pls., num. figs. & tabs.
H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €18.50
Cont.: Foraminifera of Devonian-Carboniferous boundary deposits.- Ostracoda of Devonian-
Carboniferous boundary deposits.- New genus of Paleozoic Foraminifera.- Gen. Globoendothyra
Reitlinger (with new species).- Silurian Microcheilinella (with new species).- New Devonian
Ostracod species.- Primitiopsidae and their systematics.- Lower Paleozoic Conodonts.-
Ordovician Conodonts.
Kanygin A.V. (Ed.) The Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary in the North of Chukotka (by Foraminifera).
(Granitsa pliotsena-pleistotsena na severe Chukotki). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz.,
560) 1984. 80 p., 12 pls., 5 figs., 1 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €7.95
Kaplin P.A. & F.A. Shcherbakov (Eds.) Paleogeography and Pleistocene deposits of the
southern seas of the USSR. (Paleogeografiya i otlozheniya pleistotsena yuzhnykh morei SSSR).
Moscow 1977. 252 p., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €15.90
Deals with: Mollusks, Ostracoda, Palynology, a.o.
Kaplyanskaya F.A. & V.D. Tarnogradsky. The Middle and Lower Pleistocene of the lower
course of the Irtysh. (Srednii i nizhnii pleistotsen nizovyev Irtysha). (Leningrad, Trudy VSEGEI,
n.s., 214) 1974. roy.8. 160 p., 82 figs., 8 tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Deals with descr. of Mammalia, Seeds and Plants, Malacofauna, Pollen and Spores, Diatomacea.
Karogodin Yu.N. (Ed.) Problematic questions of Litho-Stratigraphy. (Problemnye voprosy Lito-
Stratigrafii). Novosibirsk 1980. roy.8. 192 p., num. figs. & tabs. H.cloth. €14.75
Principles of separation of cyclites.- Cyclic recurrence and stratigraphy.
Karogodin Yu.N. Regional stratigraphy. (Regionalnaya stratigrafiya). Moscow 1985. 180 p., 35
figs., 8 tabs. €10.20
Karpinsky A.P. Travaux Scientifiques. Vol. 1. (Sobranie sochinenii). Moscow 1945. roy.8. 521 p.,
18 pls., 234 figs. Cloth. In Russian, 1 article in English, 1 in French and 1 in German, with Latin
name index. €16.00
Descr. are: Cephalopoda, Edestidae, Trochiliscus; Die fossilen Pteropoden am Ostabhang des
Urals.- a.o.
Karpov N.F. (Ed.) Method of subsurface correlation of continental coal measures on example of
some mesozoic basins of Siberia. (Metodika korrelyatsii razrezov kontinentalnykh uglenosnykh
tolshch na primere nekotorykh mezozoiskikh vpadin Sibiri). Leningrad 1970. roy.8. 184 p., 3 pls.,
38 figs., 29 tabs. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €12.50
Deals with fossil flora and spore-pollen.
Kazakhashvili Zh.R. The Early Oligocene Mollusks of the Akhalzikhe depression and the
conditions of their existence. (Ranneoligotsenovye mollyuski Akhaltsikhskoi depressii i usloviya
ikh sushchestvovaniya). Tbilisi 1969. 117 p., 11 pls., 6 figs., 5 tabs. With Latin nomenclature and
with summary in English. €6.80
Kazakhashvili Zh.R. Paleobiological history of the molluscan fauna of the Solenoe horizon of
Georgia. (Paleobiologicheskaya istoriya mollyuskovoi fauny Solenovskogo gorizonta Gruzii).
Tbilisi 1984. 104 p., 2 tabs. With summary in English. €6.00
Kazakov A.M. (Ed.) Local and regional stratigraphical subdivision in the practice of the geological
study of Siberia. (Mestnye i regionalnye stratigraficheskie podrazdeleniya v praktike
geologicheskogo izucheniya Sibiri). Novosibirsk 1992. 148 p., num. figs. With Latin nomenclature.€10.20
Kazansky Yu.P. (Ed.) Comparative analysis of marine sedimentation in the Precambrian and
Paleozoic. (Sravnitelnyi analiz morskogo osadkonakopleniya v dokembrii i paleozoe). Novosibirsk
1980. 148 p., num. figs. & tabs. €6.80
Kazansky Yu.P. (Ed.) The Lower Ordovician of the South-East of the Siberian Platform. (Nizhnii
ordovik yugo-vostoka Sibirskoi platformy). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 665) 1986.
roy.8. 225 p., 16 pls., 22 figs., 9 tabs. H.cloth. €17.00
Kazansky Yu.P. (Ed.) Riphean sediments of Siberian Platform and its folding frame. (Rifeiskie
otlozheniya Sibirskoi platformy i prilegayushchikh skladchatykh sooruzhenii). (Novosibirsk, Trudy
Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 168) 1973. roy.8. 208 p., 43 pls., 28 figs., 19 tabs. With Latin nomencl.€12.50
Kazantseva-Selezneva A.A. Late Paleozoic Palaeonicsi of Eastern Kazakhstan. (Systematics
and Phylogeny). (Pozdnepaleozoiskie paleoniski vostochnogo Kazakhstana). (Moscow, Trudy
Pal. Inst., 180) 1981. roy.8. 140 p., 29 pls., 67 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €17.50
Kazmina T.A. The Pliocene and Early Pleistocene stratigraphy and Ostracoda of the south of the
West-Siberian Plain. (Stratigrafiya i ostrakody pliotsena i rannego pleistotsena yuga Zapadno-
Sibirskoi ravniny). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 264) 1975. roy.8. 108 p., 27 pls., 10
figs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Keller B.M. The Paleozoic flysch formation in the Zilairsk synclinorium in the southern Urals and
its similar formation. (Flishevaya formatsiya paleozoya v Zilairskom sinklinorii na yuzhnom Urale i
skhodnye s nei obrazovaniya). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. Nauk, 104: Geogr. ser., 34) 1949.
roy.8. 167 p., 38 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €9.10
Deals also with descr. of its fossils.
Keller B.M. & B.M. Chumakov (Eds.) Stratotype of the Riphean. Stratigraphy, Geochronology.
(Stratotip rifeya. Stratigrafiya. Geokhronologiya). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 377) 1983. roy.8.
184 p., 40 figs., 16 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €18.15
Khaiznikova K.B. Biostratigraphy and Tabulata of the Biohermal deposits of the Early Paleozoic
(South Verkhoyanye). (Biostratigrafiya i tabulyaty biogermnykh otlozhenii rannego paleozoya).
Moscow 1989. 220 p., 31 pls., 37 figs., 7 tabs. With Latin nomenclature and with English
annotation. €21.00
Khakhlov V.A. (Ed.) Some geological questions of western Siberia. (Nekotorye voprosy geologii
zapadnoi Sibiri). (Tomsk, Uch. Zapiski, 63) 1967. roy.8. 200 p., 23 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With
Latin nomenclature. €17.05
Cont.: New species of Tabulata of the order Lichenariida from the Ordovician of the Gorny Altai.-
Phylogeny of the fam. Cyrtophyllidae Sokolov Emend nov.- About the stratigraphical position of
the Tertiary flora of Kompassky Bor on the river Tym.- About the Middle Devonian flora from the
margin of the Kuzbass.- New species and genera of Ordovician Brachiopoda of the Sayan-Altai
mt. region.- New species of Middle Devonian Rugosa of Gorny Altai.- a.o.
Khalfin L.L. The Lamellibranchiata of the coal deposits of the Kuzbass. (Plastinchatozhabernye
mollyuski uglenosnykh otlozhenii Kuzbassa). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Gorno-Geol. Inst., 9) 1950. 126
p., 16 pls., 21 figs., 1 tab. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €16.00
Khalfin L.L. (Ed.) Problems of stratigraphy. (Problemy stratigrafii). (Novosibirsk, Trudy
SNIIGGIMS, nr. 94: Series Stratigraphy and Paleontology)1969. roy.8. 194 p., num. figs. & tabs.
With Latin nomenclature. €6.80
Cont.: Khalfin. Principle of Nikitin Chernyshev-theoretic basis of stratigraphical classification.-
Gurari. About the rules of stratigraphical classification.- a.o.
Khalfin L.L. Theoretical questions on Stratigraphy. (Teoreticheskie voprosy stratigrafii). Novosibirsk
1980. 200 p., 14 figs., 9 tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €19.30
Khlonova A.F. Palynology of Cretaceous Deposits of Siberia and Far East. (Palinologiya
melovykh otlozhenii Sibiri i Dalnego Vostoka). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 96) 1974.
roy.8. 167 p., 6 pls., 10 figs., 7 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Khomentovsky V.V. (Ed.) The Late Precambrian and Early Paleozoic Stratigraphy of Central
Siberia. The south-western frame of the Siberian Platform. (Stratigrafiya pozdnego dokembriya i
rannego paleozoya Srednei Sibiri). Novosibirsk 1983. 128 p., 2 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin
nomenclature. €9.50
Deals also with microphytolites, Stromatolites, Algae, microfossils.
Khomentovsky, V.V., V.Yu. Shenfil and M.S. Yakshin. Correlation of Late Precambrian
sediments of the Baikal-patom regions outer belt. (Novosibirsk, ex Geol. i Geof., nr. 1) 1968. 10
p., 2 figs. – With English annotation. €1.00
Khoreva I.M. Stratigraphy and Foraminifera of marine Quaternary deposits on the west coast of
the Bering Sea. (Stratigrafiya i foraminifery morskikh chetvertichnykh otlozhenii zapadnogo
berega Beringova morya). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 225) 1974. roy.8. 150 p., 10 pls., 48 figs., 9
tabs. With Latin name index. €14.00
Khotinsky N.A. (Ed.) Paleoclimates of the Late Glacial Period and the Holocene. (Paleoklimaty
pozdnelednikovya i golotsena). Moscow 1989. roy.8. 168 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin
nomenclature. €17.50
On the ground of paleobotanic, pedologic, hydrologic and archeological data the reconstruction of
paleoclimates of the last 10-15 thousand years both for the whole earth and for the USSR were
carried out. Special attention was given to Siberia.
Khozatsky L.I. & O.I. Redkozubov. Neogene turtles of Moldavia. (Neogenovye cherepakhi
Moldavii). Kishinev 1989. 94 p., 28 figs., 5 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €9.10
Khramov A.N. Paleomagnetic stratigraphic investigations. (Paleomagnitnye stratigraficheskie
issledovaniya). (Leningrad, Trudy VNIGRI, 204) 1963. roy.8. 302 p., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With
Latin nomenclature. €7.50
Khromykh V.G. Devonian Stromatoporoids of the North-East of the USSR. (Devonskie stromatoporoidei
severo-vostoka SSSR). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 64) 1974. roy.8. 104
p., 18 pls., 5 figs., 2 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €10.50
Khromykh V.G. Stratigraphy of the Devonian and Stromatoporoids of the Ulakhan-Sis ridge
(North-East of the USSR). (Stratigrafiya devonskikh otlozhenii i stromatoporoidei khrebta
Ulakhan-Sis). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 302) 1976. 104 p., 14 pls., 22 figs., 3 tabs.
With Latin nomenclature. €8.50
Khudyakov G.I. (Ed.) The Quaternary stratigraphy and correlation of Asia and the Pacific region.
(Stratigrafiya i korrelyatsiya chetvertichnykh otlozhenii Azii i Tikhookeanskogo regiona). Moscow
1991. roy.8. 208 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €21.50
Khvorova I.V. The flysch and lower molassa formations of the southern Urals. (Flishevaya i
nizhnemolassovaya formatsii yuzhnogo Urala). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 37) 1961. roy.8. 352
p., 34 pls., 44 figs., 17 tabs. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €9.10
Deals also with fossil fauna (Fusulinids, Brachiopoda, Corals, Bryozoa, Cephalopoda).
Kind N.V. & B.N. Leonov (Eds.) The Anthropogene of the Taimyr Peninsula. (Antropogen
Taimyra). Moscow 1982. roy.8. 184 p., 68 figs., 8 tabs. With Latin nomenclature and summary in
English. €18.15
The stratigraphy of Quaternary deposits is newly approached on the basis of paleontological,
paleofloristic and radioisotopic data.
Kiseleva A.V. The Late Permian Bryozoa of Southern Primorye. (Pozdnepermskie mshanki
yuzhnogo Primorya). Moscow 1982. 128 p., 24 pls., 4 tabs. With Latin name index. €14.00
Knyazev V.G. Ammonites and the zonal stratigraphy of the Lower Oxfordian of North Siberia.
(Ammonity i zonalnaya stratigrafiya nizhnego oksforda severa Sibiri). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i
Geofiz., 275) 1975. roy.8. 140 p., 23 pls., 8 tabs., 7 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Kolosov P.N. The ancient oil and gasbearing layers of the south-east of the Siberian Platform.
(Stratigraphy, Algae, Microphytolites, Organic Formations). (Drevnie neftegazonosnye tolshchi
yugo-vostoka Sibirskoi platformy). Novosibirsk 1977. roy.8. 90 p., 5 pls., 12 figs. With Latin
nomenclature. €7.95
Komar V.A., M.E. Raaben, M.A. Semikhatov. Conophytons in the Riphean of the USSR and
their stratigraphic importance. (Konofitony rifeya SSSR i ikh stratigraficheskoe znachenie). (Moscow,
Trudy Geol. Inst., 131) 1965. roy.8. 72 p., 11 pls., 29 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €5.00
Komarov Readings. Vol. 33: S.G. Zhilin. Gradus principales formationis florae temperatae
silvaticae Kazakhstanicae in oligocaeno et miocaeno priore. (Osnovnye etapy formirovaniya
umerennoi lesnoi flory v oligotsene-rannem miotsene Kazakhstana). Leningrad 1984. 112 p., 7
tabs. With Latin name index. €6.80
Konstantinov A.G. The Upper Anisic Biostratigraphy and Ammonoidea of North Siberia.
(Biostratigrafiya i ammonoidei verkhnego aniziya severa Sibiri). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i
Geofiz. SO AN SSSR, 787) 1991. roy.8. 136 p., 24 pls., 50 figs., 2 tabs. With Latin nomencl. €20.45
Konstantinova N.A. The Anthropogen of southern Moldavia and south-western Ukraine.
(Antropogen yuzhnoi Moldavii i yugo-zapadnoi Ukrainy). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst. AN SSSR,
173) 1967. roy.8. 140 p., 45 figs., 2 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.35
Deals with descr. of mollusks (freshwater and brackish-water), Mammals, Ostracoda,
Kopaevich G.V. Silurian Bryozoa from Estonia and Podolia. (Cryptostomata and Rhabdomesonata).
(Siluriiskie mshanki Estonii i Podolii). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 151) 1975. roy.8. 155 p.,
28 pls., 13 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Korde N.V. Biostratification and Typology of the Russian Sapropels. (Biostratifikatsiya i tipologiya
Russkikh sapropelei). Moscow 1960. 220 p., 45 figs., 15 tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €6.80
Koren T.N. (Ed.) Atlas of the Paleozoic fossil fauna and flora of Buryatiya. (Atlas iskopaemoi
fauny i flory paleozoya Respubliki Buryatiya). Ulan-Ude 2003. 4. 204 p., 69 pls., 6 figs., 4 tabs.
Cloth. With Latin name index. €26.00
Cont.: Hydrozoa.- Hydroconozoa.- Archaeohydroidea.- Camptocuticulines Korde, classis nov.-
Cryptovermides.- Protofloridomorphophyceae Korde.- Askomycetes.- Basidiomycetes.-
Regulares.- Irregulares.- Trilobita.- Crustacea (Conchostraca).- Spores of Pteridophyta &
Korneeva, V.G. Geological structure and oil content of the southwestern Pre-Carpathians and
adjacent part of the Soviet Carpathians. (Geologicheskoe stroenie i neftenosnost yugozapadnogo
predkarpatya i prilegayushchei chasti Sovetskikh karpat). (Leningrad, Trudy VNIGR,
141) 1959. 200 p., 31 figs. Cloth. – With Latin nomenclature. €7.00
Deals also with descr. of Foraminifera, Nummulites, Belemnotes, Pelecypoda, Ichthyofauna,
Korolyuk I.K. The Podolian toltry and conditions of its formation. (Podolskie totry i usloviya ikh
obrazovaniya). (Moscow, Trudy Ins. Geol. Nauk, 110. Geol. Ser., 56) 1952. roy.8. 139 p., 16 pls.,
25 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.75
Korotky A.M., L.P. Karaulova, T.S. Troitskaya. The Quaternary deposits of Primorye: Stratigraphy
and Paleogeography. (Chetvertichnye otlozheniya Primorya). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst.
Geol. i Geofiz., 429) 1980. roy.8. 234 p., 63 figs., 7 tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €20.50
Deals with Spores and Pollen, Diatoms, Foraminifera.
Korotky A.M. & V.S. Pushkar (Eds.) The ancient climates and sedimentation in the eastern
margin of Asia. (Drevnie klimaty i osadkonakoplenie v vostochnoi okrain Azii). Vladivostok 1985.
roy.8. 152 p., 3 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €13.65
Deals also with Paleoflora, Diatoms, Foraminifera.
Korotky A.M. & V.S. Pushkar (Ed.) Paleogeographical boundaries and methods of their study.
(Paleogeograficheskie rubezhi i metody ikh izucheniya). Vladivostok 1984. roy.8. 150 p., 7 pls.,
num. figs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.35
Cont.: Miocene-Pliocene and Pliocene-Pleistocene boundaries of the north-western part of the
Pacific (by Diatom analysis).- Development of the vegetation of Northern Okhotye in the Pliocene
and Late Pleistocene.- Fundamental stages of the Late Cenozoic sedimentation of North Yakutia
(by Spore-Pollen and Diatom analysis).- Developmental evolution of the vegetation of the Gorny
Altai in the Pleistocene.- a.o.
Korotky A.M. & V.S. Pushkar (Eds.) Paleogeographical investigations in the Far East. (Paleogeograficheskie
issledovaniya na Dalnem Vostoke). Vladivostok 1987. roy.8. 140 p., 2 pls., num.
figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.35
Cont.: Climatic changes of the Holocene and development of the landscapes in the zone of bald
mountains of Central Yam-Alinye.- Statistical analysis of recent Spore-Pollen spectra of Sakhalin.-
Biostratigraphical and paleogeographical analysis of Diatomaceous taphocoenoses of the northwestern
Pacific.- a.o.
Kovalenko A.L. Candonidae, Ostracoda of the South-West of the USSR. (Kandonidy yugozapada
SSSR). Kishinev 1988. 122 p., 52 pls., 43 figs., 10 tabs. With Latin name index. €15.00
Kovalevsky V.O. Collection of Scientific Works. Vol. 1. (Sobranie nauchnykh trudov). Moscow
1950. roy.8. 478 p., portr., num. figs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €13.65
Biography.- Geological works.- Note about the master examination.- Letters.- Geological
investigations of Kovalevsky.
Kozlova G.E. & A.N. Gorbovets. Upper Cretaceous and Upper Eocene Radiolaria of the West-
Siberian Lowland. (Radiolarii verkhnemelovykh i verkhne-eotsenovykh otlozhenii zapadno-
Sibirskoi nizmennosti). (Leningrad, Trudy VNIGRI, 248) 1966. roy.8. 158 p., 17 pls., 7 figs., 8 tabs.
H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €12.50
Kramarenko N.N. (Ed.) Zoogeography of the Paleogene of Asia. (Zoogeografiya paleogena Azii).
(Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 146) 1974. roy.8. 302 p., 4 pls., 163 figs., 22 tabs. Cloth. With Latin
nomenclature. €29.50
Deals with Flora, Vertebrata, Insects, Mollusca.
Krasheninnikov V.A. Geographical and stratigraphical distribution of planktonic foraminifera in
Paleogene deposits of tropical and subtropical areas. (Geograficheskoe i stratigraficheskoe
raspredelenie planktonnykh foraminifer v otlozheniyakh Paleogena tropicheskoi i subtropicheskoi
oblastei). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 202) 1969. roy.8. 190 p., 9 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Krasheninnikov V.A. The Miocene Elphidiidae of Podolia. (Elfidiidy miotsenovykh otlozhenii
Podolii). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 21) 1960. roy.8. 142 p., 20 pls., num. figs. With Latin
nomenclature. €11.35
Krasheninnikov V.A. The Paleogene Stratigraphy of the north-western part of the Pacific Ocean.
(Stratigrafiya paleogena severo-zapadnoi chasti Tikhogo okeana). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst.,
369) 1982. roy.8. 142 p., 24 pls., 15 figs., 4 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €16.00
Deals also with planktonic Foraminifera.
Krasheninnikov V.A. Stratigraphy of the Miocene deposits of the Mediterranean on the base of
Foraminifera. (Stratigrafiya miotsenovykh otlozhenii Sredizemnomorya po foraminiferam).
(Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 220) 1971. roy.8. 238 p., 50 figs., 4 tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature.
Krasheninnikov V.A. Stratigraphy of the Miocene deposits of the region of the Atlantic, Indian
and Pacific Oceans on the base of Foraminifera. (Stratigrafiya miotsenovykh otlozhenii oblasti
Atlanticheskogo, Indiiskogo i Tikhogo okeanov po foraminiferam). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst.,
233) 1973. roy.8. 223 p., 38 figs., 17 tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €16.00
Deals with planktonic and benthonic foraminifera.
Krasheninnikov V.A. & I.A. Basov. Cenozoic stratigraphy of the southern ocean. (Stratigrafiya
kainozoya yuzhnogo okeana). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst. AN SSSR, 410) 1986. roy.8. 206 p., 32
pls., 48 figs., 9 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €18.15
Descr. are the Paleogene planktonic Foraminifera.
Krasheninnikov V.A. & I.A. Basov. Cretaceous stratigraphy of the southern ocean. (Stratigrafiya
mela yuzhnogo okeana). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 394) 1985. roy.8. 174 p., 24 pls., 31 figs., 5
tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €18.50
Deals with Planktonic Foraminifera, Benthonic Foraminifera, Calcisphaerulids.
Krasilshchikov A.A. Stratigraphy and Paleotectonics of the Precambrian-Early Paleozoic of
Spitsbergen. (Stratigrafiya i paleotektonika dokembriya-rannego paleozoya Shpitsbergena).
(Leningrad, Trudy NIIGA, 172) 1973. 120 p., 14 figs., 4 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €9.10
Krasnov E.V. Development of natural medium of the south of the Far East. (Late Pleistocene-
Holocene). (Razvitie prirodnoi sredy yuga Dalnego Vostoka). Moscow 1988. 240 p., 56 figs., 4
tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €13.65
Deals with descr. of Foraminifera, Diatoms.
Krasnov E.V. (Ed.) Paleobiogeochemistry of marine Invertebrates. (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol.
i Geofiz., 379) 1980. 160 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Deals with recent and fossil Mollusks and Corals of the seas in the North and Far East of the
Krasnov V.I. (Ed.) Actual questions of the regional geology of Siberia. (Aktualnye voprosy
regionalnoi geologii Sibiri). (Novosibirsk, Trudy SNIIGGMS, 258) 1978. 169 p., 2 pls., num. figs. &
tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €9.10
Cont.: Principal features of the paleogeography and paleotectonics of the Altai-Sayan region in
the Riphean, Vend and Early Cambrian.- New data on Precambrian and Paleozoic stratigraphy of
the Katun anticlinorium in the Gorny Altai (with descr. of Tabulata, Brachiopoda, Heliolites,
Spores).- About the Sukha shield in Salair (with Tabulata).- a.o.
Krasnov V.I. (Ed.) Paleo-ecological and lithologic-facial analysis for the detailed basis of regional
stratigraphical schemes. (Paleoekologicheskii i litologo-fatsialnyi analiz dlya obosnovaniya
detalnosti regionalnykh stratigraficheskikh skhem). Novosibirsk 1986. 158 p., num. figs. & tabs.
With Latin nomenclature. €10.20
Krasnov V.I. (Ed.) The Precambrian and Phanerozoic stratigraphy and paleontology of Siberia.
(Stratigrafiya i paleontologiya dokembriya i fanerozoya Sibiri). Novosibirsk 1990. 125 p., 4 pls.,
num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.75
Cont.: Abaimova G.P. Conodont zone of the Upper Cambrian and Lower Ordovician of the
Siberian Platform.- Makarenko & Saev. New data on the paleontological basis of the age of the
Middle Paleozoic of the south-eastern part of the West-Siberian Plain by Foraminifera and
Stromatoporata.- Miretskaya. Dacrioconarida and Homoctenida of the Kalinova plain.- a.o.
Krasnov V.I. (Ed.) Regional stratigraphy of the oil and gasbearing regions of Siberia. (Regionalnaya
stratigrafiya neftegazonosnykh raionov Sibiri). Novosibirsk 1988. 93 p., 23 figs., 3 tabs. With
Latin nomenclature. €10.50
Cont.: Biostratigraphical subdivision of the Devonian Nyurolsk basin by Stromatoporates.-
Regional stratigraphical scheme of the Lower Carboniferous Siberian Platform.- Paleocarpological
basis of Upper Paleozoic deposits of the Vilyui oil and basbearing province.- Valanginian
biostratigraphy of the West-Siberian platform based on study of Mollusks.- a.o.
Krasnov V.I. & A.G. Yadrenkina (Eds.) Stratigraphy and main events in the geological History of
Siberia. (Stratigrafiya i glavneishie sobytiya v geologicheskoi istorii Sibiri). Novosibirsk 1991. 164
p., 10 pls., num. figs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Cont.: New species of gen. Loxodus from the Lower Ordovician of the Siberian Platform.- New
Lower Silurian Brachiopoda of the Siberian Platform.- About the stratigraphical significance of the
Triassic Bivalves.- Main developmental stages of the Siberian Platform in the Vendian.- a.o.
Krats K.O. & F.P. Mitrofanov (Ed.) Problems of Early Precambrian Tectonics. (Problemy
tektoniki rannego dokembriya). Leningrad 1980. 208 p., num. figs. & tabs. €13.65
Deals with papers relevant to the periodisation of tectonic events, difinition of certain types of
tectonic structures, problems of contnental and oceanic crust, ensialic and ensimatic mobile belts
as well as structural development of different regions of the USSR with special reference to
crustal evolution and correlation of endogenic processes.
Krestovnikov V.N. New Paleozoic Archaeostraca-Phyllocarida of the Russian Platform, the
Urals, Timan and the Donbas. (Novye rakoobraznye fillokaridy paleozoya Russkoi platformy,
Urala, Timana i Donbassa). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 52) 1961. roy.8. 68 p., 5 pls., 5 figs., 5
tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €5.70
Deals with gen.nov., var. nov.
Kulkov N.P. The Silurian Brachiopoda and stratigraphy of the Gorny Altai. (Brakhiopody i
stratigrafiya silura Gornogo Altaya). Moscow 1967. roy.8. 146 p., 21 pls., 64 figs., 2 tabs. With
Latin nomenclature. €10.50
Kulkov N.P. & L.G. Severgina. Stratigraphy and Brachiopoda of the Ordovician and Lower
Silurian of the Gorny Altai. (Stratigrafiya i brakhiopody ordovika i nizhnego silura Gornogo Altaya).
(Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz. SO AN SSSR, 717) 1989. 223 p., 32 pls., 37 figs., 3 tabs.
With Latin nomenclature and English annotation. €21.00
Deals with 170 species of 111 genera; 20 new species and subspecies are established.
Kulkov N.P., E.V. Vladimirskaya, N.L. Rybkina. The Brachiopoda and Biostratigraphy of the
Upper Ordovician and Silurian of Tuva. (Brakhiopody i biostratigrafiya verkhnego ordovika i silura
Tuvy). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 635) 1985. 208 p., 32 pls., 53 figs., 4 tabs. With Latin
nomenclature. €17.50
Deals with 6 new genera and 34 new species.
Kulkova I.A. & S.A. Laukhin. Flora of the non-marine Paleogene of the Enisei region (with
reference to palynological evidence). (Flora kontinentalnogo Paleogena Eniseiskogo kryazha).
(Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 225) 1975. roy.8. 88 p., 11 pls., 9 figs., 1 tab. With Latin
nomenclature. €9.50
Kundyshev A.S. The Cenozoic Palynostratigraphy and Landscapes of the Vankarem basin
(Chukotka). (Palinostratigrafiya i landshafty kainozoya Vankaremskoi vpadiny). Vladivostok 1992.
131 p., 18 figs., 3 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Kuprina N.P. Stratigraphy and sedimentation history of Pleistocene deposits of Central
Kamchatka. (Stratigrafiya i istoriya osadkonakopleniya pleistotsenovykh otlozhenii tsentralnoi
Kamchatki). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 216) 1970. roy.8. 148 p., 44 figs., 18 tabs. With Latin
nomenclature. €12.50
Deals with pollen, spores, diatomaceae, flora and fauna.
Kuptsov V.M. Methods of chronology of marine Quaternary deposits. (Metody khronologii
chetvertichnykh otlozhenii okeanov i morei). Moscow 1989. 288 p., 86 figs., 59 tabs. Bound. €21.50
Kuzina L.F. The Saurian Ammonoidea. (Saurskie Ammonoidei). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 181)
1980. roy.8. 108 p., 8 pls., 29 figs. With Latin name index. €9.50
Deals with 38 new species from the circumpolar Urals and Pai-Khoi.
Kuzina L.F. & S.V. Yatskov. The Lower and Middle Carboniferous Ammonoidea of Novaya
Zemlya. (Nizhne- i srednekamennougolnye ammonoidei Novoi Zemli). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst.,
275) 1999. roy.8. 144 p., 16 pls., 73 figs., 5 tabs. With Latin name index. €21.00
Kuzmicheva E.I. Morphology of the skeleton, the system and evolution of Scleractinia.
(Morfologiya skeleta, sistema i evolyutsiya skleraktinii). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 286) 2002.
roy.8. 212 p., 32 pls., 59 figs. Bound. With Latin nomenclature. €16.50
Lapchik F.E. (Ed.) Stratigraphical scheme of the Triassic of the Ukrainian SSR and Byelorussian
SSR. (Skhema stratigrafii triasovykh otlozhenii Ukrainskoi SSR i Belorusskoi SSR). Kiev 1970. 47
p., 5 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €1.50
Latypov Yu.Ya. The Scleractinia of Vietnam. Pt. 2: Acroporidae. (Korally skleraktinii Vyetnama:
Akroporidy). Moscow 1992. 134 p., 8 pls., 60 figs., 1 tab. With Latin nomenclature. €20.45
Latypov Yu.Ya. The Scleractinian corals of Vietnam. Pt. 3:Faviidae, Fungiidae. (Korally
skleraktinii Vyetnama). Moscow 1995. 140 p., 31 pls., 6 figs., 4 tabs. With Latin nomenclature &
English annotation. €10.50
Deals with more than 90 species, 3 are new.
Lavrentyeva V.D. Bryozoa of the suborder Phylloporinina. (Mshanki podotryada Phylloporinina).
(Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 214) 1985. roy.8. 102 p., 24 pls., 31 figs., 5 tabs. With Latin nomenclature.
Lazarev S.S. Evolution and System of Productids. (Evolyutsiya i sistema produktid). (Moscow,
Trudy Pal. Inst., 242) 1990. roy.8. 173 p., 40 pls., 48 figs. With Latin nomenclature and English
annotation. €23.50
Lebedkina N.S. Evolution of the Shell of Amphibia. (To the problem of morphological integration).
(Evolyutsiya cherepa Amfibii). Moscow l979. 283 p., 100 figs., 11 tabs. Cloth. With Latin
nomenclature. €18.15
Leonov G.P. The Fundamentals of Stratigraphy. In 2 vols. (Osnovy stratigrafii). Moscow 1973-
1974. roy.8. 1016 p., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €36.30
Leonov G.P. Fundamentals of Stratigraphy. Vol. 1. (Osnovy stratigrafii). Moscow 1973. roy.8. 530
p., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €11.35
Cont.: General position and principal conceptions of stratigraphy.- Historical roots of the international
geochronological scale and the nature of its fundamental subdivisions.
Leonov G.P. & V.P. Alimarina. Stratigraphical questions of the Lower Paleogene of the northwestern
Caucasus. (Voprosy stratigrafii nizhnepaleogenovykh otlozhenii severo-zapadnogo
Kavkaza). Moscow 1964. roy.8. 203 p., 18 figs., 2 tabs. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Deals with descr. of Foraminifera.
Levchuk L.K. The Upper Pleistocene Biostratigraphy of the North of Siberia by Foraminifera.
(Biostratigrafiya verkhnego pleistotsena severa Sibiri po Foraminiferam). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst.
Geol. i Geofiz., 583) 1984. roy.8. 128 p., 16 pls., 22 figs., 4 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €15.00
Levenberg N.V. (Ed.) Stratigraphy of the eastern regions of the Soviet Union. (Stratigrafiya
vostochnykh oblastei Sovetskogo Soyuza). (Moscow, Zapiski Gorn. Inst. im. G.V. Plekhanova,
vol. 37, pt. 2) 1960. roy.8. 194 p., 26 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €18.50
Cont.: Callovian Ammonites from Northern Siberia.- On the Upper boundary of the Eifelian of
the Urals after the fauna of Rugosa Corals.- The Devonian Rugosa Corals of the Upper Amur
and Eastern Transbaikalia.- The Devonian Rugosa Corals of the Southern Altai and adjoining
territories.- a.o.
Levitan M.A. Paleoceanography of the Indian Ocean in the Cretaceous-Neogene. (Paleookeanologiya
Indiiskogo okeana v melu-neogene). Moscow 1992. 248 p., 68 figs., 26 tabs. With
English abstract. €16.00
Levykina I.E. Stratigraphy of Neogene deposits in the North-West Pacific according to Radiolarians.
(Stratigrafiya neogenovykh otlozhenii severo-zapadnoi chasti Tikhogo okeana po radiolyariyam).
(Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst. AN SSSR, 413) 1986. roy.8. 118 p., 16 pls., 20 figs., 5 tabs.
With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Deals with 72 species of Radiolaria, 2 of them are new.
Lipina O.A. Systematics of Tournayellidae. (Sistematiki turneiellid). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst.,
130) 1965. roy.8. 116 p., 24 pls., 4 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €12.00
Lithology and Paleogeography. Vol. 2. Ed. by N.V. Logvinenko. (Litologiya i paleogeografiya).
Leningrad 1976. 166 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €4.55
Lithology and Paleogeography. Vol. 3. Ed. by N.V. Logvinenko. (Litologiya i paleogeografiya).
Leningrad 1981. 156 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €5.70
Cont.: Paleogeographical development of the Kosozersk structure in Early Proterozoic.- Accessory
minerals of the Carboniferous deposits of the north-western part of Arkhangelsk region.-
Microphytofossils in the deposits of Upper Precambrian of the eastern part of the White Sea.- a.o.
Logachev N.A. (Ed.) Late Pleistocene and Holocene epochs in the South of East Siberia. For the
XIth Congress of INQUA in the USSR, Moscow 1982. (Pozdnii pleistotsen i golotsen yuga
vostochnoi Sibiri). Novosibirsk 1982. roy.8. 168 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature and
with English annotation. €14.75
Deals with fossil flora, spore-pollen, mammals.
Logachev N.A. (Ed.) Paleolimnological reconstructions: The Baikalian rift zone. (Paleolimnologicheskie
rekonstruktsii: Baikalskaya riftovaya zona). Novosibirsk 1989. roy.8. 111 p., 9 figs., 10
tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Lopushinskaya T.V. Silurian Brachiopoda and Stratigraphy of the North of the Siberian Platform.
(Brakhiopody i stratigrafiya siluriiskikh otlozhenii severa Sibirskoi platformy). (Novosibirsk, Trudy
SNIIGGIMS, 199) 1976. roy.8. 96 p., 16 pls., 10 figs., 2 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €12.50
Loseva E.I. Atlas of Late Pliocene Diatomeae of the Kama region. To the 11th Congress of
INQUA. (Atlas pozdnepliotsenovykh diatomei Prikamya). Leningrad 1982. 204 p., 104 pls., 14
figs., 11 tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Loseva E.I. Atlas of marine Pleistocene Diatoms of the European North-East of the USSR. (Atlas
morskikh pleistotsenovykh diatomei Evropeiskogo severo-vostoka SSSR). St.-Petersburg 1992.
170 p., 100 pls., 22 figs., 4 tabs. Bound. With Latin nomenclature. €21.50
Loseva E.I., L.N. Andreicheva, D.A. Duryagina et al. The age basis of Pleistocene horizons in
the northeastern Europe. (Obosnovanie vozrasta pleistotsenovykh gorizontov Evropeiskogo
severo-vostoka). (Syktyvkar, Nauchnye Dokl., Preprint, 275) 1991. 27 p., 2 tabs. €3.65
Lozhkin A.V. (Ed.) Stratigraphical questions of the Pleistocene of Kamchatka. (Voprosy
stratigrafii pleistotsena Kamchatki). (Magadan, Trudy Severo-Vost. Kompl. Inst., 59) 1974. roy.8.
152 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €10.50
Deals with descr. of Spore-Pollen.
Lungu A.N. Hipparion fauna of the Middle Sarmatian of Moldavia (Hoofed animals). (Gipparionovaya
fauna srednego Sarmata Moldavii). Kishinev 1984. 160 p., 17 pls., 23 figs., 33 tabs. With
Latin nomenclature. €11.00
Lungu A.N. (Ed.) The Mesozoic and Cenozoic fauna and flora of the southern margins of the
Russian Platform. (Fauna i flora mezozoya i kainozoya yuzhnykh okrain Russkoi Platformy).
Kishinev 1989. 87 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €8.50
Deals with Senomanian Gastropoda; Late Cretaceous Ammonoidea; Didacna Eichw.; Brackish
water Cardiids; Middle Sarmatian Hipparion fauna; Sarmatian Herpetofauna; Middle Pliocene
Testudines, Lagomorpha, Rodentia; Holocene vegetation.
Lutova Z.V. Callovian Stratigraphy and Foraminifera from the North of Middle Siberia. (Stratigrafiya
i foraminifery kelloveya severa Srednei Sibiri). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 472)
1981. 134 p., 11 pls., 18 figs., 1 tab. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Lyubarsky E.L. (Ed.) History of the vegetative cover of the northern part of the central Volga
region in the Pliocene and Anthropogene. (Istoriya rastitelnogo pokrova severnoi chasti srednego
Povolzhya v pliotsene i antropogene). Kazan 1980. roy.8. 120 p., 11 figs., 15 tabs. With Latin
nomenclature. €11.50
Magomedov A.M. & U.T. Temirbekova. Stratigraphy and microfauna of the Bajocian and
Bathonian of Daghestan (Miliolides and biostratigraphy of Bajocian and Bathonian of Daghestan).
(Stratigrafiya i mikrofauna baiosskikh i batskikh otlozhenii Dagestana). Makhachkala 1978. 136 p.,
11 pls., 40 figs., 7 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Maisadze F.D. Paleogeography of Abkhazia in the Paleogene. (Paleogeografiya Abkhazii v
paleogenovoe vremya). (Tbilisi, Trudy Geol. Inst. im. A.I. Dzhanelidze, n.s., 92) 1987. 92 p., 30
figs. €4.55
Maisuradze G.M. The Anthropogen of the Caucasus. (Essay on stratigraphy, inner-regional
correlation. To the 13th Congress of INQUA, China 1991). (Antropogen Kavkaza). (Tbilisi, Trudy
Geol. Inst. im. A.I. Dzhanelidze, n.s., 101) 1990. 52 p., 2 figs., 1 fold. scheme. With Latin
nomenclature. €5.70
Maisuradze L.S. The Sarmatian Foraminifera of West Georgia. (Foraminifery sarmata zapadnoi
Gruzii). Tbilisi 1971. 122 p., 10 pls. With Latin nomenclature and with summary in English. €5.70
Makarychev G.I. Stratigraphy of the Proterozoic and Lower Paleozoic of the Great Karatau.
(Stratigrafiya proterozoiskikh i nizhepaleozoiskikh otlozhenii Bolshogo Karatau). (Moscow, ex.
Byull. M. O-va Isp. Prirody, otd. Geol., vol. 32, pt. 4) 1957. 22 p., 4 figs. €2.50
Makhnach A.S., N.V. Veretennikov, V.I. Shkuratov & V.E. Bordon. The Riphean and Vend of
Byelorussia. (Rifei i vend Belorussii). Minsk 1976. 360 p., 58 figs., 27 tabs. Cloth. €14.00
Makhnach N.A. Stages of the development of the vegetation of Byelorussia during Anthropogen.
To the 3rd Int. Palynological Conf., held in Novosibirsk 1971. (Etapy razvitiya rastitelnosti
Belorussii v antropogene). Minsk 1971. 210 p., 31 figs., tabs. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature.€14.75
Deals with Spore-Pollen.
Makhnach N.A. (Ed.) Stratigraphy and Paleogeography of the Anthropogen. (Stratigrafiya i
paleogeografiya antropogena). Minsk 1975. roy.8. 264 p., 11 pls., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With
Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Cont.: About flora and vegetation of Serebryanyi Rov.- New data on the flora of Dvorets on the
Dnepr.- New data on Diatoms of the key sections of Chekalina (Likhvin).- New species and
subspecies of fossil Ostracoda from the Middle Pleistocene of the RSFSR and Byelorussia.-
Fossil Elephants of Byelorussia.- a.o.
Maksimova S.V. Essays on the applied paleoecology. (Ocherki po prikladnoi paleoekologii).
Moscow 1984. 94 p., 8 pls., 32 figs., 5 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €6.80
Malakhova N.P. Fauna in the metamorphic rocks of the Urals. (Fauna v metamorficheskikh
porodakh Urala). Sverdlovsk 1967. roy.8. 144 p., 74 pls., 3 figs., 6 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €7.00
Deals mainly with Foraminifera.
Malakhova N.P. Fauna of the ore containing formation of the pyrite deposits of the southern
Urals. (Fauna rudovmeshchayushchikh mestorozhdenii yuzhnogo Urala). (Sverdlovsk, Trudy Inst.
Geol. i Geokhim., 81) 1969. roy.8. 84 p., 52 pls. With Latin nomenclature. €7.00
Deals with Foraminifera, Radiolaria, Algae, Ostracoda, Crinoidea, Echinoidea, Bryozoa, Brachiopoda,
Spore-Pollen, Stromatoporoidea.
Malakhova N.P. Stratigraphical problems of the green-stone complex of the eastern slope of
the Urals. Results of foraminiferal study from the carbonaceous rocks of the greenstone
somplex of the eastern slope of the southern Urals. (Problemy stratigrafii zelenokamennogo
kompleksa vostochnogo sklona Urala). (Sverdlovsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. Ural. Fil. AN SSSR, 75)
1965. roy.8. 129 p., 3 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Malakhova N.P. & G.I. Samarkin (Eds.) The organic remains and the problematic formations in
the metamorphic rocks of the Urals. (Organicheskie ostatki i problematicheskie obrazovaniya v
metamorficheskikh porodakh Urala). (Sverdlovsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geokhim., 138) 1977. roy.8.
152 p., 50 pls. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Deals mainly with Foraminifera.
Maleev E.F. (Ed.) Stratigraphy of the volcanogenic formations of Kamchatka. (Stratigrafiya
vulkanogennykh formatsii Kamchatki). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Vulkanol., 23) 1966. roy.8. 192 p.,
num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €16.00
Cont.: Descr. of Spore-Pollen analysis.- Diatoms.- Foraminifera.- Mollusks.
Maloletko A.M. Paleogeography of the fore-Altaian part of western Siberia in the Mesozoic and
Cenozoic. (Paleogeografiya Predaltaiskoi chasti zapadnoi Sibiri v Mezozoe i Kainozoe). Tomsk
1972. 228 p., 46 figs., 23 tabs. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €6.80
Mamedov A.V. & B.D. Aleskerov. Paleogeography of Azerbaidzhan in the Early and Middle
Pleistocene. (Paleogeografiya Azerbaidzhana v rannem i srednem pleistotsene). Baku 1988. 157
p., 28 figs., 26 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.35
Mandelshtam M.I. The Paleogene Ostracoda of Central Asia. (Ostrakody iz otlozhenii
paleogena srednei Azii). (Leningrad, ex. Trudy VNIGRI, 136; ex. Mikrofauna SSSR, 10) 1959.
84 p., 9 pls., 26 figs. In Russian with Latin nomenclature. €10.00
Markov A.V. Morphology, systematics and phylogeny of Schizasteridae. (Morfologiya, sistematika
i filogeniya morskikh ezhei semeistva Schizasteridae). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 258) 1994.
roy.8. 94 p., 25 figs., 42 tabs. With Latin nomenclature & English annotation. €10.50
Markov E.P. Ordovician and Early Silurian of the South-West of the Tungusska syneclise:
Stratigraphy, facies, paleogeography. (Ordovik i rannii silur yugo-zapada Tungusskoi sineklizy).
(Leningrad, Trudy SNIIGGIMS, pt. 85; Ser. Strat. i Paleont.) 1970. roy.8. 144 p., 48 figs. Cloth.
With Latin nomenclature. €12.50
Deals with fossil fauna (Brachiopoda, Corals, Ostracoda, Trilobita, a.o.).
Markov K.K. (Ed.) The section of the latest deposits of the lower Amur region. (Razrez noveishikh
otlozhenii nizhnego Priamurya). Moscow 1978. roy.8. 106 p., num. figs. With Latin nomenclature.
Deals with Spore-Pollen and Flora.
Markov K.K., G.I. Lazukov & V.A. Nikolaev. The Quaternary Period (glacial period-anthropogen
period). Vol. 1: The territory of the USSR. For the VIIth Int. Congress of INQUA, USA 1965.
(Chetvertichnyi period). Moscow 1965. roy.8. 372 p., 126 figs., 31 tabs. Cloth. With Latin
nomenclature. €11.50
Markova L.G. (Ed.) Materials on the Paleopalynology of West Siberia. For the 3rd Int. Palynological
Conf., Novosibirsk July 1971. (Materialy po paleopalinologii zapadnoi Sibiri). (Novosibirsk,
Trudy SNIIGGIMS, 117) 1971. roy.8. 104 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €9.50
Markova N.G. Stratigraphy and tectonics of the Paleozoic of Bet-Pak-Dala. (Stratigrafiya i
tektonika paleozoya Bet-Pak-Daly). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 62) 1961. roy.8. 364 p., 122 figs.,
11 tabs. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €11.35
Deals with the descr. of fossil fauna (Brachiopoda, Foraminifera, Corals, a.o.) & flora.
Markovsky B.P. Methods of biofacial analysis. (Metody biofatsialnogo analiza). Moscow 1966.
roy.8. 271 p., 43 pls., 288 figs., 2 tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €12.50
Maslakova N.I. The Globotruncanidae of the South of the European part of the USSR.
(Globotrunkanidy yuga Evropeiskoi chasti SSSR). Moscow 1978. roy.8. 166 p., 28 pls., 14 figs., 4
tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €22.70
Masumov A.S. Jurassic Ostracoda of Uzbekistan. (Yurskie ostrakody Uzbekistana). Tashkent
1973. 150 p., 14 pls. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Matishov G.G. (Ed.) The latest deposits and paleogeography of the northern seas. (Noveishie
otlozheniya i paleogeografiya severnykh morei). Apatity 1989. roy.8. 113 p., num. figs. & tabs.
With Latin nomenclature. €9.10
Deals also with descr. of foraminifera, diatoms, spore-pollen.
Matishov G.G., L.G. Pavlova, G.A. Tarasov et al. Quaternary paleo-ecology and geology of the
seas of northern Europe. (Chetvertichnaya paleoekologiya i geologiya morei severnoi Evropy).
Apatity 1989. roy.8. 115 p., 46 figs., 22 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.35
Deals with Foraminifera, Diatoms, Spore-Pollen.
Matishov G.G. & G.A. Tarasov (Eds.) Problems of Cenozoic paleoecology and paleogeography of
the seas of the Arctic Ocean. (Problemy kainozoiskoi paleoekologii i paleogeografii morei severnogo
ledovitogo okeana). Moscow 1992. 134 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.35
Deals also with descr. of Spore-Pollen, Foraminifera, Buccinidae.
Matishov G.G. & G.A. Tarasov (Ed.) Quaternary paleo-ecology and the paleogeography of the
northern seas. (Chetvertichnaya paleoekologiya i paleogeografiya severnykh morei). Moscow
1988. 232 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €18.15
Mchedlidze G.A. General features of the paleobiological history of Cetacea. (Osnovnye cherty
paleobiologicheskoi istorii kitoobraznykh). Tbilisi 1976. roy.8. 137 p., 32 pls. With summary in
English. €8.00
Medvedeva A.M. Stratigraphical separation of the lower horizons of the Tungusska series by the
method of Spore-Pollen analysis. (Stratigraficheskoe raschlenenie nizhnikh gorizontov
Tungusskoi serii metodom sporovo-pyltsevogo analiza). Moscow 1960. Roy.8. 93 p., 25 pls. With
Latin nomenclature. €16.00
Medyanik S.I. & K.D. Mikhailesku. Paleogeographical stages of the development of the flora of
Moldova in the Anthropogene. (By biostratigraphical and palynological data). (Paleogeograficheskie
etapy razvitiya flory Moldovy v Antropogene). Kishinev 1992. 132 p., 33 figs., 8 tabs. With
Latin nomenclature. €9.50
Meledina S.V. Ammonites and zonal stratigraphy of the Callovian of subboreal regions of the
USSR. (Ammonity i zonalnaya stratigrafiya kelloveya subborealnykh raionov SSSR). (Moscow,
Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz. SO AN SSSR, 691) 1987. 184 p., 32 pls., 14 figs., 9 tabs. With Latin
nomenclature. €15.00
Meledina S.V. Ammonites and zonal stratigraphy of the Callovian of Siberia. (Ammonity i
zonalnaya stratigrafiya kelloveya Sibiri). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 356) 1977. 290 p.,
47 pls., 37 figs., 5 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €16.00
Menner V.V. (Ed.) Boundary of Jurassic-Cretaceous System. (Granitsa yury i mela). (Moscow,
Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz. SO AN SSSR, 699) 1990. 192 p., 8 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin
nomenclature and summaries in English. €17.50
Deals with material of the Int. Field Meeting „Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary at the Northern
Caucasus“. Descr. are Foraminifera, Brachiopoda, Buchiids, Ammonites, Microphytofossils.
Menner V.V. Selected Works: General problems of stratigraphy. (Izbrannye trudy: Obshchie
voprosy stratigrafii). Moscow 1991. roy.8. 288 p., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature.
Cont.: Ways and methods of the development of stratigraphy.- General stratigraphical scale and
its subbdivisions.- Stratigraphic units and their boundaries.
Menner V.V. Selected Works: Regional Stratigraphy and Paleontological Problems. (Izbrannye
trudy: Regionalnaya stratigrafiya i paleontologicheskie problemy). Moscow 1992. roy.8. 214 p., 8
pls., num. figs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €24.95
Cont.: On the Paleogene stratigraphy of the Eastern Caucasus.- Paleogene Selacians of
Mangyshlak, Emba and the Eastern Urals.- Description of mammal fossils from intermoraine
loams of Odintsovo.- Pleiosaurus fossils from the Mid-Jurassic sequences of Eastern Siberia.-
Fish fauna of the Caucasian Maikopian strata.- Sciaena from the Kimmerian strata of Kerch
Peninsula.- Palynology in stratigraphy.- On certain modern problems of paleontology.- a.o.
Menner V.V. & V.A. Krasheninnikov (Eds.) Stratigraphy in investigations of the Geological
Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. (Stratigrafiya v issledovaniyakh geologicheskogo
Inst. AN SSSR). Moscow 1980. roy.8. 300 p., 22 figs., 29 tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature
& English annotation. €22.70
Deals with: Spore-Pollen analysis, Phytolites, Stromatolites, Microphytolites, Acritarcha, Skeletonless
animals, Foraminifera, Paleofloristics, Ammonites, Fossil Mammals, Stratigraphical scales.
Merklin R.L. & L.A. Nevesskaya. Classification key of the Miocene Bivalvia of Turkmenia and of
West Kazakhstan. (Opredelitel dvustvorchatykh mollyuskov miotsena Turkmenii i Zapadnogo
Kazakhstana). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 59) 1955. roy.8. 116 p., 32 pls. With Latin name index.€27.50
Mesezhnikov M.S. (Ed.) The Middle and Upper Oxfordian of the Russian Platform. (Srednii i
verkhnii oksford Russkoi Platformy). (Leningrad, Mezhved. Strat. Kom. SSSR, Trudy, 19) 1989.
roy.8. 183 p., 35 pls., 32 figs., 12 tabs. With Latin nomenclature and with English annotation. €18.50
36 species of Cardioceras and Paramoeboceras (incl. 3 new species) and 87 species of
Foraminifera (incl. 19 new species) are described.
Meshkova N.P. Hyoliths of the Lower Cambrian of Siberian Platform. (Khiolity nizhnego kembriya
Sibirskoi Platformy). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 97) 1974. roy.8. 110 p., 12 pls., 5
figs. With English annotation and Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Meyen S.V. Theoretical problems of palaeobotany. (Teoreticheskie problemy paleobotaniki).
Moscow 1990. roy.8. 288 p., 49 pls., 93 figs., 5 tabs. Cloth. With Latin name index and English
annotation. €34.50
Deals with study of morphology, systematics, phylo- and florogenesis of fossil plants in relation to
theoretical problems of evolution and morphology of plants. Papers issued after 1967 were
selected. Many of them are published in Russian for the first time.
Microfauna of the USSR. (Mikrofauna SSSR). Vol. XII: Cretaceous and Tertiary Foraminifera
and Ostracoda of western Siberia, East Kazakhstan and of the Far East. (Leningrad, Trudy
VNIGRI, 170) 1961. 275 p., 35 pls., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin name index. €29.50
Deals with new & little-known species of Foraminifera & Ostracoda.
Mikhailov N.P. Boreal Jurassic Ammonites (Dorsoplanitinae) and zonal subdivision of the Volgian
stage. (Borealnye yurskie ammonity i zonalnoe raschlenenie Volzhskogo yarusa). (Moscow,
Trudy Geol. Inst., 151) 1966. roy.8. 116 p., 22 pls., 41 figs., 3 tabs. With Latin name index. €14.00
Mikhailov N.P. & V.A. Gustomesov. Boreal Late Jurassic Cephalopods. (Borealnye pozdneyurskie
golovonogie). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 107) 1964. roy.8. 216 p., 42 pls., 28 figs.
With Latin nomenclature. €16.00
Deals with Virgatosphinctinae & Cylindroteuthinae.
Milanovskaya S.P. New Middle Devonian genus Stegolepis (Antiarch, Placodermi) from Central
Kazakhstan. (Novyi srednedevonskii rod Stegolepis iz tsentralnogo Kazakhstana). (Moscow, ex.
Pal. Zhurnal, ’73, no. 2) 1973. 12 p., 2 pls., 4 figs. With Latin nomenclature.- In photostat. €1.59
Mironova L.V. (Comp). The All-Union Paleontological Society. Handbook (Addition). (Vsesoyuznoe
paleontologicheskoe Obshchestvo. Spravochnik. Dopolnenie). Leningrad 1990. 143 p., 2
tabs. €6.80
Deals with the activities and members between 1984-1989.
Mironova L.V. The Bukharian shield of the Paleogene of Central Asia. Stratigraphy and leading
complexes of Mollusks. (Bukharskaya svita paleogena srednei Azii). (Moscow, Trudy VSEGEI,
n.s., 38) 1960. roy.8. 175 p., 22 pls. With Latin nomenclature. €9.50
Heterodonta, Neotaxodonta, Dysodonta, Desmodonta, Archaeogastropoda.
Mishakov G.S., E.G. Areshev, A.P. Erukh et al. Questions of geology and oil & gas content of
Sakhalin. (Voprosy geologii i neftegazonosnosti Sakhalina). (Leningrad, Trudy VNIGRI, 306)
1972. 227 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €7.50
Deals also with Upper Cretaceous microfaunistic complex.
Mitrofanov F.P. (Ed.) Principles and criteria of subdivision of Precambrian in mobile zones.
(Printsipy i kriterii raschleneniya dokembriya v mobilnykh zonakh). Leningrad 1980. 312 p., figs. &
tabs. Cloth. In Russian, French and English. €17.50
Mitta V.V. Ammonites and biostratigraphy of the Lower Callovian of the Russian Platform.
(Ammonity i biostratigrafiya nizhnego kelloveya Russkoi platformy). (Moscow, Byull. KF VNIGN, 3)
2000. 4. 144 p., 70 pls., 4 figs. With summary in German. €34.05
Moksyakova A.M. The Bodraksky layer of the Turan platform. Stratigraphy, Radiolaria and
Paleozoogeography. (Bodrakskii yarus Turanskoi plity). (Moscow, Trudy VNIGNI, 82) 1972. roy.8.
102 p., 9 pls., 9 figs., 12 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €10.50
Molyavko G.I. The Neogene of the South of the Ukraine. (Neogen pivdnya Ukraini). Kiev 1960.
208 p., 35 figs., 4 tabs. H.cloth. In Ukrainian with Latin nomenclature. €6.80
Deals with descr. of its fauna and flora.
Morozov F.M. (Ed.) Materials on the geology and minerals of the Chita region. Pt. II. (Materialy
po geologii i poleznym iskopaemym Chitinskoi ablasti). Moscow 1966. roy.8. 240 p., 15 pls., num.
figs. & tabs. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €14.75
Cont.: Jurassic stratigraphy of the eastern Trans Baikal region (with Amminites, Pelecypoda,
Plants).- Upper Mesozoic stratigraphy of the freshwater-continental deposits of the eastern Trans
Baikal region (Conchostraca, Mollusks, Gastropoda, a.o.).- Early Cretaceous Conchostraca of the
eastern Trans Baikal region.- a.o.
Morozova I.M. (Ed.) Morphogenesis and ways of development of colonial Bryozoa and Coelenterata.
(Morfogenez i puti razvitiya kolonialnosti mshanki i kishechnopolostnykh). (Moscow, Trudy
Pal. Inst., 222) 1987. roy.8. 127 p., 16 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €18.50
Morozova I.P. Late Permian Bryozoa. (Mshanki pozdnei permi). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 122)
1970. roy.8. 348 p., 64 pls., 17 tabs., 43 figs. H.cloth. With Latin name index. €22.70
Moskalenko T.A. The Conodonts of the Krivolutsky stage (Middle Ordovician) of the Siberian
Platform. (Konodonty Krivolutskogo yarusa „srednii ordovik“ Sibirskoi platformy). (Moscow, Trudy
Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 61) 1970. roy.8. 118 p., 14 pls., 7 figs., 2 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Deals with 31 new species.
Moskalenko T.A. Middle and Upper Ordovician Conodonts of the Siberian Platform. (Konodonty
srednego i verkhnego ordovika Sibirskoi platformy). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 137)
1973. roy.8. 143 p., 18 pls., 5 figs., 2 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €12.50
Moskalenko T.A., A.G. Yadrenkina, V.S. Semenova and A.M. Yaroshinskaya. Ordovician of
the Siberian Platform. Key sections of the Upper Ordovician (Biostratigraphy and fauna). (Ordovik
Sibirskoi platformy. Opornye razrezy verkhnego ordovika). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz.
SO AN SSSR, 340) 1978. 164 p., 22 pls., 13 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €16.00
Moskvitin A.I. Key sections of the Pleistocene of the Russian Plain. (Opornye razrezy pleistotsena
Russkoi ravniny). Moscow 1976. roy.8. 203 p., 61 figs., 9 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Deals also with Spore-Pollen, Mammals, Mollusks, a.o.
Moskvitin A.I. Pleistocene stratigraphy of central and western Europe. (Stratigrafiya pleistotsena
tsentralnoi i zapadnoi Evropy). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 193) 1970. roy.8. 288 p., 69 figs., 26
tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature and summary in German. €17.50
Deals with the stratigraphy of the circumalpine region, Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, BRD,
DDR, Netherlands, Great Britain and Poland and descr. of its flora and fauna.
Moskvitin A.I. The Pleistocene stratigraphy of the European part of the USSR. (Stratigrafiya
pleistotsena evropeiskoi chasti SSSR). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 156) 1967. roy.8. 238 p., 77
figs., 7 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €9.10
Deals with Spore-Pollen.
Moskvitin, A.I. Probable age of the first glaciation of the Russian Plain. (Veroyatnyi vozrast
pervogo oledeniya Russkoi ravniny). (Moscow, ex. Byull. M.O. va Isp. Prirody, otd. Geol. vo. 33,
pt. 2) 1957. 11 p., 3 figs. €1.00
Muravyev I.S. Stratigraphy and conditions of formation of the Permian deposits of the Pechoran
Urals. (Stratigrafiya i usloviya formirovaniya Permskikh otlozhenii Pechorskogo Priuralya). Kazan
1972. 202 p., 15 figs. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €3.50
Muromtseva V.A. The Carboniferous Bivalvia of Kazakhstan and Siberia. (Dvustvorchatye
mollyuski karbona Kazakhstana i Sibiri). (Leningrad, Trudy VNIGRI, 336) 1974. roy.8. 150 p., 29
pls., 3 tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €15.00
Muzylyov N.G. Stratigraphy of the Paleogene of the south of the USSR by Nannoplankton (The
Northern Caucasus and the Crimea). (Stratigrafiya paleogena yuga SSSR po nannoplanktonu).
(Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 348) 1980. roy.8. 96 p., 8 pls., 8 figs., 3 tabs. With Latin nomenclature.
Myagkova E.I., N.E. Nestor, R.E. Einasto. Ordovician and Silurian sequence of the Moiero river
(Siberian Platform). (Razrez ordovika i silura reki Moiero). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz.,
303) 1977. roy.8. 176 p., 47 pls., 14 figs., 3 tabs. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €17.50
Graptolites, Brachiopoda, Corals, Stromatoporoidea, Conodonts, Bryozoa, Gastropoda, Oncolites,
Naletov P.I. Catalogue of the occurrence of fossil fauna, flora, pollen and spores of the central
part of the Buryat ASSR. (Katalog mestonakhozhdenii iskopaemykh fauny, flory, pyltsy i spor
tsentralnoi chasti Buryatskoi ASSR). Moscow 1961. 8. 64 p., 1 fold. map. H.cloth. With Latin
nomenclature. €9.50
Nalivkin D.V. (Ed.) Biostratigraphy and Paleontology of the Continental Upper Paleozoic and
Mesozoic of Siberia and Central Kazakhstan. (Kontinentalnyi verkhnii paleozoi i mezozoi Sibiri i
tsentralnogo Kazakhstana: Biostrat. i paleontologiya). Moscow 1966. roy.8. 184 p., 20 pls., num.
figs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Deals with bivalve mollusks, Ostracoda & Conchostraca.
Nalivkin, D.V. Mollyuski gory bakinskago yarusa. Trudy Geol. kom., nov. ser., vyp. 116 4 pls.
Nalivkin D.V. Questions of paleontology, stratigraphy and paleogeography. Selected works.
(Voprosy paleontologii, stratigrafii i paleogeografii). Leningrad 1987. 280 p., 1 portr., num. figs.
Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €18.50
Nalivkin D.V. & V.N. Vereshchagin (Eds.) Resolutions of the Interdepartmental Stratigraphical
Committee and Resolutions of its permanent Stratigraphical Committee on the Lower Precambrian,
Upper Precambrian, Ordovician and Silurian, Devonian, Triassic, Jurassic & Cretaceous of
the USSR. Materials of conferences, seminars, meetings. (Materialy konferentsii, seminarov,
soveshchanii, 7: Postanovleniya MSK i resheniya ego postoyannykh strat. kom. po nizhnemu
dokembriyu, verkhnemu dokembriyu, ordoviku i siluru, devonu, triasu, yure i melu SSSR).
Moscow 1965. 156 p. With Latin nomenclature. €4.55
Nalivkin V.D. Stratigraphy and Tectonics of the Ufa Plateau and Yurezan-Sylvensk depression.
(Stratigrafiya i tektonika Ufimskogo plato i Yurezano-Sylvenskoi depressii). (Leningrad, Trudy
VNIGRI, n.s., 46) 1949. 206 p., 26 figs., 25 tabs. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €8.50
Deals with descr. of Foraminifera, Bryozoa, Brachiopoda, Corals, Goniatites and some flora.
Natural Conditions and Fauna of the Past. Pt. 1. (Prirodnaya obstanovka i fauny proshlogo).
Kiev 1963. 152 p., 3 figs., num. tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €6.80
Cont.: Recent problems and tasks of the study of the fauna and the environment of its habitat.-
From the history of the Holocene fauna of Vertebrates in Eastern Europe.- a.o.
Natural Conditions and Fauna of the Past. Pt. 3. Ed. by I.G. Pidoplichko. (Prirodnaya obstanovka
i fauny proshlogo). Kiev 1967. 156 p., figs. With Latin nomenclature. €5.00
Cont.: Fossil ornithofauna of the Ukraine.- Relict fauna of the Norilsk lakes and its paleogeographical
importance.- About the chronology of the Anthropogen.- a.o.
Natural Conditions and Fauna of the Past. Pt. 5. Ed. by I.G. Pidoplichko. (Prirodnaya obstanovka
i fauny proshlogo). Kiev 1970. 175 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €8.00
Deals with results of the study of hipparion fauna of the Kakhovsk hydroelectrostation region; the
absence in the past of the glaciation on the Kola Peninsula; some peculiarities of the Anthropogen
deposits of the northern Russian Plain; Radiocarbon dating of Anthropogen paleontological
remains from Fennoscandia and North America.
Natural Conditions and Fauna of the Past. (Prirodnaya obstanovka i fauny proshlogo). Pt. 9.
Ed. by I.G. Pidoplichko. Kiev 1975. 132 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €8.00
Deals with Marine Mollusks, Foraminifera, Marine & Freshwater Algae; Pollen; Ammonites,
Nummulites; Palynological data; Flora; Mammals.
Nazarov V.I. Reconstruction of the landscapes of Byelorussia by paleoentomological data
(Anthropogen). (Rekonstruktsiya landshaftov Belorussii po paleoentomologicheskim dannym).
(Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 205) 1984. roy.8. 96 p., 8 pls., 19 figs., 18 tabs. With Latin nomenclature.
Negadaev-Nikonov K.N. (Ed.) The Anthropogen of Moldavia. (Antropogen Moldavii). Kishinev
1969. 112 p., 27 pls., 11 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €4.55
Cont.: New finds of Mammal remains in Moldavia.- Paleolithic and Mesolithic in river Reut basin.-
Neolithic ichthyofauna.- To the study of Ostracoda of Kuchurgan liman.
Negadaev-Nikonov K.N. (Ed.) The application of mathematical methods in the Paleontology.
(Primenenie matematicheskikh metodov v paleontologii). Kishinev 1970. 71 p., num. figs., tabs.
With Latin nomenclature. €3.40
Deals with Ostracoda.
Negadaev-Nikonov K.N. (Ed.) The Cenozoic Fauna of Moldavia. (Fauna kainozoya Moldavii).
Kishinev 1970. 131 p., 13 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €4.55
Cont.: Paleolithic Mammalian Fauna of Moldavia.- Tortonian Pectinides of Moldavia.- About the
paleoecology and the characteristics of the changes of the Pleistocene Ostracoda.- Ilyocypris
carinata sp.nov. of the Dnestr.- Recent Ostracoda of the Dnestr.
Negadaev-Nikonov K.N. Ostracoda of the Continental Pleistocene of the South of the European
part of the USSR. (Ostrakody kontinentalnogo pleistotsena yuga evropeiskoi chasti SSSR).
Kishinev 1974. 216 p., 22 pls., 6 fold. schemes, 87 figs. With Latin name index. €9.50
Negadaev-Nikonov K.N. (Ed.) Paleontological investigations of the Upper Cenozoic of Moldavia.
(Paleontologicheskie issledovaniya verkhnego kainozoya Moldavii). Kishinev 1970. 72 p., 5 figs.,
7 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €1.60
Cont.: Distribution, number and change of Capreolus capreolus L. in the Anthropogen of southeastern
Europe.- Bionomy of the Late Tortonian basin of Moldavia on the basis of Foraminifera
and Bryozoa.- New data about the Early Sarmatian flora of Naslavcha.- a.o.
Negadaev-Nikonov K.N. (Ed.) Paleontology and stratigraphy of the Meso-Cenozoic of the
Moldavian SSR. (Paleontologiya i stratigrafiya mezokainozoya Moldavskoi SSR). Kishinev 1970.
200 p., 7 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €6.80
Cont.: Jurassic stratigraphy of the Dnestr-Prut region.- Cretaceous stratigraphy and Foraminifera
of the Moldavian SSR.- Upper Tortonian Bryozoa of North Moldavia and West Ukraine.- Some
peculiarities of the distribution of Tortonian Bivalvia in Moldavia.- The complex Tortonian
Foraminifera of Moldavia.
Negadaev-Nikonov K.N., V.K. Lukashev et al. Paleontological and geochemical indicators of
Anthropogen media in the south-west of the USSR. (Paleontologicheskie i geokhimicheskie
indikatory sredy antropogena yugo-zapada SSSR). Kishinev 1980. 114 p., 21 figs., 24 tabs. With
Latin nomenclature and with summary in English. €6.80
Deals with Mollusks, Ostracoda and some Mammals.
Neistadt M.I. The history of forests and the paleogeography of the USSR in the Holocene.
(Istoriya lesov i paleogeografiya SSSR v golotsene). Moscow 1957. 4. 404 p., 226 figs., 12 tabs.
Cloth. With Latin nomencl. €18.50
Nemkov G.I. Nummulitides of the Soviet Union and their biostratigraphic significance. (Nummulitidy
Sovetskogo Soyuza i ikh biostratigraficheskoe znachenie). Moscow 1967. roy.8. 318 p., 44
pls., 8 tabs., 15 figs. Cloth. With summary in English and with Latin nomenclature. €16.00
Nemkov G.I. On the Nummulites of the Pre-Paleogene. (O drevnikh dopaleogenovykh
nummulitakh). (Moscow, ex. Byull. M. O-va Isp. Prirody, otd. Geol., vol. 32, pt. 1) 1957. 18 p.
With Latin nomenclature. €2.50
Neustadt M.I. (Ed.) Holocene Palynology. (Palinologiya Golotsena). For the 3rd Int. Palynol.
Conf. Moscow 1971. roy.8. 270 p., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature and
summaries in English. €21.00
Deals also with new data on spore and pollen complexes in lacustrine sediments and peat bogs.
Nevesskaya L.A. Classification key of the bivalve mollusks of the marine Quaternary deposits of
the Black Sea basin. (Opredelitel dvustvorchatykh mollyuskov morskikh chetvertichnykh otlozhenii
Chernomorskogo basseina). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 96) 1963. roy.8. 211 p., 26 pls., 52 figs., 2
tabs. H.cloth. With Latin name index. €13.75
Nevesskaya L.A. The developmental stages of the benthos of the Phanerozoic seas:
Mesozoic. Cenozoic. (Etapy razvitiya bentosa fanerozoiskikh morei: Mezozoi. Kainozoi).
(Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 274) 1999. roy.8. 503 p., num. figs. & tabs. Bound. With Latin
nomenclature. €40.00
Nevesskaya L.A. The developmental stages of the benthos of the Phanerozoic seas: Paleozoic.
(Etapy razvitiya bentosa fanerozoiskikh morei. Paleozoi). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 270) 1998.
roy.8. 503 p., num. figs. & tabs. Bound. With Latin nomenclature. €43.10
Paleogeography, climate, hydrology, sedimentation, fauna & flora, biogeography.
Nevesskaya L.A. (Ed.) Ecological problems of the fauna and flora of ancient basins. For the 1st
International Congress on Paleoecology in Lyon, 1983. (Problemy ekologii fauny i flory drevnikh
basseinov). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 194) 1983. roy.8. 174 p., 8 pls., num. figs. With Latin
nomenclature. €18.50
Cont.: Ecology of Precambrian Metazoa of the Belomore biotite.- Agnatha and fishes in the
ecosystems of the Devonian lagoons of Siberia and the Russian Platform.- Insects in the
Mesozoic continental waterbodies of Northern Asia.- a.o.
Nevesskaya L.A. The Late Quaternary Bivalvia of the Black Sea, their systematic and ecology.
(Pozdnechetvertichnye dvustvorchatye mollyuski Chernogo Morya, ikh sistematika i ekologiya).
(Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 105) 1965. roy.8. 391 p., 19 pls., 96 figs., 50 tabs. H.cloth. With Latin
name index. €22.70
Nevesskaya L.A. (Ed.) Upper Phanerozoic Stratigraphy of Moldavia. (Stratigrafiya verkhnego
fanerozoya Moldavii). Kishinev 1987. 110 p., 3 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €10.50
Cont.: Genus Silberlingia Imlay, 1963 in the Jurassic of the South of the USSR.- Spondylopectinidae
Kasum-Zade et Romanov Fam. Nov. in the Jurassic of the South of the USSR.- Sarmatian
Mysid statoliths of Moldavia.- Bentocypria Kovalenko gen. nov.- a.o.
Nevesskaya L.A. & A.N. Solovyev (Eds.) Development and change of the Mollusks in the
Mesozoic-Cenozoic boundary. (Razvitie i smena mollyuskov na rubezhe Mezozoya i kainozoya).
Moscow 1981. roy.8. 142 p., 4 figs., 12 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €18.50
Deals with Bivalvia, Gastropoda and Scaphopoda.
News of Paleontology & Stratigraphy. Issue 2-3. Suppl. to Journal “Geologiya i Geofizika, vol.
41”. Ed. by E.A. Elkin & A.V. Kanygin. (Novosti paleontologii i stratigrafii). Novosibirsk 2000. 4.
209 p., 25 pls., num. figs. With Latin nomenclature & summaries in English. €25.00
Cont.: Silicified microbiotas from the Upper Riphean of the Yenisei Ridge.- Lower Cambrian
Radiolaria from the Gorny Altai.- New occurrences of Lower Cambrian trilobites from Central
Tuva.- Earliest Early Ordovician trilobites from the southeastern part of the Siberian Platform.-
New Emsian (Lower Devonian) species of the genus Neotrematopora from the Salair and
Gorny Altai.- The Aalian stage of East Siberia: zonation, index bivalves and ammonoids.- Early
and Middle Jurassic Foraminifera and Ostracoda of the West Siberian Lowland.- Genus
Chatangiella Vozzhennikova 1967: morphology, taxonomy.- Mesozoic spores of the genus
Cadargasporites.- Late Jurassic and Cretaceous Tellinacea from North Siberia.- Ordovician
genus Stratodictyon from the Siberian Platform.- The first Devonian Foraminifera of the genus
Juferevella from the northwest of the West Siberian Lowland.- a.o.
News of Paleontology and Stratigraphy. Issue 4. Supplement to journal “Geologiya i Geofizika”,
vol. 42. Ed. by E.A. Yolkin, A.V. Kanygin & B.N. Shurygin. (Novosti paleontologii i stratigrafii).
Novosibirsk 2001. 4. 152 p., 13 pls., num. figs. With Latin nomencl. & summaries in English. €13.50
Cont.: Lower Triassic Conodonts from Kotelny Island.- Mesocrossotheca tunguscana gen. et sp.
nov. – generative organs of pteridosperms from Lower Triassic volcanic deposits of the Tunguska
basin.- Upper Pliensbachian Ammonoids and Bivalve Mollusks from Central Siberia.- First record
of Polyplacophora from the Mesozoic (Pliensbachian) of Siberia.- Toarcian and Aalenian
Vaginulinidae Reuss 1860 from Northern Siberia and NE Russia.- First occurrence of a belemnite
of the genus Communicobelus in the Callovian of West Siberia.- Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous
Hiatellidae of Siberia.- Jurassic Ichnofacies on the West Siberian Plate and their significance for
reconstruction of environments.- New dinoflagellate species of the genus Horologinella from
Lower Valanginian of the Anabar region.- Revision of the Mesozoic species Laevigatisporites
lenaensis, Fradkina 1964.- Genus Chatangiella: stratigraphic importance and geographical
distribution.- Stratigraphy and Palynology of the Oligocene-Miocene in the Irtysh area of Omsk.-
Tree-stump horizons in Upper Pleistocene of Siberia.
Nikiforova K.V. The Cenozoic of the Golodna steppe of Central Kazakhstan. (Kainozoi golodnoi
stepi tsentralnogo Kazakhstana). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 45) 1960. roy.8. 255 p., 63 figs., 3
tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €15.90
Deals also with the fossil fauna and flora. ( Ferns, Ginkgoales, Podozamites a.o.;
Scapanorhynchus, Trachodontidae, Stegosauridae, Deinodontidae, Radiolaria, Sharks,
Mammalia; Spore-Pollen).
Nikiforova K.V. (Ed.) Geology and fauna of the Lower and Middle Pleistocene of Europe.
(Geologiya i fauna nizhnego i srednego pleistotsena Evropy). Moscow 1972. 264 p., num. figs. &
tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Deals with Hipparion; Pollen, Ostracods, Fagotia acicularis, Microvertebrates, Flora, Mollusks,
Hominids, a.o. (Commission for the Quaternary Research).
Nikitin I.F. (Ed.) The key sections and stratigraphy of the Cambrian-Ordovician phosphatebearing
obolus beds on the North-East of the Russian Platform. (Opornye razrezy i stratigrafiya
kembro-ordovikskoi fosforitonosnoi obolovoi tolshchi na severo-zapade Russkoi platformy).
(Leningrad, Mezhved. Strat. Kom. SSSR, Trudy, 18) 1989. roy.8. 222 p., 24 pls., 45 figs., 10 tabs.
With Latin nomenclature and with summary in English. €18.50
Deals with Inarticulate Brachiopoda, Conodonts, Graptolites, Marcusodictyon, Hyolithelminthes,
Rukhinellidae Borovko fam. nov.
Nikitin I.F. The Ordovician of Kazakhstan. Vol. II: Paleogeography, Paleotectonics. (Ordovik
Kazakhstana). Alma-Ata 1973. roy.8. 100 p., 16 pls., 15 figs. Cloth. With summary in English. €11.50
Nikitin I.F. & A.I. Zhamoida (Eds.) Practical stratigraphy. Working out of stratigraphic base for
large-scale geological survey. (Prakticheskaya stratigrafiya). Leningrad 1984. 320 p., 116 figs., 9
tabs. Cloth. With English annotation. €7.95
Nikolaev V.A. (Ed.) The Cenozoic of West Siberia. (Kainozoi zapadnoi Sibiri). Novosibirsk 1968.
roy.8. 168 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €10.50
Cont.: Stratigraphy and fauna of the continental Oligocene and Neogene of the West Siberian
lowland.- The Pliocene and Quaternary Ostracoda of the southern part of the West-Siberian
lowland.- To the question of the paleogeography of the Late Paleogene and Neogene of West-
Siberia by paleocarpological data.- Tertiary spor-pollen complex at Pozdnyakova in the Tomsk Ob
region.- a.o.
Nikolaev V.A. (Ed.) Paleogeography of the Quaternary of the North of Siberia. (Paleogeografiya
chetvertichnogo perioda severa Sibiri). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz. SO AN SSSR, 9)
1964. roy.8. 73 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €7.95
Cont.: Late glacial and Holocene epoches in the North-East of the Middle-Siberian highland by
Spore-Pollen data.- Basic laws of change of the composition of the fauna by key sections of the
marine intermorainic layers of the Ust-Yenisei basin and the lower-Pechora depression.- V.I.
Gudina. Stratigraphical separation of the Quaternary by microfauna in the region of the Muzhi
Nikolayeva S.V. Serpukhovian and Bashkirian Ammonoids of Central Asia. (Serpukhovskie i
bashkirskie ammonoidei Srednei Azii). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 259) 1994. roy.8. 143 p., 10
pls., 56 figs., 2 tabs. With Latin name index. €11.50
Novik E.O. The regularities of the development of the Carboniferous flora in the south of the
European part of the USSR. (Zakonomernosti razvitiya kamennougolnoi flory yuga evropeiskoi
chasti SSSR). Kiev 1974. roy.8. 140 p., 14 schemes, figs., tabs. Cloth. With Latin name index. €14.00
Novikov I.V. Continental Triassic biostratigraphy of the Timan-North Urals using Tetrapod fauna.
(Biostratigrafiya kontinentalnogo triasa Timano-Sever-Uralskogo regiona po faune Tetrapod).
(Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 261) 1994. roy.8. 140 p., 20 figs., 10 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Capitosauridae, Cyclotosauridae, Benthosuchidae, Brachyopidae, Plagiosauridae.
Novozhilov N. The Devonian Conchostraca. (Dvustvorchatye listonogie devona). (Moscow, Trudy
Pal. Inst., 81) 1961. roy.8. 132 p., 26 pls., 74 figs., 6 tabs. With Latin name index. €10.00
Novozhilov N. The extinct Limnadioidea. (Vymershie limnadioidei). Moscow 1970. roy.8. 238 p.,
10 pls., 214 figs. Cloth. With Latin name index. €16.00
Novsky V.A. The Pleistocene of the Yaroslav Volga region. (Pleistotsen yaroslavskogo Povolzhya).
Moscow 1975. 236 p., 37 figs., 28 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.35
Deals also with palynologic data.
Nuzhov S.V. The Riphean deposits of the south-east of the Siberian Platform. (Rifeiskie
otlozheniya yugo-vostoka Sibirskoi platformy). Moscow 1967. roy.8. 160 p., 14 pls., 27 figs. With
Latin nomenclature. €9.10
Deals with: Sketch of the geological knowledge of the Riphean deposits of the Uchuro-Maisky
region.- Principal features of the structure of the Uchuro-Maisky region.- Stratigraphy of the
Riphean deposits of the Uchuro-Maisky region.- Stromatoliths of the Riphean deposits of the
Uchuro-Maisky region.- Correlation of the Riphean deposits of eastern Siberia.
Obruchev S.V. (Ed.) The Russian and Siberian platforms and their frame. (Russkaya i Sibirskaya
platformy i ikh obramlenie). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Muz. im. A.P. Karpinskogo, 14, pt. 2) 1963.
roy.8. 219 p., num. figs. & tabs. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €12.50
Cont.: About the Nummulite provinces of the USSR.- About species Iberina lusitanica (Egger)
from the Upper Jurassic of the Crimea.- Late Barremian Echinodermata of Tekedzhik (Western
Turkmenia).- About some Bathonian Ammonites from Daghestan.- To the developmental history
of the Russian Platform in the Ordovician Period.- a.o.
Obut A.M. (Ed.) Graptolites of the USSR. Trudy of the 1st All-Union Colloquium. (Graptolity
SSSR). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 95) 1974. roy.8. 200 p., 28 pls., num. figs. &
tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Obut A.M. (Ed.) The Ordovician of the western part of the Irkutsk amphitheatre. (Ordovik
zapadnoi chasti Irkutskogo amfiteatra). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 529) 1984. 156 p.,
24 pls., 23 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €16.00
Deals with Brachiopoda, Bivalvia, Conodonts.
Obut A.M. & R.F. Sobolevskaya. The Early Silurian Graptolites in Kazakhstan. (Graptolity
rannego silura v Kazakhstana). Moscow 1966. roy.8. 56 p., 8 pls., 32 figs. With Latin nomenclature.
Obut A.M. & R.F. Sobolevskaya. The Ordovician Graptolites of Taimyr. (Graptolity ordovika
Taimyra). Moscow 1964. roy.8. 94 p., 16 pls., 2 figs., 3 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €9.50
Obut A.M., R.F. Sobolevskaya & V.I. Bondarev. The Silurian Graptolites of Taimyr. (Graptolity
silura Taimyra). Moscow 1965. roy.8. 120 p., 19 pls., 4 figs., 3 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €6.80
Obut A.M., R.F. Sobolevskaya & A.N. Nikolaev. The Lower Silurian Graptolites and stratigraphy
of the marginal rise of the Kolyma massif. (Graptolity i stratigrafiya nizhnego silura okrainnykh
podnyatii Kolymskogo massiva). Moscow 1967. roy.8. 162 p., 20 pls., 17 figs., 1 fold. scheme.
With Latin nomenclature. €9.50
Odintsov M.M. (Ed.) The Jurassic continental deposits of the southern Siberian Platform.
(Yurskie kontinentalnye otlozheniya yuga Sibirskoi platformy). Moscow 1967. roy.7. 320 p., 15
pls., 83 figs., 42 tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €11.35
Deals with materials on geology, lithology, paleogeography, biostratigraphy (with descr. of Spore-
Odintsov M.M. (Ed.) The Jurassic deposits of the southern and central parts of the Siberian
Platform. (Yurskie otlozheniya yuzhnoi i tsentralnoi chastei Sibirskoi platformy). (Moscow, Trudy
Inst. Zemnoi Kory, 15) 1963. Roy.8. 100 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.35
Odintsova M.M. The Early Mesozoic Palynology of the Siberian Platform. (Palinologiya rannego
mezozoya Sibirskoi Platformy). Novosibirsk 1977. roy.8. 116 p., 20 pls., 4 figs. With Latin
nomenclature. €9.50
Odintsova M.M. (Ed.) The organic world of Eastern Siberia in the Phanerozoic. (Organicheskii
mir vostochnoi Sibiri v fanerozoe). Novosibirsk 1982. roy.8. 88 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin
nomenclature. €6.80
Deals with: Jurassic Insects; Spore-Pollen; Cenozoic Diatoms; Late Pliocene Charophytes.
Ogurtsova R.N. Vegetative microfossils of the key sections of the Vend-Lower Cambrian of the
Maly Karatau. (Rastitelnye mikrofossilii opornogo razreza venda-nichnego kembriya Malogo
Karatau). Frunze 1985. 136 p., 48 pls., 10 figs., 5 tabs. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Orlov Yu.A. The carnivorous Deinocephalia of the fauna of Isheev: Titanosuchian. (Khishchnye
deinotsefaly fauny Isheeva: Titanozukh). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 72) 1958. roy.8. 114 p., 56
figs., 1 tab. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €7.95
Orlova L.A. The Holocene of Baraba. Stratigraphy and Radiocarbon chronology. (Golotsen
Baraby). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz. SO AN SSSR, 762) 1990. roy.8. 127 p., 34 figs.,
18 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €16.50
Deals with Spore-Pollen diagrams.
Oshurkova M.V. Paleophytological basis for the stratigraphy of the Upper Shield of the Carboniferous
deposits in the Karaganda basin. (Paleofitologicheskoe obosnovanie stratigrafii verkhnego
svit kamennougolnykh otlozhenii Karagandinskogo basseina). Leningrad 1967. roy.8. 152 p., 26
pls., 8 figs., 3 fold. schemes. With Latin nomenclature. €11.35
Osipov A.I. From the History of Native Paleoecology. (Iz istorii otechestvennoi paleoekologii).
(Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 185) 1980. roy.8. 64 p., 2 figs. €10.50
Paaver K.L. Die Entstehung der Säugetierfauna und die Variabilität der Säugetiere des Ostbaltikums
im Holozän. (Formirovanie teriofauny i izmenchivost mlekopitayushchikh Pribaltiki v
golotsene). Tartu 1965. roy.8. 496 p., 12 pls., 63 figs., 117 tabs. Cloth. With summary in German
and with Latin name index. €18.15
Paleontological Collection. No. 12, pt. 1-2. Ed. by V.A. Goretsky. (Paleontologicheskii sbornik).
Lvov 1975. roy.8. 168 p., 21 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature and with summaries
in English. €11.50
Deals with new species and new localities of Foraminifera, Radiolaria, Gastropoda, Mollusks,
Brachiopoda, Algae, Spore-Pollen, Plants from the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic of various
regions of the USSR.
Paleontological Collection. No. 19. Ed. by L.A. Portnyagina. (Paleontologicheskii sbornik). Lvov
1982. roy.8. 116 p., 10 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With summaries in English. €10.50
Cont.: Peculiarities of fauna of Eopleistocene large mammals in the south of the European part of
the USSR.- The coprolites of vertebrates from the Eopleistocene of the north Caucasus.- A new
species of Dermatolithon from Miocene of the South of the Ukraine.- About the place of the
Bryozoa in the ecosystems of Sarmatian seas.- Stratigraphy and fauna of molluscs from
Badenian-Sarmatian of Sambor subzone of the Carpathian marginal foredeep.- Nummulitidae and
Nanoplancton from the Paleogene section of Bielokamensk in the Crimea.- Investigations of the
conversation of the foraminifer shells of paleocene opoka.- a.o.
Paleontological Collection. No. 22. Ed. by V.A. Ginda. (Paleontologicheskii sbornik). Lvov 1985.
roy.8. 96 p., 21 pls., figs., tabs. With summaries in English and with Latin nomenclature. €11.35
Cont.: New Late Cretaceous Nassellaria from Minor Caucasus.- New find of Trioxonids in the
Ukrainian Carpathians.- Lower Carboniferous Palaeacis of the Donets basin.- New Late Cretaceous
Pleurotomariidae of the Donbas and the Crimea.- New date of the Lower Jurassic genus
Rhapidothyris, its composition, structure of shells and spread.- Tithonian Brachiopoda.- New Late
Cretaceous and Paleogene Sea-lilies.- Crinoid zonal division of the Lower and Middle Paleozoic
of the USSR.- Paleofloristics.- Palynological complex.- Calcareous Nannoplankton.- a.o.
Paleontological Collection. No. 25. Ed. by D.M. Drygant. (Paleontologicheskii sbornik). Lvov
1988. roy.8. 100 p., 19 pls., num. figs. With short summaries in English and with Latin nomenclature.
Cont.: Orbitoids (Discocyclinidae) of Palaeocene and Lower Eocene of the Ukrainian Carpathians.-
About Silicinifera as siliceous Foraminifera.- About the wall’s ultra-structure of some
Miliolids.- New data of the Early Jurassic Cancellothyrididacea (Terebratulida).- Lithuanian crinoid
stems of the Upper Ordovician.- Further Upper Cenozoic small mammals, Late Pleistocene
Lagomorpha, Early Pleistocene Alces latifrons, Oligocene Dinocyst, Paleogene Flora, Palynocomplexes,
Middle-Upper Triassic Palynology.
Paleontological Collection. No. 26. (Paleontologicheskii sbornik). Lvov 1989. roy.8. 100 p., 12
pls., num. figs. & tabs. With summaries in English. €12.50
Cont.: R. Leshchukh. New genus of big siliceous Foraminifera from Cretaceous of the Plain
Crimea.- P. Lozynyak. Paleogene Radiolaria of the Skiba Zone of the Ukrainian Carpathians.- L.
Ponomareva. New species of Bryozoa from the Miocene of Volyno-Podolia.- S. Moroz et al.
Stromatolites of Lower Eocenian of the Obshchy Syrt.- Further articles on Carboniferous
Calcareous Algae, Limestone Nummulites, Paleoichnological studies, Middle Miocene Spore-
Pollen, Miocene sharks’ tooth Cosmopolitodus hastalis, Lower Jurassic Spores, Lower Cretaceous
Foraminifera, Upper Cretaceous Foraminifera and Nannoplankton, Cambrian-Ordovician
Vialovena mirabilis Korde gen. et sp. nov. and Cambrian Rotunda Korde gen. et sp. nov.
Paleontological Reference Book. Vol. 4: Neogene Foraminifera of the Ukraine, by V.Ya.
Didkovsky & Z.N. Satanovskaya. (Paleontologicheskii spravochnik). Kiev 1970. 166 p., 86 pls.
Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €12.50
Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal. (Journal of Palaeontology). Year 1981, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987,
1988, 1989, 1990, 1991. Moscow 1981-1991. Each year €40.00
Paleontologicheskoe Obozrenie. (Paleontological Review). Appendix to „Trudy Paleontologicheskogo
Instituta AN SSSR. Pt. 1-4. Ed. by A.A. Borisyak. Moscow 1939-1941. roy.8. 358 p.
With Latin nomenclature. €45.40
Paleontologiya, Stratigrafiya i Litologiya. (Palaeontology, Stratigraphy and Lithology). Publ. by
the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Vols. 2-3, 8-10, 12-22, 24-29. Sofia 1975-1991.- Articles in
English, French, German or Bulgarian with summaries. €195.00
Paleontologists of the Soviet Union. (Paleontologi Sovetskogo Soyuza). Comp. by I.E. Zanina.
Leningrad 1968. 214 p. H.cloth. €4.55
Paleontology & Stratigraphy of the Baltic and Byelorussia. Vol. 1. Ed. by A.A. Grigyalis.
(Paleontologiya i stratigrafiya Pribaltiki i Belorussii). Vilnius 1966. roy.8. 430 p., 62 pls., num. ills.
Cloth. With summaries in English and Latin nomenclature. €18.50
This 1st part of these series is the continuation of „Paleontologiya i stratigrafiya BSSR“.- Deals
with Lower Cambrian Tubicolous worms, Silurian Mollusks, Upper Silurian Brachiopods, Upper
Silurian Primitiopsids, New Upper Devonian Brachiopoda, New Devonian Coccosteids, Bothriolepids
of Sventoji horizon, New Late Jurassic Bivalvia, Lower Cretaceous Foraminifera, Upper
Cretaceous Foraminifera, Upper Cretaceous Lagenids.
Paleontology & Stratigraphy of the Byelorussian SSR. Collection III. Ed. by A.V. Fursenko.
(Paleontologiya i stratigrafiya BSSR). Minsk 1961. roy.8. 362 p., 30 pls., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth.
With Latin name index. €16.00
Cont.: Akimets V.S. Upper Cretaceous stratigraphy and Foraminifera of Byelorussia.- Fursenko
A.V. & K.B. Fursenko. Upper Eocene Foraminifera of Byelorussia and their stratigraphical
significance.- Golubtsov V.K. Kulikia - new genus of Visean calcareous Algae.
Paleontology & Stratigraphy of the Byelorussian SSR. Collection IV. Ed. by A.V. Fursenko.
(Paleontologiya i stratigrafiya BSSR). Minsk 1963. 255 p., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin
name index. €15.90
Cont.: Kedo G.I. Tournaisian spores of the Pripyat trough and their stratigraphical significance.-
Mityanina I.V. Upper Oxford Foraminifera of Byelorussia.- Akimets V.S. New data on Upper
Cretaceous stratigraphy and Foraminifera of the eastern part of Byelorussia.- Shcheglova V.V.
About Anthropogen Mammals of Byelorussia.
Paleontology & Stratigraphy of the Byelorussian SSR. Collection V. For the 2nd Int. Palynological
Conf., 1966. Ed. by V.K. Golubtsov. (Paleontologiya i stratigrafiya BSSR). Minsk 1966. roy.8.
337 p., 29 pls., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €20.50
Cont.: G.I. Kedo. Lower Carboniferous Spores of the Pripyat trough.- S.S. Manykin. Upper
Oligocene and Neogene Pollen of Byelorussia and its stratigraphical significance.- M.M.
Tsapenko & N.A. Makhnach. To the stratigraphy of the Anthropogene in the Berezina valley.- N.A.
Makhnach & M.M. Tsapenko. New data on the interglacial deposits of Berezina.
Paleontology of the USSR. Vol. III, pt. 2, fasc. 1: Devonian Bryozoa of the Altai. (Paleontologiya
SSSR: Devonskie mshanki Altaya). By V.P. Nekhoroshev. Moscow 1948. roy.8. 172 p., 48 pls.,
34 figs. Cloth. With Latin name index. €19.50
Paleontology of the USSR. Vol. X, pt. 3, fasc. 12: The Akchagyl and Apsheron Mollusks, by V.P.
Kolesnikov. (Paleontologiya SSSR: Akchagylskie i apsheronskie Mollyuski). Moscow 1950. roy.8.
260 p., 28 pls., 22 figs. Cloth. With Latin name index. €45.00
Deals with Lamellibranchiata and Gastropoda.
Paleontology of the USSR. Vol. X, pt. 3, fasc. 18: W.S. Slodkewitsch. Tertiary Pelecypoda from
the Far East. Pt. 1. (Paleontologiya SSSR). Moscow, 1938. roy.8. 508 p., 40 figs., 1 map. Cloth.
With Latin nomenclature. €38.50
The plates publ. in pt. 2.
Palynology of the Mesophyte. (Palinologiya mezofita). Trudy of the 3rd Int. Palynol. Conference.
Ed. by A.F. Khlonova. Moscow 1973. roy.8. 203 p., 21 pls., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With
summaries in English; 5 articles in English & 2 in French. €18.50
Palynology of the Proterophyte and Palaeophyte. (Palinologiya proterofita i paleofita). Trudy of
the 3rd Int. Palyn. Conf. Moscow 1974. roy.8. 222 p., 34 pls., num. figs., tabs. - 32 articles in
Russian with summaries in English, 8 articles in English, 1 in French and 1 in German. €16.50
Panteleev G.S. The Danian and Paleocene stratigraphy and Bivalvia of the Trans-Caspian
region. (Stratigrafiya i dvustvorchatye mollyuski datskikh i paleotsenovykh otlozhenii Zakaspiya).
Moscow 1974. roy.8. 155 p., 35 pls., 6 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €12.50
Papulov G.N. & Z.I. Sitnikova. Mesozoic and Paleogene of the region of the Turin stratigraphic
well in the central Trans-Ural region. (Mezozoiskie i paleogenovye otlozheniya raiona Turinskoi
opornoi skvazhiny v srednem Zauralye). (Sverdlovsk, Trudy Inst. Geol., 68) 1964. roy.8. 99 p., 2
figs., 1 tab. With Latin nomencl. €5.70
Deals with descr. of Foraminifera, Radiolaria, Diatomeae, Silicoflagellatae, Spore-Pollen.
Papulov G.N. & V.I. Tuzhikova (Eds.) Triassic of the intermontane basins of the Urals. (Trias
mezhgornykh vpadin Urala). (Sverdlovsk, Sbornik po voprosam stratigr., no. 10) 1968. roy.8. 108
p., 3 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Deals with fossil flora, pollen-spores, hystrichosphaeres.
Paramonova N.P. History of the Sarmatian and Akchagyl Bivalvia. (istoriya sarmatskikh i
akchagylskikh dvustvorchatykh mollyuskov). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 260) 1994. roy.8. 212 p., 8
pls., 42 figs., 14 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €18.15
Parnikel E.S. & E.I. Ptushkin (Eds.) Geology and useful minrals of Turkmenia: Stratigraphy.
(Materials of the anniversary Sc.-Techn. Conference of the Geol. Service of the Turkmen SSR).
(Geologiya i poleznye iskopaemye Turkmenii: Stratigrafiya). Ashkhabad 1969. 311 p., num. figs.
& tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €7.95
Pashkevichius J. Biostratigraphy and Graptolites of the Lithuanian Silurian. (Biostratigrafiya i
graptolity silura Litvy). Vilnius 1979. roy.8. 268 p., 33 pls., 34 figs., 13 tabs. Cloth. With Latin
nomenclature & with summary in English. €16.00
Pavlov S.F. Upper Paleozoic of the Tungusska Basin. (Verkhnii paleozoi Tungusskogo basseina).
Novosibirsk 1974. roy.8. 170 p., 34 figs., 28 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €15.00
Deals also with Spores-Pollen, Flora, Foraminifera, Brachiopoda; Lithology; Structural
Development, Paleogeography; Minerals.
Pavlova E.E. Development of Brachiopoda of the fam. Reticulariidae. (Razvitie brakhiopod
semeistva Reticulariidae). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 120) 1969. roy.8. 130 p., 23 pls., 72 figs., 13
tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €10.50
Pchelintsev V.F. The Mesozoic Rudistae of the mountainous Crimea. (Rudisty mezozoya
gornogo Kryma). Moscow 1959. 4. 180 p., 43 pls., 67 figs. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €16.50
Pchelintsev V.F. Murchisoniata of the Mesozoic of mountainous Crimea. (Murchisoniata
mezozoya gornogo Kryma). Moscow 1965. roy.8. 216 p., 28 pls., 51 figs. H.cloth. With Latin name
index. €11.50
Pchelintseva G.T. Stratigraphy and the fauna of Lamellibranchia of the western Okhotsk region.
(Stratigrafiya i fauna plastinchatozhabernykh zapadnogo Priokhotya). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Muz.
im. A.P. Karpinskogo, 9) 1962. roy.8. 88 p., 18 pls. With Latin name index. €7.50
Pelman Yu.L. The Early and Middle Cambrian Inarticulate Brachiopoda of the Siberian Platform.
(Ranne- i srednekembriiskie bezzamkovye brakhiopody Sibirskoi platformy). (Novosibirsk, Trudy
Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 316) 1977. roy.8. 168 p., 24 pls., 22 figs., 8 tabs. With Latin nomenclature.€15.00
Pergament M.A. Inocerams and Cretaceous stratigraphy of the Pacific region. (Inotseramy i
stratigrafiya mela tikhookeanskoi oblasti). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 118) 1965. roy.8. 102 p., 12
pls., 9 figs., 9 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.00
Pergament M.A. Stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous of North-Western Kamchatka. (Penzhinsky
region). (Stratigrafiya verkhnemelovykh otlozhenii severo-zapadnoi Kamchatki). (Moscow,
Trudy Geol. Inst., 39) 1961. roy.8. 147 p., 35 figs., 5 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €12.50
Deals with fossil fauna (Mollusks) and flora (Spore-Pollen).
Pergament M.A. Zonal stratigraphy and Inocerams of the lower-most Upper Cretaceous on the
Pacific coast of the USSR. (Zonalnaya stratigrafiya i inotseramy nizhnei chasti verkhnego mela
tikhookeanskogo poberezhya SSSR). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 146) 1966. roy.8. 84 p., 36 pls.,
18 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Petrov O.M. Stratigraphy and Fauna of Marine Mollusks in the Quaternary deposits of the
Chukotsk Peninsula. (Stratigrafiya i fauna morskikh mollyuskov chetvertichnykh otlozhenii
Chukotskogo Poluostrova). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 155) 1966. roy.8. 290 p., 23 pls., 133
figs., 14 tabs. H.cloth. With Latin name index. €24.95
Deals with Gastropoda, Bivalvia; Spore-Pollen & Diatomaceae.
Phanerozoic of Siberia. In 2 vols. Ed. by A.L. Yanshin. (Fanerozoi Sibiri). (Novosibirsk, Trudy
Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 595 & 596) 1984. roy.8. 344 p., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature.
Podobina V.M. Foraminifera and zonal stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous of western Siberia.
(Foraminifery i zonalnaya stratigrafiya verkhnego mela zapadnoi Sibiri). Tomsk 1989. roy.8. 175
p., 55 pls., 4 figs., 20 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €21.00
Podobina V.M. The Upper Cretaceous Foraminifera of the West-Siberian Lowland. (Foraminifery
verkhnego mela Zapadno-Sibirskoi nizmennosti). Moscow 1966. roy.8. 148 p., 19 pls., 18 figs., 3
tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €9.10
Pogrebitsky Yu.E. Paleotectonical analysis of the Taimyr folded system. (Paleotektonicheskii
analiz Taimyrskoi skladchatoi sistemy). (Leningrad, Trudy NIIGA, 166) 1971. 248 p., 41 figs., 6
tabs. Cloth. €12.50
Pokhialainen V.P. (Ed.) Key section of the Neogene of the North-East of Asia on Karaginsky
Island. Pt. 1: Stratigraphy. (Opernyi razrez neogena severo-vostoka Azii na o. Karaginskom).
Magadan 1992. 110 p., num. figs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Deals with descr. of marine mollusks, Foraminifera, Diatoms, Spores & Pollen.
Polenova E.N. Early Devonian Ostracoda of the USSR Arctic regions. (Ostrakody rannego
devona Arkticheskikh raionov SSSR). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 234) 1974. roy.8. 155
p., 34 pls., 9 figs., 5 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Polenova E.N. Late Silurian and Early Devonian Ostracoda of the Altai-Sayan region. (Ostrakody
pozdnego silura i rannego devona Altae-Sayanskoi oblasti). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz.,
127) 1970. roy.8. 106 p., 34 pls., 5 figs., 5 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €12.50
Polenova E.N. Lower Devonian Ostracoda of Salair. (Ostrakody nizhnego devona Salaira).
Moscow 1968. roy.8. 154 p., 26 pls., 25 tabs. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €11.35
Poletaev V.I. The Early Carboniferous and Bashkirian Delthyridacea and Athyridacea of the
Donets basin. (Rannekamennougolnye i bashkirskie gladkie spiriferidy i atiridy Donetskogo
basseina). Kiev 1975. 140 p., 27 pls., 25 figs. With Latin nomencl. €14.00
Polsak, A. Kredna Makrofauna Juzne Istre. Macrofaune Cretacee de l’Istrie Méridionale
(Yougoslavie). (Zagreb, Palaeontologia Jugoslavica, 8)1967. 4. ‚219 p.,85 pls., 1 map.,
45 figs. - In Jugoslawian and French. €30.00
Popov A.I. & B.L. Afanasyev (Eds.) The Cenozoic mantle of the Bolshezemel tundra. (Kainozoiskii
pokrov Bolshzemelskoi tundry). Moscow 1963. roy.8. 240 p., num. figs. & tabs. H.cloth.
With Latin nomenclature. €11.35
The book describes the geology, Tertiary microfauna, stratigraphical problems, relief, glaciation,
tectonics and paleogeography.
Popov S.V. Late Cenozoic and recent Bivalvia of the fam. Carditidae of the USSR. (Pozdnekainozoiskie
i sovremennye dvustvorchatye mollyuski semeistva Carditidae SSSR). (Moscow, Trudy
Pal. Inst., 203) 1983. roy.8. 120 p., 16 pls., 34 figs., 5 tabs. With Latin name index. €12.50
Popov Yu.A. Historical development of Nepomorpha (Heteroptera). (Istoricheskoe razvitie
poluzhestkokrylykh infraotryada Nepomorpha). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 129) 1971. roy.8. 230
p., 9 pls., 121 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.75
Popova S.M., E.V. Devyatkin & Ya.I. Starobogatov. The Mollusks of the Kyzylgir formation of
the Gornyi Altai. (Mollyuski kyzylgirskoi svity Gornogo Altaya). Moscow 1970. 96 p., 8 pls., 52
figs., 1 tab. With Latin nomenclature. €5.70
Portnaya V.L. The Eocene Discocyclinidae of the Crimea and their biostratigraphical significance.
(Diskotsiklinidy eotsenovykh otlozhenii Kryma i ikh biostratigraficheskoe znachenie). Moscow
1974. 175 p., 30 pls., 27 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €9.50
Pospelov A.G. & S.L. Tarnovsky (Comp.) Method of study, systematics and classification of
phytogenous formations and problematics of the USSR Precambrian of the Altai-Sayan folded
region. (Metodika izucheniya, sistematika i klassifikatsiya fitogennykh obrazovanii i problematiki
verkhnego dokembriya Altae-Sayanskoi oblasti). Novosibirsk 1978. 68 p., 14 pls., 2 tabs. With
Latin nomenclature. €9.10
Deals with new genera and species of Cyanophyta.
Pranskevicius A. The South Baltic Silurian Ostracoda. (Ostrakody silura yuzhnoi Pribaltiki).
(Vilnius, Trudy Litovsk. Nauchno-Issled. Geologorazved. Inst., 15) 1972. roy.8. 280 p., 42 pls., 17
figs., 3 tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature and with summary in English. €18.50
Preobrazhenskaya T.V. Neogene Foraminifera of the Anadyr basin. (Foraminifery neogena
Anadyrskoi vpadiny). Vladivostok 1983. 80 p., 20 pls., 23 figs., 2 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €10.50
Preobrazhensky B.V. Morphology and Paleoecology of Tabulatomorpha Corals. (Morfologiya i
paleoekologiya tabulyatomorfnykh korallov). Moscow 1982. 160 p., 35 figs., 6 tabs. With Latin
nomenclature. €14.00
Prinada V.D. Fossil flora of the Korvuchan shield (Lower Tungusska river basin). (Iskopeamaya
flora Korvunchanskoi svity). Moscow 1970. roy.8. 80 p., 8 pls., 27 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €5.70
Problems of Palynology. (Problemy Palinologii). Trudy of the 3rd Int. Palynol. Congress. Ed. by
M.I. Neustadt. Moscow 1973. roy.8. 160 p., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth.- 15 articles in Russian with
summaries in English, 4 articles in English. €14.75
Prozorovskaya E.L. (Comp.) Resolutions of the Interdepartmental stratigraphical committee and
its permanent commissions. Pt. 24. (Postanovleniya mezhvedomstvennogo stratigraficheskogo
komiteta i ego postoyannykh komissii). Leningrad 1989. 74 p., 1 tab., 1 fold. scheme. With Latin
nomenclature. €3.40
Punning J.-M., M. Ilomets, T. Koff et al. Stratigraphic and palaeogeographic investigations of
lacustrine and bog sediments from Vällamäe kettle-hole (South-East Estonia). (Kompleksnye
stratigrafo-paleogeograficheskie issledovaniya ozerno-bolotnykh otlozhenii vo vpadine Vyallamyagi).
Preprint. (Tallinn, Project No. 158 „Palaeohydrology) 1985. 58 p., 14 figs., 6 tabs. With
summary in English. €2.30
Purtseladze Kh.N. & E.A. Tsagareli. The Maeotian Flora of South-western Georgia. (Meoticheskaya
flora yugo-zapadnoi Gruzii). (Tbilisi, Trudy Geol. Inst. AN Gruz. SSR, 45) 1974. 226 p., 44
pls. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Deals also with the Spores-Pollen.
Pushkar V.S. Biostratigraphy of the sediments of the Late Anthropogen in the south of the Far
East. (Biostratigrafiya osadkov pozdnego antropogena yuga Dalnego Vostoka). Moscow 1979.
140 p., 35 figs., 1 tab. With Latin nomenclature. €10.50
Deals with the Diatoms.
Pushkar V.S. & A.M. Korotky (Eds.) Paleogeographical analysis and stratigraphy of the
Anthropogen of the Far East. (Paleogeograficheskii analiz i stratigrafiya antropogena Dalnego
Vostoka). Vladivostok 1983. 174 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €12.50
Pushkin V.I., L.B. Nekhorosheva, G.V. Kopaevich & A.M. Yaroshinskaya. The Przhydolian
Bryozoa of the USSR. (Przhidolskie mshanki SSSR). Moscow 1990. roy.8. 126 p., 32 pls., 12
figs., 9 tabs. With Latin nomenclature and English annotation. €16.00
Deals also with 2 new genera and 34 new species.
Questions of Geology of the eastern margin of the Russian Platform and the southern
Urals. Pt. 5: The Pliocene and Pleistocene. (Voprosy geologii vostochnoi okrainy Russkoi
platformy i yuzhnogo Urala). Ufa 1960. roy.8. 203 p., 22 pls., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin
nomenclature. €7.95
Cont.: P.I. Dorofeev. About Pliocene flora of the Bashkirian Pre-Urals (with new species).- V.K.
Nemkova. To the Spore-Pollen characteristics of the Kinel deposits.- V.K. Nemkova. Kinel floras
of the Ufa lower course.- A.A. Chiguryaeva. Vegetation of the south-east of the European part of
the USSR in the Pliocene.- G.V. Vakhrushev. About the finds of Pliocene fish imprints in the
Bashkirian Pre-Urals.- P.I. Dorofeev. Pleistocene floras of the northern Caspian region.- N.N.
Yakhimovich. About Parelephas Trogontherii on Sukhaila river.- S.V. Kirilina. Molluscs of the
lower terraces of the rivers of the Bashkirian Pre-Urals.
Questions of Micropaleontology. (Voprosy Mikropaleontologii). Vol. 1, 3-4, 6-11, 13-14, 16,17,
19-23, 25-27, 29-30. Moscow 1956-19989. With Latin nomenclature. – Single vols. available.
Questions of Micropaleontology. (Voprosy mikropaleontologii). Vol. 1. Ed. by D.M. Rauzer-
Chernousova. Moscow 1956. roy.8. 88 p., 7 pls., num. figs. With Latin nomenclature. €12.50
Cont.: Z.G. Shchedrina. Results of the foraminifera of the seas of the USSR.- O.K. Kaptarenko-
Chernousova: To the question about speciation and systematics of Jurassic Epistominids.- E.A.
Reitlinger: Lasiodiscidae fam.nov.- a.o.
Questions of Micropaleontology. (Voprosy mikropaleontologii). Pt. 3. Moscow 1960. roy.8. 135
p., 14 pls., num. figs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Deals with: Nubecularia, Arenaceous Foraminifera, Foraminella, Hauerina, agglutinized
Foraminifera, Textularia, Discorbid, Rotaliids, Nummulits, Epistominoides primaevus sp.nov.,
Parathuramminidae, Ammodiscidae, Ophthalmidudae, Tetrataxidae, Miliolida.
Questions of Micropaleontology. (Voprosy mikropaleontologii). Vol. 4. Ed. by D.M. Rauzer-
Chernousova. Moscow 1961. roy.8. 130 p., 10 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature.€14.50
Cont.: Revision of Schwagerina.- Change of complexes of Foraminifera in Miocene of
southwestern Russian Platform.- Middle Carboniferous Fusulinids of Southern Timan.- To the
Phylogeny of Gaudryina-Gaudryinella.- Jurassic Lenticulina.- Upper Jurassic Lagenid.-
Nummulites.- Tertiary Bolivinella in the USSR.
Questions of Micropaleontology. (Voprosy Mikropaleontologii). Vol. 6. Ed. bu D.M. Rauzer-
Chernousova. Moscow 1962. roy.8. 154 p., 16 pls., num. figs. With Latin nomenclature. €18.50
Cont.: Distribution of the fundamental benthos species of calcareous Foraminifera in the northwestern
part of the Pacific Ocean.- Paleoecology of Nummulites.- Upper Jurassic Saracenaria
from the Russian Platform.- Eocene Nummulites of South-East Turkmenia.- Jurassic Lagenids of
the Volga region.- Upper Carboniferous Fusulinides of the Timan-Pechora region.
Questions of Micropaleontology. (Voprosy mikropaleontologii). Vol. 7. Ed. by D.M. Rauzer-
Chernousova. Moscow 1963. roy.8. 228 p., 24 pls., num. figs. With Latin nomenclature. €17.50
Deals with: Tournaisian and Lower Carboniferous Foraminifera; Upper Permian higher Fusulinids;
The Middle and Upper Carboniferous Protriticites, Quasifusulinoides and Obsoletes; Staffella
sphaerica; a.o.
Questions of Micropaleontology. (Voprosy mikropaleontologii). Vol. 8: Morphology, systematics
and study of Foraminifera and Ostracoda. Ed. by D.M. Rauzer-Chernousova. Moscow 1964.
roy.8. 232 p., 28 pls., num. figs. With Latin nomenclature. €18.50
Questions of Micropaleontology. Vol. 9: Taxonomy and phylogeny of Foraminifera and
Ostracoda. Ed. by D.M. Rauzer-Chernousova. (Voprosy mikropaleontologii). Moscow 1965. roy.8.
256 p., 28 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €16.00
Questions of Micropaleontology. Vol. 10: The Foraminifera as basis for detailed stratigraphy.
Ed. by V.V. Menner. (Voprosy Mikropaleontologii: Foraminifery kak osnova detalnoi stratigrafii).
Moscow 1966. roy.8. 423 p., 71 pls., num. figs. & tabs. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €20.45
General questions.- Fusulinids in the stratigraphy and paleogeography of the Paleozoic.- Pelagic
and bentonic Foraminifera in the stratigraphy of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic.
Questions of Micropaleontology. ex: vol. 10. (Voprosy mikropaleontologii). (Moscow
1966; Contr. no. 1911 Woods Hole Oceanogr. Inst.) roy.8. 24 p., 4 figs. – With summary in
English. €2.50
Cont.: Berggren, W.A. Phylogenetic and Taxonomic Problems of some Tertiary Planktonic
Foraminiferal Lineages.
Questions of Micropaleontology. Vol. 11. Ed. by D.M. Rauzer-Chernousova. (Voprosy
mikropaleontologii). Moscow 1969. roy.8. 188 p., 21 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature.
Deals with articles on morphology, systematics, paleoecology and biostratigraphical importance of
some of the most important groups of Foraminifera: Nodosariid, epistominid, anomalinid,
nummulitid, Astrorhizids, planktonic foraminifera, saccamminids, paralingulina, reophacidae.
Questions of Micropaleontology. (Voprosy mikropaleontologii). Vol. 13. Ed. by D.M. Rauzer-
Chernousova. Moscow 1970. roy.8. 215 p., 31 pls., 51 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €19.50
Deals with new data on the systematics of Foraminifera & Ostracoda, their paleobiogeography
and ecology.
Questions of Micropaleontology. Vol. 14: Systematics, paleobiogeography and stratigraphical
significance of Foraminifera. (Voprosy mikropaleontologii). Ed. by D.M. Rauzer-Chernousova.
Moscow 1971. roy.8. 218 p., num. pls., figs. With Latin nomenclature. €17.50
Questions of Micropaleontology. Vol. 16: Paleobiogeography, Paleoecology and Systematics
of Foraminifera. Ed. by D.M. Rauzer-Chernousova. (Voprosy mikropaleontologii). Moscow 1973.
roy.8. 204 p., 13 pls., num. figs. With Latin nomenclature and with summaries in English. €16.00
Questions of Micropaleontology. Vol. 17: Morphology, Classification and Phylogeny of
Foraminifera. Ed. by D.M. Rauzer-Chernousova. (Voprosy mikropaleontologii). Moscow 1974.
roy.8. 204 p., 26 pls., num. figs. With Latin nomenclature and with summaries in English. €14.00
Deals with: Cretaceous and Paleogene Lituolidae.- Uncoiled and rectilinear Fusulinids.- Neogene
unilocular Lagena-like Foraminifera.- Triassic Foraminifera.- Systematics of Nodosariidae.-
Jurassic Nodosariidae.- Eocene and Oligocene planktonic Foraminifera.- Paleogene Anomalinidae.-
Index of Tetrataxis for 1854-1970.- Index of new taxons of Miliolida from Mesozoic,
Cenozoic and Anthropogen of the USSR over the period 1850-1970.
Questions of Micropaleontology. Vol. 19: Micropaleontological methods for working out detailed
stratigraphic scales. Ed. by D.M. Rauzer-Chernousova. (Voprosy mikropaleontologii). Moscow
1977. roy.8. 232 p., 5 pls., 20 figs., 20 tabs. With Latin nomenclature and with summaries in
English. €16.00
Cont.: The ecosystem analysis in the solution of biostratigraphic problems of the Carboniferous
system.- Zonal stratigraphy of Middle Carboniferous in the USSR based on Fusulinacea.-
Importance of oceanic deposits in the working out of Mesozoic and Cenozoic stratigraphic scale
(Indian Ocean).- a.o.
Questions of Micropaleontology. Vol. 20: Systematics of Foraminifera and their stratigraphical
significance. Ed. by D.M. Rauzer-Chernousova. (Voprosy mikropaleontologii). Moscow 1977.
roy.8. 200 p., 24 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature and with summaries in English. €17.50
Questions of Micropaleontology. Vol. 21: Systematics of Microorganisms and their importance for
the chronostratigraphy. (Voprosy mikropaleontologii). Moscow 1978. roy.8. 247 p., 9 pls., num.
figs. & tabs. With summaries in English. €22.50
Cont.: Integration systems of Foraminifera.- On stratigraphic importance of some repres. of the
genus Quasifusulina Chen.- Correlation of zonal subdivisions in stratotypes of the Volgian and
Kimmeridgian stages,- Some problems concerning systematics of the fam. Verneuilinidae
Cushman.- Importance of oceanic deposits for elaboration of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic
stratigraphic scale (Pacific & Atlantic).- Planctonic Foraminifera of Paleogene and Neogene in the
northern part of the Pacific province.- Asselian and Sakmarian Algae of the Shakhtau bioherm
massif (Bashkiria).
Questions of Micropaleontology. Vol. 22: Principles and methods of biostratigraphic micropaleontological
investigations. Ed. by D.M. Rauzer-Chernousova. (Voprosy mikropaleontologii).
Moscow 1979. roy.8. 220 p., 13 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With summaries in English and with Latin
nomenclature. €20.50
Deals with: Foraminifera, Ostracoda, Tintinnina, Nummulites, Planktonic Foraminifera, Diatoms.
Questions of Micropaleontology. Vol. 23: Significance of Microfossils for the compilation of
detailed biostratigraphic schemes. Ed. by V.V. Menner. (Voprosy mikropaleontologii: Znachenie
mikroorganizmov dlya razrabotki drobnykh biostratigraficheskikh skhem). Moscow 1980. roy.8.
216 p., 12 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature and summaries in English. €20.45
Cont.: Mutations as disconcordant correlations, and some aspects of Foraminifera systematics.- A
fusulinida assemblage of the Darvaz Sakmarian stage.- On Late Jurassic Foraminifera assemblages
in the Pechora river basin.- New fam. Placentulinidae and peculiarities of its development
during Jurassic and Cretaceous.- Foraminifera of the type section of Vrakonian deposits in
Mangyshlak.- a.o.
Questions of Micropaleontology. Vol. 25: Systematics and morphology of microorganisms. Ed. by
D.M. Rauzer-Chernousova. (Voprosy mikropaleontologii). Moscow 1982. roy.8. 176 p., 16 pls.,
num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature & summaries in English. €21.50
Cont.: Foraminifera, Ostracoda.- Deals also with a classification of Tintinnida fossils.
Questions of Micropaleontology. Vol. 26: Systematics, ecology and biostratigraphical significance
of microorganisms. Ed. by D.M. Rauzer-Chernousova. (Voprosy mikropaleontologii).
Moscow 1983. roy.8. 200 p., 32 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature and with
summaries in English. €18.50
Cont.: Taxonomic structure of the fam. Fusulinellidae.- Globifusulina - a new genus of Fusulinidea.-
Variation and formation of the Paleogene Foraminifera.- Late Jurassic - Early Cretaceous
Radiolarians of the Carpathians.- Albian-Turonian Radiolarians of continents and oceans.- To
synonymics of the genera Hypotetragona Morey and Plavskella Samoilova (Ostracoda).- a.o.
Questions of Micropaleontology. Vol. 27: Taxonomic, paleoecological and biostratigraphical
aspects of micropaleontological investigations. Ed. by V.V. Menner. (Voprosy mikropaleontologii).
Moscow 1985. roy.8. 215 p., 24 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature and summaries
in English. €20.45
Cont.: Systematics of fam. Staffellidae.- New genus of the Lower Permian Staffellidae.- Systematics
and evolution of Loeblichiida and Spinoendothyra.- New data on taxonomy of Ceratobuliminoidea.-
New Lower Cretaceous genus Chalilovella of Azerbaidzhan.- New Mesozoic Radiolarian
assemblages from Cuba.- a.o.
Questions of Micropaleontology. Vol. 29: Study methods of zonal stratigraphy on microfossils.
Ed. by D.M. Rauzer-Chernousova. (Voprosy mikropaleontologii: Metody razrabotki zonalnoi
stratigrafii po mikroorganizmam). Moscow 1987. roy.8. 176 p., 16 pls., num. figs. With summaries
in English. €20.50
Cont.: M. Solovieva. Correction of the USSR Moskovian stage zonal foraminiferal scales.- F.
Bensh. Revision of the Pseudofusulins systematics, the genus Pseudofusulina Dunbar et Skinner,
1931 and similar genera.- G. Karmishina & I. Neustrueva. Freshwater Ostracoda developmental
history in Eurasian Mesozoic and Cenozoic.- N. Muzylov & E. Radionova. Diatoms and Nannoplankton
of the Central Pacific Lower-Middle Miocene.- a.o.
Questions of Micropaleontology. Vol. 30: Systematics of microorganisms and their role in the
Phanerozoic Biostratigraphy. Ed. by D.M. Rauzer-Chernousova. (Voprosy mikropaleontologii:
Sistematika mikroorganizmov i ikh rol v biostratigrafii fanerozoya). Moscow 1989. roy.8. 126 p., 8
pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €17.50
Cont.: Kanygin A.V. On the development of ostracod studies in Siberia.- Neustrueva I.Yu.
Systematics of fresh-water Mesozoic Ostracods (Cyprideidae & Trapezoidellidae).- Solovyeva
M.N. On weight determinating descriminative features by Fusulinoida.- Lipina O.A. On several
changes in Tournayellida systematics.- Bensh F.R. et al. Carboniferous zonal scale of Middle
Asia based on studies of foraminifera.- Isakova T.N. Conodonts of the Asselian and Sakmarian
stages in the southern Urals.- Further with articles on Danian Foraminifera, Neogene
Nannoplankton, Neogene Diatoms, Neogene calcareous and siliceous plankton.
Questions on Quaternary Geology. Vol. 2. Ed. by I.Ya. Danilans. (Voprosy chetvertichnoi
geologii). (Riga, Trudy Inst. Geol. AN Latv.SSR, 11) 1963. 204 p., num. figs. & tabs. H.cloth. With
summaries in English and with Latin nomenclature. €5.70
Cont.: Profile of Pleistocene at Felicianova.- On the discovery of Dreissena polymorpha in the
deposits of the Baltic ice-lake.- Late glacial plant remains near Ane in the vicinity of Jelgava.-
Subsapropelic peat in the Babelite lake and water level of the Ancylus lake on the southern coast
of the Gulf of Riga.- a.o.
Questions of Quaternary Geology. (Voprosy chetvertichnoi geologii). Vol. III. Ed. by I. Danilands.
To the VIIth Congress of INQUA. Riga 1964. 370 p., num. figs. & tabs. H.cloth. With
summaries in English & Latin nomenclature. €12.50
Cont.: On principles, criteria and methods of stratigraphic division of Quaternary deposits.-
Stratigraphic subdivision of Pleistocene in Latvia.- Profile of Zidini (with Spore-Pollen).- On
stratigraphic division of Valdai glacial deposits of Latvia (with Spore-Pollen).- a.o.
Questions of Quaternary Geology. Vol. 4. Ed. by I. Danilans. To the 8th Congress of INQUA.
(Voprosy chetvertichnoi geologii). Riga 1969. 148 p., num. figs. & tabs. H.cloth. With summaries
in English and with Latin nomenclature. €5.70
Deals with the fossil spore-pollen, fossil flora, Foraminifera, Ostracoda, Diatomaceae, Shells;
Geology of the Latvian and Estonian region.
Questions of Stratigraphy. Pt. 2. Ed. by G.S. Porshnyakov. (Voprosy stratigrafii). Leningrad
1979. roy.8. 160 p., num. figs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.35
Cont.: G.Ya. Krymgolts. The Bajocian of the USSR.- Verba Yu.L. & V.A. Prozorovsky. Stratigraphical
scheme of the Berrias-Lower Barremian of western Turkmenia.- Biske Yu.S., S.E. Zubtsov
et al. The types of the Paleozoic sections of Atabashi-Kokshaalsk region of southern Tien-Shan.-
Goryanov V.B., Yu.S. Biske et al. New type of the section of the Middle Paleozoic of South
Ferghana.- a.o.
Raaben M.E. Stratigraphy of the old formations of the Polar Urals. Stratigraphy and tectonic
structure of the northern end of the circumpolar Urals. (Stratigrafiya i tektonicheskoe stroenie
severnoi okonechnosti pripolyarnogo Urala). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 35) 1959. roy.8. 132 p.,
8 figs., 4 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.35
Deals also with the fossil fauna.
Radionova E.P. Stratigraphy of Neogene sediments in a tropical area of the Pacific Ocean based
on Diatoms. (Stratigrafiya neogena tropicheskoi oblasti Tikhogo okeana po diatomeyam).
(Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst. AN SSSR, 456) 1991. roy.8. 109 p., 24 pls., 10 figs., 11 tabs. With
Latin nomenclature and English annotation. €16.00
Rasnitsyn A.P. Hymenoptera Apocrita of Mesozoic. (Vysshie pereponchatokrylye Mezozoya).
(Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 147) 1975. roy.8. 134 p., 8 pls., 140 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Rasskazova E.S. The fossil flora of the Katsk shield of the Tungusska basin. (Iskopaemaya flora
Katskoi svity Tungusskogo basseina). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 67) 1962. roy.8. 56 p., 32 pls.,
8 figs., 2 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €5.70
Deals also with sp. nov.
Ratnovsky I.I. Geological structure of the Schmidt Peninsula on Sakhalin. (Geologicheskoe
stroenie poluostrova Shmidta na Sakhaline). (Leningrad, Trudy VNIFRI, 146) 1960. 105 p., 7 figs.,
tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €5.00
Deals with Cretaceous and Tertiary fauna and flora.
Raukas A.V. (Ed.) Bottom deposits of Pihkva-Peipsi Lake. (Donnye otlozheniya Pskovsko-
Chudskogo ozera). Tallinn 1981. roy.8. 160 p., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature
and with introduction and summary in English. €12.50
Cont.: Structural types of Pihkva-Peipsi bottom sediments and the peculiarities of their formation.-
Characteristics of pollen and spore spectra of the upper layer of bottom sediments.- Diatoms of
recent bed sediments in Pihkva-Peipsi Lake.- Diatoms in sediment cores.- a.o.
Raukas A. The Pleistocene deposits of the Estonian SSR. (Pleistotsenovye otlozheniya
Estonskoi SSR). Tallinn 1978. roy.8. 310 p., 28 pls., 72 figs., 25 tabs. Cloth. With summary in
English. €27.50
Deals also with diagrams of Spore-Pollen, Foraminifera and Diatoms.
Rauzer-Chernousova D.M. Foraminifera in the stratotypical section of the Sakmarian stage
(Sakmara river, Southern Urals). (Foraminifery stratotipicheskogo razreza Sakmarskogo yarusa).
(Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 135) 1965. roy.8. 82 p., 6 pls., 5 figs., 5 tabs. With Latin nomenclature.
Ravsky E.I., L.P. Alexandrova, E.A. Vangengeim et al. Anthropogen deposits in the south of
eastern Siberia. (Antropogenovye otlozheniya yuga vostochnoi Sibiri). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst.,
105) 1964. roy.8. 280 p., 73 figs., 26 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €13.65
Deals mainly with spore-pollen analysis.
Regional Stratigraphy of the USSR. Vol. 5: I.I. Dalmatskaya, V.E. Latskova et al. Middle
Carboniferous stratigraphy of the central and eastern parts of the Russian Platform by studies of
Foraminifera (Volga and Kama region). (Regionalnaya stratigrafiya SSSR). Moscow 1961. roy.8.
356 p., 15 pls., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €18.50
Rekovets L.I. The microtheriofauna of the Desna-Dnepr Late Paleolith. (Mikroteriofauna
desyansko-podneprovskogo pozdnego paleolita). Kiev 1985. 166 p., 41 figs., 23 tabs. With Latin
nomenclature. €11.35
Rengarten V.P. Cretaceous and Tertiary stratigraphy of the eastern Pri-Ural region. (Stratigrafiya
melovykh i tretichnykh otlozhenii vostochnogo Pri-Uralya). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. Nauk, 133)
1951. roy.8. 136 p., 33 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €12.50
Deals with descr. of Pollen & Spores (mainly), Foraminifera, Ostracoda, a.o.
Repina L.N., V.V. Khomentovsky, I.T. Zhuravleva & A.Yu. Rozanov. Lower Cambrian
biostratigraphy of the Sayan-Altai folded region. (Biostratigrafiya nizhnego kembriya sayanoaltaiskoi
skladchatoi oblasti). Moscow 1964. roy.8. 364 p., 48 pls., 56 figs., 20 tabs. H.cloth. With
Latin nomenclature. €27.50
Deals mainly with Archaeocyatha and Trilobita.
Repina L.N. & E.V. Romanenko. Trilobites and stratigraphy of the Lower Cambrian of the Altai.
(Trilobity i stratigrafiya nizhnego kembriya Altaya). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 382)
1978. 304 p., 32 pls., 26 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €21.50
Robinson V.N., G.E. Pilyuchenko, S.M. Ilyinsky et al. New data on the stratigraphy and
hydrogeology of the northern Caucasus. (Novye dannye po stratigrafii i gidrogeologii severnogo
Kavkaza). Moscow 1946. 88 p., 1 map. With Latin nomenclature. €2.80
Rodendorf B.B. Directions of the historical development of Sarcophagidae. (Napravleniya
istoricheskogo razvitiya Sarkofagid). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 116) 1967. roy.8. 92 p., 32 figs.,
11 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €4.55
Rodionov D.A., T.M. Zabelina & M.K. Rodionova. Semi-quantitative analysis in the biostratigraphy
and paleoecology. (Polukolichestvennyi analiz v biostratigrafii i paleoekologii). Moscow
1973. roy.8. 126 p., 25 figs., 10 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €7.95
Deals with the Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene Foraminifera of West Turkmenia.
Romanov L.F. & M.M. Danich. Mesozoic Mollusks and Foraminifera of the Dnestr-Prut interfluve:
Jurassic Ammonites and Miliolidae. (Mollyuski i foraminifery mezozoya Dnestrovsko-Prutskogo
mezhdurechya). Kishinev 1971. 216 p., 48 pls. With Latin name index. €9.10
Roshka V.Kh. Maeotian Mollusks of the North-West Coast Area of the Black Sea. (Mollyuski
meotisa severo-zapadnogo Prichernomorya). Kishinev 1973. 284 p., 40 pls., 8 figs. With Latin
name index. €14.00
Bivalvia and Gastropoda.
Rovnina L.V. Stratigraphical separation of the continental deposits of the Triassic and Jurassic of
the North-West of the West-Siberian Lowland. (Stratigraficheskoe raschlenenie kontinentalnykh
otlozhenii triasa i yury severo-zapada zapadno-Sibirskoi nizmennosti). Moscow 1972. roy.8. 110
p., 34 pls., 5 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Deals with Spore-Pollen complex.
Rozanov, A.Yu. (Ed.) History of Neogene Mollusks of Paratethys. (Istoriya neogenovykh mollyuskov paratetisa). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 220)1986. roy.8. 208 p., 8 pls., 5 figs., 12 tabs. - In Russian with Latin nomenclature. 25.00
Deals also with new taxa.
Rozanov A.Yu. (Ed.) Problems of Pre-anthropogenic evolution of the Biosphere. (Problemy
doantropogennoi evolyutsii biosfery). Moscow 1993. 314 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin
nomenclature and English annotation. €18.50
Cont.: Problems of the study on the evolution of the ancient biosphere.- Evolution of the diversity
and stability of ecosystems.- Paleofloristic and paleoclimatic changes in the Late Cretaceous of
the Anadyr-Koryakia subregion.- Relict cyanobacterial communities.- Organic-walled microfossils
of the Precambrian is the most important component of the ancient biota.- Role of microorganisms
on the early diagenetic transformations in ancient lingulata (Brachiopoda).- a.o.
Rozanov A.Yu. Regularities in the morphological evolution of regular Archaeocyatha and the
problems of the Lower Cambrian stage division. (Zakonomernosti morfologicheskoi evolyutsii
arkheotsiat i voprosy yarusnogo raschleneniya nizhnego kembriya). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst.,
241) 1973. roy.8. 165 p., 22 pls., 142 figs., 11 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Rozanov A.Yu. & A.A. Shevyrev (Eds.) Atlas of the Triassic Invertebrates of the Pamirs. (Atlas
triasovykh bespozvonochnykh Pamira). Moscow 2001. Roy.8. 190 p., 62 pls., 27 figs. Bound.
With Latin name index. €22.50
Deals with Scleractinia.- Brachiopoda.- Bivalvia, Ammonoidea (Ceratitida, Phylloceratidae).
Rozman Kh.S. Stratigraphy and Brachiopoda of the Famennian layer of Mugodzhar and of
adjacent regions. (Stratigrafiya i brakhiopody famenskogo yarusa Mugodzhar i smezhnykh
raionov). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst. AN SSSR, 50) 1962. roy.8. 196 p., 31 pls., 49 figs., 12 tabs.
With Latin nomenclature. €16.50
Rozova A.V., S.N. Rozov & Yu.A. Dubatolova. Stratigraphy and fauna of the Ordovician of
north-western Salair. (Stratigrafiya i fauna ordovika severo-zapadnogo Salaira). (Moscow, Trudy
Inst. Geol. i Geofiz. SO AN SSSR, 637) 1985. 176 p., 24 pls., 17 figs. With English annotation
and with Latin nomenclature. €16.00
Deals with Trilobita, Eocrinoidea, Stylophora, Stenothecoida.
Rusanov B.S. The biostratigraphy of the Cenozoic of South Yakutia. (Biostratigrafiya kainozoiskikh
otlozhenii yuzhnoi Yakutii). Moscow 1968. roy.8. 460 p., 195 figs., 82 tabs. Cloth. With Latin
nomenclature. €16.00
Cont.: Fossil mammals, flora, pollen-spores and other palynological data.
Rusanov B.S. Fossil Bisons of Yakutia. (Iskopaemye bizony Yakutii). Yakutsk 1975. roy.8. 144
p., 48 pls., num. figs. & tabs. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €15.00
Ruzhentsev V.E. & M.F. Bogoslovskaya. Namurian Time in Ammonoid evolution. Early
Namurian Ammonoids. (Namyurskii etap v evolyutsii Ammonoidei). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst.,
133) 1971. roy.8. 382 p., 40 pls., 89 figs. Cloth. With Latin name index. €25.00
Ryabkova L.S. Palynography of the flora of the Tadzhik SSR. (Vol. 2): Cyperaceae-
Portulacaceae. (Palinografiya flory Tadzhikskoi SSR: Osokovye-Portulakovye). Leningrad 1987.
roy.8. 110 p., 80 pls., 66 figs. Bound. With Latin name index. €14.75
Deals with the Pollen of the Plants, described in the vols. II and III of „Flora Tadzhikskoi SSR“.
Rychagov G.I. The Pleistocene history of the Caspian Sea. (Pleistotsenovaya istoriya
Kaspiiskogo morya). Moscow 1997. 267 p., 49 figs., 4 tabs. €17.05
Sadykov A.M. Ideas of rational stratigraphy (on the example of Central Kazakhstan). (Idei
ratsionalnoi stratigrafii). Alma-Ata 1974. roy.8. 183 p., 10 figs., 9 tabs. Cloth. €11.35
Saks V.N. (Ed.) Biostratigraphy of Boreal Mesozoic. (Biostratigrafiya borealnogo mezozoya).
(Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 136) 1974. roy.8. 186 p., 15 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With
Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Deals with: Ammonites, Belemnites, Bivalves, Deciduous flora of Siberia, Far East and of the
Boreal Realm on the Whole.
Saks V.N. (Ed.) Mesozoic microfossils of Siberia and the Far East. For the 3rd Int. Conference on
Palynology, Novosibirsk 1971. (Mikrofossilii mezozoya Sibiri i Dalnego Vostoka). (Moscow, Trudy
Inst. Geol. i Geofiz. SO AN SSSR, 138) 1971. roy.8. 157 p., 10 pls. With Latin nomenclature &
English annotation. €14.00
Cont.: Iljin V.I. Palynological characteristics of Jurassic deposits of Siberia.- Khlonova A.F.
Palynological characteristic of Cretaceous deposits of Siberia and Far East.
Saks V.N. (Ed.) The Miocene of the Mamontova Gora. (Stratigraphy and Paleoflora). (Miotsen
Mamontovoi Gory). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 233) 1976. roy.8. 284 p., 88 pls., 41
figs., 28 tabs. Cloth. With Latin name index. €27.50
The book deals with the Flora and Spore-Pollen of the Mamontova Gora in the Aldan river; new
species also included.
Saks, V.N. Some problems of paleogeography of the Jurassic in connection with study of
Belemnite faunas of Siberia. (Novosibirsk, ex: Geol. i Geofiz., nr. 10)1961.
15 p., 1 pl. – With Latin nomenclature and English annotation. €2.00
Saks V.N. & A.F. Khlonova. Systematics and methods for the study of fossil pollen and spores.
(Sistematika i metody izucheniya iskopaemykh pyltsy i spor). Moscow 1964. roy.8. 231 p., 23 pls.,
num. figs. & tabs. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Saks, V.N., M.S. Mesezhnikov & N.I. Shulgina. The Volgian stage in Siberia. (Novosibirsk, ex:
Geol. i Geofiz., nr. 3) 1968. 12 p., 3 figs., 3 tabs. – With nomenclature and English annotation.
Saks V.N. & T.I. Nalnyaeva. The Early and Middle Jurassic Belemnites of the North of the USSR:
Megateuthinae and Pseudodicoelitinae. (Ranne- i sredneyurskie belemnity severa SSSR).
(Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 239) 1975. roy.8. 190 p., 19 pls., 48 figs. With Latin name
index. €16.00
Saks V.N. & T.I. Nalnyaeva. The Early and Middle Jurassic Belemnites of the North of the USSR:
Nannobelinae, Passaloteuthinae & Hastitidae. (Ranne- i sredneyurskie belemnity severa SSSR).
(Leningrad, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 110) 1970. roy.8. 228 p., 22 pls., 62 figs. With Latin name
index. €13.65
Saks V.N. & T.I. Nalnyaeva. The Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous Belemnites of the North
of the USSR: Pachyteuthis & Acroteuthis. (Verkhneyurskie i nizhnemelovye belemnity severa
SSSR). Moscow 1966. roy.8. 260 p., 40 pls., 65 figs., 55 tabs. With Latin name index. €12.50
Saks V.N. & T.I. Nalnyaeva. The Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous Belemnites of the North
of the USSR: Cylindroteuthis & Lagonibelus. (Verkhneyurskie i nizhnemelovye belemnity severa
SSSR). Moscow 1964. roy.8. 167 p., 28 pls., 41 figs., 40 tabs. With Latin name index. €11.35
Saks V.N. & V.S. Volkova (Eds.) Floras Cenozoic in Siberia to data of Palynology. For the 3rd
Int. Conf. on Palynology, Novosibirsk 1971. (Kainozoiskie flory Sibiri po palinologicheskim
dannym). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz. SO AN SSSR, 135) 1971. roy.8. 132 p., 13 pls., 30
figs., 4 tabs. With Latin nomenclature & English annotations. €14.00
Salin Yu.S. Quantitative methods in paleo-ecology and biostratigraphy (after the Neogene of Ust-
Kamchatka series). (Kolichestvennye metody v paleoekologii i biostratigrafii). (Novosibirsk, Trudy
Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 161) 1972. roy.8. 124 p., 19 figs., 16 tabs. With Latin nomenclature & English
annotation. €9.10
Deals with Bivalvia, Brachiopoda, Gastropoda, Cardium, Ostrea, Pecten, Yoldia, Foraminifera,
Diatoms, a.o.
Salmenova K.Z. & V.Ya. Koshkin. Stratigraphy and the Upper Paleozoic florae of the northern
Pribalkhasye. The Balkhash Segment. (Stratigrafiya i flora verkhnego Paleozoya severnogo
Pribalkhashya. Balkhashkii segment). Alma-Ata 1990. roy.8. 160 p., 30 pls., 12 figs. Bound. With
Latin nomenclature and English annotation. €18.50
Salop L.I. General stratigraphical scale of the Precambrian. Periodization of the Precambrian of
the continents of the northern hemisphere and fundamental features of the early stage of
geological evolution. (Obshchaya stratigraficheskaya shkala Dokembriya). Leningrad 1973. roy.8.
310 p., 36 figs., 4 tabs. Cloth. €15.90
Salop L.I. (Ed.) Lower Precambrian Stratigraphy of the Karelo-Kola region. (Stratigrafiya
nizhnego dokembriya Karelo-Kolskogo regiona). (Leningrad, Trudy VSEGEI, n.s., 339) 1985. 131
p., num. figs. & tabs. €7.95
Samsonov S.K. Paleogeography of western Turkmenia in the new Caspian time (by data of
floristic analysis). (Paleogeografiya zapadnoi Turkmenii v Novokaspiiskoe vremya). Moscow 1963.
126 p., 46 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €3.40
Samylina V.A. The Arkagala stratoflora of the North-East of Asia. (Arkagalinskaya stratoflora
severo-vostoka Azii). Leningrad 1988. roy.8. 131 p., 36 pls., 21 figs., 8 tabs. With Latin name
index. €14.00
Deals also with new species.
Sanin V.Ya. Early Cretaceous Ctenodontida of the North of Siberia. (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst.
Geol. i Geofiz., 310) 1976. roy.8. 70 p., 9 pls., 34 figs., 2 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €6.80
Sanin V.Ya., V.A. Zakharov & B.N. Shurygin. The Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous Arcacea
(Bivalvia) of the North of the USSR. (Pozdneyurskie i rannemelovye Arcacea severa SSSR).
(Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz. SO AN SSSR, 585) 1984. roy.8. 110 p., 16 pls., 24 figs.,
16 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Sapelnikov V.P. & T.B. Rukavishnikova. The Upper Ordovician, Silurian and Lower Devonian
Pentamerida of Kazakhstan. (Verkhneordovikskie, siluriiskie i nizhnedevonskie Pentameridy
Kazakhstana). Moscow 1975. roy.8. 228 p., 43 pls., 53 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €16.00
Sarkisyan S.G., M.V. Korzh, G.N. Komardinkina et al. Western Siberia in the Jurassic Period.
(Zapadnaya Sibir v yurskom periode). Moscow 1967. roy.8. 160 p., 15 pls., 28 figs. With Latin
nomenclature. €4.55
Savelyeva L.M. The Triassic of the Eastern For-Caucasian Region. (Trias vostochnogo
Predkavkazya). Moscow 1978. 92 p., 6 figs., 5 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €7.95
Savitsky V.E. (Ed.) The Elansky and Kuonamsky facial stratotypes of the Lower boundary of the
Middle Cambrian of Siberia. (Elanskii i kuonamskii fatsiostratotipy nizhnei granitsy srednego
kembriya Sibiri). (Moscow, Trudy SNIIGGIMS, 211) 1976. roy.8. 167 p., 59 pls., 7 figs., 2 tabs.
Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €20.45
Deals with Archaeocyatha & Trilobita.
Sayutina, T.A. Lower Carboniferous Corals from the Northern Urals. Suborder Acrophyllina. (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 140)1973. roy.8. 144 p., 20 pls., 16 figs., 1 fold. tab. - In Russian with Latin nomenclature. 20.00
Schastlivtseva N.P. Triassic Orthoceratida and Nautilida of the USSR. (Triasovye ortotseratidy i
nautilidy SSSR). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 229) 1988. roy.8. 104 p., 8 pls., 34 figs., 9 tabs. With
Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Selin Yu.I. Oligocene stratigraphy and Mollusks of the Bolshe-Tokmak manganese-bearing
region. (Stratigrafiya i mollyuski oligotsena Bolshe-Tokmakskogo margantsevorudnogo raiona).
Moscow 1964. roy.8. 240 p., 12 pls., 12 figs., 15 tabs. H.cloth. With Latin name index. €18.50
Deals with: Lamellibranchiata, Scaphopoda, Gastropoda; Orbituliporidae; Brachiopoda, Cirripedia,
Decapoda, Spatangoida, Foraminifera, Spore-Pollen.
Seliverstov Yu.P. (Ed.) Pleistocene and Holocene Palynology. (Palinologiya pleistotsena i
golotsena). (For INQUA Congress Nr. XI in Moscow). Leningrad 1981. roy.8. 168 p., num. figs. &
tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.75
Cont.: Continental and marine Pleistocene and Holocene.- Pleistocene sediment stratigraphy at
the Akdzhar section (East Pamirs).- Attempt of Holocene climate reconstruction based on the
palynological data by means of multidimensional statistical analysis.- Value of Sporen-Pollen
analysis for the study of the Barents Sea bottom sediments.- Diatom complexes in the upper layer
of the Baltic Sea sediments.- a.o.
Semenov I.N. Anthropogen Stratigraphy of the Bolshezemel tundra by Foraminifera. (Stratigrafiya
antropogenovykh otlozhenii Bolshezemelskoi tundry po foraminiferam). Moscow 1973. roy.8. 160
p., 19 pls., 25 figs., 30 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Deals with 83 species and subspecies, 8 are new.
Semenov V.P. The Paleogene of the Voronezh anteclise. (Paleogen Voronozhskoi anteklizy).
Voronezh 1965. roy.8. 280 p., 56 figs., 20 tabs. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €11.35
Deals with descr. of fossil fauna, microfauna, flora, Spore-Pollen.
Sennikov N.V. The Lower Silurian Graptolites and Stratigraphy of the Gorny Altai. (Graptolity i
stratigrafiya nizhnego silura Gornogo Altaya). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 304) 1976.
274 p., 17 pls., 18 figs., 5 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.75
Serebryakov S.N. Peculiarities of formation and location of Riphean Siberian Stromatolites.
(Osobennosti formirovaniya i razmeshcheniya rifeiskikh stromatolitov Sibiri). (Moscow, Trudy
Geol. Inst., 200) 1975. roy.8. 175 p., 12 pls., 78 figs., 2 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Serova M.Ya. Foraminifera and biostratigraphy of the northern Pacific in the Cretaceous and
Paleogene boundary. (Foraminifery i biostratigrafiya severnoi Patsifiki na rubezhe mela i
paleogena). Moscow 1987. 144 p., 16 pls., 10 figs., 2 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €16.00
Serova M.Ya. Foraminifera from Paleocene deposits of eastern Kamchatka. (Foraminifery
paleotsenovykh otlozhenii vostochnoi Kamchatki). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 127) 1966. roy.8.
94 p., 12 pls., 2 figs., 3 tabs. With Latin name index. €6.80
Shafeev A.A. (Ed.) Stratigraphical problems of the Early Precambrian of Middle Siberia.
(Problemy stratigrafii rannego dokembriya srednei Sibiri). Moscow 1986. 150 p., num. figs. & tabs.
Shapovalova I.G. Stratigraphy and Stromatolites of the Riphean of the northern part of the
Judomian-Maisk trough. (Stratigrafiya i stromatolity rifeiskikh otlozhenii severnoi chasti yudomomaiskogo
progiba). Novosibirsk 1974. roy.8. 140 p., 23 pls., 32 figs., 13 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €9.10
Sharudo I.I. History of the Late Mesozoic coal accumulation of the Far East. (Istoriya
pozdnemezozoiskogo uglenakopleniya na territorii Dalnego Vostoka). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst.
Geol. i Geofiz., 108) 1972. roy.8. 251 p., 52 figs., 19 tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €17.00
Sharudo I.I. (Ed.) Mesozoic Spore and Pollen assemblages of Siberia and Far East. (Sporovopyltsevye
kompleksy Mezozoya Sibiri i Dalnego Vostoka). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz.,
91) 1969. roy.8. 108 p., 14 pls., 2 figs. With latin nomencl. €10.50
Shatsky S.B. (Ed.) The marine and continental Paleogene of Siberia. (Morskoi i kontinentalnyi
paleogen Sibiri). Novosibirsk 1973. roy.8. 140 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €10.20
Deals also with descr. of fossil fauna, flora, Algae, palynological data.
Shatsky S.B. (Ed.) The Paleogene and Neogene of Siberia: Paleontology and stratigraphy.
(Paleogen i Neogen Sibiri). Novosibirsk 1978. roy.8. 168 p., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin
nomenclature. €20.45
Deals with Foraminifera, Radiolaria, Diatoms, Flora, Palynological data.
Shatsky S.B. (Ed.) Plant microfossils and stratigraphy of Mesozoic and Cenozoic of Siberia.
(Mikrofitofossilii i stratigrafiya mezozoya i kainozoya Sibiri). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i
Geofiz. SO AN SSSR, 697) 1988. roy.8. 216 p., 40 pls., 32 figs., 14 tabs. H.cloth. With Latin
nomenclature and with English annotation. €19.30
Shcherbakov F.A. The continental margins in the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. (Materikovye
okrainy v pozdnem pleistotsene i golotsene). Moscow 1983. 214 p., 58 figs., 11 tabs. €11.35
Shchukina E.N. Continental Tertiary deposits of the Middle Urals. (Kontinentalnye tretichnye
otlozheniya srednego Urala). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 17) 1959. roy.8. 191 p., 49 figs., 16
tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €15.90
Deals also with descr. of Pollen & Spores.
Shchukina E.N. The Quaternary of the Central Urals. (Chetvertichnye otlozheniya srednego
Urala). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. Nauk, vol. 94. Geol. Ser., No. 29) 1948. roy.8. 83 p., 31 figs., 4
tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €6.80
Shenfil V.Yu. The Late Precambrian of the Siberian Platform. (Pozdnii dokembrii Sibirskoi
Platformy). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz. SO AN SSSR, 790) 1991. roy.8. 185 p., 61
figs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €14.50
Sheryrev, A.A. The Triassic Ammonites of the northwestern Caucasus. (Triasovye ammonity Severo-Zapadnogo Kavkaza). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst. 264)1995. roy.8. 174 p., 24 pls., 83 figs. - In Russian with Latin name index. €25.00
Sheshegova L.I. The Acritarchs of the Silurian of the northern Siberian Platform. (Akritarkhi silura
severa Sibirskoi Platformy). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 581) 1984. 198 p., 24 pls.,
13 figs., 2 tabs. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature and with abstract in English. €14.00
Deals with descr. of 104 species of Acritarchs, some of which are new.
Sheshegova L.I. Paleobotanical characteristics of the coal-bearing Upper Permian beds of
Nikitinskoe deposit (Kuzbass). (Paleobotanicheskaya kharakteristika uglenosnykh
verkhnepermskikh otlozhenii Nikitinskogo mestorozhdeniya). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz.,
43) 1968. roy.8. 48 p., 14 pls., 5 figs., 1 tab. With Latin nomenclature. €5.70
Sheshegova L.I. Phytoplancton of the Silurian of Tuva (section of the „Alegest“). (Fitoplankton
silura Tuvy). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 224) 1975. roy.8. 100 p., 51 pls. With Latin
nomenclature. €11.50
Deals with 158 species of Acritarches, 1 new genus and 8 new species.
Sheshukova-Poretskaya V.S. The Neogene marine Diatomacea of Sakhalin and Kamchatka.
(Neogenovye morskie diatomovye vodorosli Sakhalina i Kamchatki). Leningrad 1967. roy.8. 432
p., 50 pls., 9 figs., 19 tabs. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €20.45
Shevyreva N.S. Paleogene Rodents of Asia (fam. Paramyidae, Sciuravidae, Ischyromyidae,
Cylindrodontidae). (Paleogenovye gryzuny Azii). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 158) 1976. roy.8. 115
p., 14 pls., 19 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Shilo N.A. (Ed.) Paleomagnetic and biostratigraphic characteristic of some key sections of the
Mesozoic and Cenozoic of the North of the Far East. (Paleomagnitnaya i biostratigraficheskaya
kharakteristika nekotorykh opornykh razrezov mezozoya i kainozoya severa Dalnego Vostoka).
(Magadan, Trudy Severo-Vost. Kompl. Inst., 37) 1970. roy.8. 176 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin
nomenclature. €11.50
Deals with the fossil fauna and flora.
Shimansky V.N. Carboniferous Nautilida. (Kamennougolnye Nautilida). (Moscow, Trudy Pal.
Inst., 115) 1967. roy.8. 258 p., 30 pls., 22 figs., 26 tabs. With Latin name index. €16.00
Shimansky V.N. & O.V. Amitrov (Eds.) Paleontology. Materials of the scientific meeting of the
paleontological section of the Moscovian Society of Naturalists: 1977-1978. (Paleontologiya).
Moscow 1980. 108 p. With Latin nomenclature. €5.70
Shimansky V.N. & F.A. Zhuravleva. Fundamental problems of the systematics of Nautiloidea
and allied groups. (Osnovnye voprosy sistematiki nautiloidei i rodstvennykh im grupp). (Moscow,
Trudy Pal. Inst., 90) 1961. roy.8. 176 p., 15 pls., 43 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €5.70
Shornikov E.I. & E.D. Mikhailova. Ostracods Bythocytheridae at early stage of development.
Comparative morphology, paleoecology and evolutionary pathways. (Ostrakody Bythocytheridae
rannego etapa razvitiya). Moscow 1990. 278 p., 16 pls., 38 figs., 5 tabs. With Latin name index
and English annotation. €22.70
Deals with 61 new species belonging to 24 genera (22 new), 6 tribes (4 new), 4 subfamilies (1
Shtefyrtsa A.G. The Early Sarmatian Flora of Borsuk (North-Eastern Moldavia). (Rannesarmatskaya
flora Bursuka). Kishinev 1974. 154 p., 24 pls., 4 figs., 5 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €9.50
Shulga-Nesterenko M.I. Carboniferous Bryozoa of the Russian Platform. (Kamennougolnye
mshanki Russkoi platformy). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 57) 1955. roy.8. 208 p., 32 pls. With Latin
nomenclature. €27.50
Shulga-Nesterenko M.I. Functional, phylogenetic and stratigraphical significance of the
microstructure of the skeletal tissues of Bryozoa. (Funktsionalnoe, filogeneticheskoe i
stratigraficheskoe znachenie mikrostruktury skeletnykh tkanei mshanok). (Moscow, Trudy Pal.
Inst., 23) 1949. Roy.8. 68 p., 12 pls., 26 figs., 4 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €9.10
Shumenko S.I. Mesozoic calcareous Nannoplankton of the European part of the USSR.
(Izvestkovyi nanoplankton mezozoya evropeiskoi chasti SSSR). Moscow 1976. roy.8. 140 p., 30
pls., 11 figs. With Latin name index. €9.50
Shveier A.V. Morphological and systematical principles of the Pliocene and Postpliocene
Ostracoda. (Osnovy morfologii i sistematiki pliotsenovykh i postpliotsenovykh Ostrakod).
(Leningrad, Trudy VNIGRI, n.s., 30) 1949. 110 p., 19 pls., 10 figs. H.cloth. With Latin name index.
Sibiryakova L.V. The Middle Jurassic fauna of Mollusks of the Great Balkhan and its stratigraphical
importance. (Sredneyurskaya fauna mollyuskov Bolshogo Balkhana i ee stratigraficheskoe
znachenie). (Leningrad, Trudy VSEGEI, n.s., 47) 1961. roy.8. 233 p., 29 pls., 2 figs. Cloth. With
Latin nomenclature. €18.50
Sidnev A.V. & V.K. Nemkova (Eds.) New materials on the paleogeography and stratigraphy of
the Pleistocene. (Novye materialy po paleogeografii i stratigrafii pleistotsena). Ufa 1986. roy.8.
149 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.35
Cont.: Changes of landscapes and climates of the Apsheron and Pleistocene of the Volga-Ural
region.- Paleogeography and biocoenoses of the Mikulin time of the south-east of the Russian
Plain.- Dynamics of the Pleistocene ice sheets, vegetation and ckimate in the North-East of the
European part of the USSR.- Developmental history of Diatoms of the fareastern seas in the
Anthropogen.- a.o.
Sidorenkov A.I. (Ed.) Stratigraphy and facies of the Phanerozoic of Western Siberia. (Stratigrafiya
i fatsii fanerozoya zapadnoi Sibiri). (Tyumen, Trudy ZapSibNIGNI, 169) 1982. 155 p., num.
figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €12.50
Deals also with new palynological material.
Sigal J. Ordre des Foraminifera. (Otryad Foraminifery). Transl. from the French. Ed. by N.N.
Subbotina. (Leningrad, ex. Traité de Pal., vol. I) 1956. roy.8. 222 p., 117 figs., 10 tabs. Cloth. With
Latin name index. €17.50
Sikharulidze G.Ya. The Albian Corals of the village Tskhanari (Western Georgia). (Albskie korally
sela Tskhanari). (Tbilisi, Trudy Geol. Inst. AN Gruz. SSR, n.s., 63) 1979. roy.8. 50 p., 26 pls., 21
figs. With Latin nomenclature. €5.00
Deals with a description of 23 species of Tetracorals. Among them are 2 new genera and 12 new
Sikharulidze G.Ya. The Hexacoralla of the Urgonian facies of the Dzirula massif and of its
northern frame. (Geksakorally urgonskoi fatsii Dzirulskogo massiva i ego severnogo obramleniya).
(Tbilisi, Trudy Geol. Inst. im. A.I. Dzhanelidze, n.s. 88) 1985. roy.8. 79 p., 31 pls., 10 figs. With
Latin nomenclature. €9.50
Simakov K.V. Essays on the stratigraphy of the Devonian-Mississippian boundary deposits of
North America. (Ocherki po stratigrafii pogranichnykh otlozhenii devona i missisipiya Severnoi
Ameriki). Moscow 1984. 223 p., 57 figs., 7 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Simakov K.V. (Ed.) Main Problems of Biostratigraphy and Paleogeography of the North-East
USSR. (Osnovnye problemy biostratigrafii i paleogeografii severo-vostoka SSSR). (Magadan,
Trudy Severo-Vost. Kompl. Inst., 62) 1974. 4. 288 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €18.50
Deals with general stratigraphical problems; Further, Stratigraphy of the Ordovician, Silurian,
Devonian, Carboniferous; description of the fossils: Foraminifera, Ostracoda, Conodonts,
Brachiopoda, Rugosa, Tabulata, Bryozoa, Pelecypoda, Trilobita, Crinoidea, a.o.
Sinitsyn V.M. (Ed.) History of the Paleogene coal accumulation on the territory of Sakhalin.
(Istoriya paleogenovogo uglenakopleniya na territorii Sakhalina). (Moscow, Trudy Lab. Geol.
Uglya, 17) 1963. roy.8. 168 p., 22 pls., num. figs. & tabs. H.cloth. With Latin name index. €18.15
Deals with descr. of Pelecypoda, Flora, Spore-Pollen.
Sirenko N.A. & S.I. Turlo. The development of the soils and vegetation of the Ukraine in the
Pliocene and Pleistocene. (Razvitie pochv i rastitelnosti Ukrainy v pliotsene i pleistotsene). Kiev
1986. roy.8. 188 p., 82 figs., 9 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €15.90
Skabichevskaya N.A. Middle-Late Quaternary Diatoms of the North Yenisei. (Srednepozdnechetvertichnye
diatomei Prieniseiskogo Severa). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 544)
1984. 157 p., 16 pls., 36 figs., 16 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €12.50
Skabichevskaya N.A. (Ed.) Pleistocene of Siberia. Stratigraphy and interregional correlation.
(Pleistotsen Sibiri. Stratigrafiya i mezhregionalnye korrelyatsii). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i
Geofiz. SO AN SSSR, 657) 1989. roy.8. 167 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €16.00
Skiba L.A. The History of development of Kamchatkan vegetation in the Late Cenozoic. (Istoriya
razvitiya rastitelnosti Kamchatki v pozdnem kainozoe). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 276) 1975.
roy.8. 72 p., 9 figs., 15 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €6.80
Deals also with Spore-Pollen spectra.
Sladkov A.N. Introduction in the spore-pollen analysis. (Vvedenie v sporovo-pyltsevoi analiz).
Moscow 1967. roy.8. 270 p., 89 figs., 18 tabs. Cloth. With Latin name index. €12.50
Slodkevich V.S. The Tertiary Acila of Sakhalin. (Tretichnye Acila Sakhalina). Moscow 1967.
roy.8. 79 p., 12 pls., 9 figs., 13 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €5.70
Smirnov N.G. (Ed.) History of the recent fauna of the southern Urals. (Istoriya sovremennoi fauny
yuzhnogo Urala). Sverdlovsk 1992. 99 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €10.20
Cont.: Bone remains of hoofed animals from caves of the southern Urals.- Late Anthropogen
Insectivora of the Southern Urals.- Terrestrial mollusks from caves of Southern Urals.- Paleofaunistic
investigations about species of genus Clethrionomys Tilesius.- a.o.
Smirnova T.N. Early Cretaceous Brachiopoda of the Crimea and the northern Caucasus.
(Rannemelovye brakhiopody Kryma i Severnogo Kavkaza). Moscow 1972. roy.8. 143 p., 13 pls.,
56 figs., 1 tab. With Latin nomenclature. €9.50
Sobolev E.S. Triassic Nautilida of North-Eastern Asia. (Triasovye nautilidy severo-vostochnoi
Azii). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz. SO AN SSSR, 727) 1989. 144 p., 48 pls., 66 figs., 6
tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €20.45
Sochava A.V., G.G. Martinson & G.I. Zharnylskaya. The Cretaceous continental deposits of
Ferghana. (Melovye kontinentalnye otlozheniya Fergany). Moscow 1965. roy.8. 155 p., 21 pls.,
num. figs. With Latin nomenclature. €5.70
Cont.: Lithology, stratigraphy and conditions of formation of the Cretaceous red coloured
formations of Ferghana.- Biostratigraphy and fauna of the continental Cretaceous of Ferghana
(with Trigonioididae and Unionidae).- New Cretaceous Gastropoda from the Lake and Lagoon
deposits of southern and eastern Ferghana.
Sofia.- Bulletin of the Geological Institute, Series Paleontology. (Izvestiya na geol. inst.,
seriya Paleontologiya). Vol. 23. Sofia 1974. roy.8. 115 p., 19 pls., num. figs., tabs.- 2 articles in
German, 1 in French, 2 in English, 3 in Bulgarian with summaries in English & French. €14.00
Cont.: Les Gasteropodes perceurs et leurs victimes du Miocene de Bulgarie du Nord-Ouest.-
Compositosphaeridium gen.n. - a new genus Dinoflagellate Cyst.- Foraminiferes des sédiments
maestrichtiens de type Carpathique de la Bulgarie Nord-Ouest.- Genus Gryphaea Lamarck
representatives from the Lower Jurassic in Bulgaria.- Stratigraphic range and Biostratonomy of
some Lower Jurassic Pectinacea from Bulgaria.- Repres. de la fam. Hippuritidae du village
Rosino, arr. de Plovdiv.- Die Zahnreihen-Conodonten aus der Trias des Golo-Bardo-Gebirges.
Die Conodonten der Campiller Schichten von Brassina (Westserbien).
Sokolov Boris Sergeevich. Biobibliography. Ed. by A.A. Logunov. (Moscow, Mat. k Biobibliogr.
Uch. SSSR, Ser. Geol. Nauk, 32) 1986. 128 p., 1 portr. €3.40
Sokolov B.S. Lower Cambrian and Upper Precambrian stratigraphy of the south of the Siberian
Platform. (Stratigrafiya nizhnego kembriya i verkhnego dokembriya yuga Sibirskoi platformy).
(Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 51) 1969. roy.8. 104 p., num. figs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Deals with new data on Trilobites, Archaeocyathi, Algae, Stromatolites and other fossils.
Sokolov B.S. (Ed.) Ordovician of the Siberian Platform: Key section on the Kulumbe river.
(Ordovik Sibirskoi platformy: Opornyi razrez na r. Kulyumbe). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz.,
506) 1982. 224 p., 40 pls., 11 figs. With Latin nomencl. €20.45
Deals with: Bryozoa, Brachiopoda, Ostracoda, Conodonts, Acritarches, Chitinozoa, Crinoidea.
Sokolov B.S. (Ed.) The Silurian fauna and flora of the Trans-Polar region of the Siberian
Platform. (Fauna i flora silura Zapolyarya Sibirskoi platformy). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i
Geofiz. SO AN SSSR, 666) 1986. roy.8. 182 p., 32 pls., 31 figs., 3 tabs. H.cloth. With Latin
nomenclature. €18.50
Deals with Stromatoporata, Bryozoa, Gastropoda, Inarticulata, Conodonts, Nautiloids, Graptolites,
Chitinozoa, Algae.
Sokolov B.S. (Ed.) Silurian key sections of the river Moiero of the Siberian Platform. (Opornyi
razrez reki Moiero silura Sibirskoi platformy). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz. SO AN
SSSR, 629) 1985. roy.8. 162 p., 12 pls., 34 figs., 2 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €18.50
Deals with descr. of Conodonts, Corals, Gastropoda, Nautiloidea, Brachiopoda, Graptolites, a.o.
Sokolov B.S. (Ed.) Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Paleozoic of the Asiatic part of the
USSR. (Stratigrafiya i paleontologiya paleozoya Aziatskoi chasti SSSR). Moscow 1965. 137 p., 20
pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Deals with Archaeocyatha, Graptolites, Foraminifera, Quasiendothyra communis (Foram.),
Ostracoda, Pelecypoda, Pursongia.
Sokolov B.S. (Ed.) Stratigraphic classification. Material for the problem. (Stratigraficheskaya
klassifikatsiya. Materialy k probleme). (Leningrad, Trudy Mezhvedomst. Strat. Kom. SSSR, 7)
1980. 168 p., figs., tabs. With English annotation. €13.65
Cont.: On the fundamentals of stratigraphic classification.- Stratigraphic units and stratigraphic
code.- Precambrian stratigraphic units.- a.o.
Sokolov B.S. & A.B. Ivanovsky (Ed.) Biostratigraphy of Silurian/Devonian boundary deposits.
(Biostratigrafiya pogranichnykh otlozhenii silura i devona). Moscow 1968. roy.8. 212 p., 27 pls.,
num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €13.75
The book deals with new paleontological materials on Ostracoda, Corals and Crinoidea of
Podolia, Central Asia, Altai-Sayan folded region & north-eastern Asia. Also descr. are Graptolites
& Brachiopoda.
Sokolov B.S. & A.B. Ivanovsky (Eds.) Fauna and ecosystems of the geological past. (Fauna i
ekosistemy geologicheskogo proshlogo). Moscow 1993. 125 p., 12 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With
Latin nomenclature. €10.20
Papers contain descr. of numerous but little known representatives of different groups of fossils
from Precambrian (acritarchs, metazoans), Paleozoicum (corals, trilobites), of Sclerosponges.
Special articles devote to some new data of the recent coralreef ecosystem and to paleobiogeography
of Early Mesozoicum.
Sokolov B.S. & Yu.I. Tesakov (Eds.) Ordovician stratigraphy of the Siberian Platform. (Stratigrafiya
ordovika Sibirskoi Platformy). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 200) 1975. roy.8. 254
p., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature and with English annotation. €20.45
Deals with Stromatoporoidea, Tabulata, Rugosa, Gastropoda, Monoplacophora, Brachiopoda,
Nautiloidea, Bryozoa, Trilobita, Ostracoda, Crinoidea, Conodonts, Graptolites.
Sokolov B.S. & Yu.I. Tesakov. Population, biocenotic and biostratigraphical analysis of Tabulata.
Pdolian model. (Populyatsionnyi, biotsenoticheskii i biostratigraficheskii analiz tabulyat. Pdolskaya
model). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 577) 1984. roy.8. 140 p., 56 pls., 8 figs., 5 tabs.
with Latin nomenclature. €18.50
Sokolov B.S. & E.A. Yolkin (Eds.) The Precambrian and Paleozoic of Siberia and adjacent
regions. Paleontology, biostratigraphy, paleobiogeography. (Dokembrii i paleozoi Sibiri i smezhnykh
regionov). Novosibirsk 1976. 104 p., 2 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €5.70
Sokolov D.N. The collection of fossils from Preobrazhenie and Begichev. (Kollektsiya okamenelostei
s ostrovov Preobrazheniya i Begicheva). (Petrograd, Trudy Geol. Muz. im. Petra Velikago
Imp. Akad. Nauk, vol. 8, pt. 9) 1916. roy.8. 4 p. With Latin nomenclature. €0.75
Soloviev Yu.Ya. Incipience and development of paleogeography in Russia. (Vozniknovenie i
razvitie paleogeografii v Rossii). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 147) 1966. roy.8. 234 p., num. portr.,
38 figs. €13.65
Solovjev A.N. Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous Disasterid Echinoids of the USSR. (Pozdneyurskie
i rannemelovye dizasteridnye morskie ezhi SSSR). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 131)
1971. roy.8. 124 p., 16 pls., 56 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.35
Solun V.I., T.F. Travina, E.M. Bugrova, N.V. Tolstikova. The Paleogene depsoits of Badkhyz.
(Paleogenovye otlozheniya Badkhyza). (Leningrad, Trudy VSEGEI, n.s., 52) 1961. roy.8. 226 p., 4
pls., 31 figs., 15 tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €18.15
Deals with Heterodonta, Neotaxodonta, Dysodonta, Foraminifera, a.o.
Soshkina, E. Corals of the Upper Silurian and Lower Devonian of the Eastern and Western Slopes of the Urals (Moscow, Trudy Paleozool. Inst., vol. VI, pt. 4)1937. roy.8. 112 p., 21 pls.- In Russian with summary in English. 32.50
Sovmestnaya Sovetsko-Mongolskaya Paleontologicheskaya Ekspeditsiya, Trudy. Vol. 1:
Mesozoic and Cenozoic Faunas and Biostratigraphy of Mongolia. (Joint Sov.-Mongol. Pal.
Exped., Transactions: Fauna i biostratigrafiya mezozoya i kainozoya Mongolii). Ed. by N.N.
Kramarenko. Moscow 1974. roy.8. 380 p., 23 pls., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature
and with summaries in English. €34.50
Deals with: Tsaganomys Altaicus; General stages in evolution of Late Mesozoic and Early Tertiary
Mammalian fauna in Central Asia.- New Early Tertiary species Archaeolambda.- New data on
Mastodonts.- Oligocene Chalicotherium Schizotherium Avitum.- Tertiary Muntiacinae.- New finds
of Samotherium.- Dinosaur.- Giant Carnosaurs of the fam. Tyrannosauridae.- New Early
Cretaceous Turtle.- Tertiary Esox.- Cretaceous limnetic Mollusca.- Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous
Ostracoda.- Upper Cretaceous Gobiocypris gen.nov. Mongolia.- Senon Ostracoda.- a.o.
Sovmestnaya Sovetsko-Mongolskaya Paleontologicheskaya Ekspeditsiya, Trudy. Vol. 11:
V.Yu. Reshetov. Early Tertiary Tapiroidea of Mongolia and the USSR. (The joint Soviet-Mongolian
Paleont. Expedition: Rannetretichnye tapiroobraznye Mongolii i SSSR). Moscow 1979. roy.8. 144
p., 4 pls., 38 figs., 31 tabs. With Latin nomenclature & summary in English. €14.75
Sovmestnaya Sovetsko-Mongolskaya Paleontologicheskaya Ekspeditsiya, Trudy. Vol. 22:
G.V. Kopaevich. Atlas of Bryozoa from the Ordovician, Silurian and Devonian of Mongolian. (The
joint Soviet-Mongolian Pal. Exped., Transactions: Atlas mshanok ordovika, silura i devona
Mongolii). Moscow 1984. roy.8. 164 p., 56 pls., 2 figs., 12 tabs. With Latin name index. €19.30
Sovmestnaya Sovetsko-Mongolskaya Paleontologicheskaya Ekspeditsiya, Trudy. Vol. 26:
E.N. Kurochkin. Birds of Central Asia in the Pliocene. (Joint Soviet-Mongol. Pal. Exped.,
Transactions: Ptitsy tsentralnoi Azii v Pliotsene). Moscow 1985. roy.8. 120 p., 16 pls., 49 figs., 10
tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €13.70
Sovmestnaya Sovetsko-Mongolskaya Paleontologicheskaya Ekspeditsiya, Trudy. Vol. 27:
Stromatoporates and Biostratigraphy of Lower Paleozoic of Mongolia. By L.N. Bolshakova & L.M.
Ulitina. (Joint Soviet-Mongolian Pal. Exped., Transactions: Stromatoporaty i biostratigrafiya
nizhnego paleozoya Mongolii). Moscow 1985. roy.8. 94 p., 24 pls., 9 figs., 8 tabs. With Latin
nomenclature & summary in English. €16.00
Descr. are 47 species, 10 are new.
Sovmetsnaya Sovetsko-Mongolskaya Paleontologicheskaya Ekspeditsiya, Trudy. Vol. 30:
Paleogene freshwater fish fauna of the USSR and Mongolia, by E.K. Sychevskaya. (Joint Soviet-
Mongol. Pal. Exped., Transactions: Presnovodnaya paleogenovaya ikhtiofauna SSSR i Mongolii).
Moscow 1986. roy.8. 157 p., 16 pls., 27 figs., 1 tab. With Latin nomenclature. €16.00
Deals with 29 genera and 34 species, 7 genera and 25 species are new.
Sovmestnaya Sovetsko-Mongolskaya Paleontologicheskaya Ekspeditsiya, Trudy. Vol. 39:
Neogene freshwater fish fauna of Mongolia. By E.K. Sychevskaya. (Joint Soviet-Mongol. Pal.
Exped., Transactions: Presnovodnaya ikhtiofauna neogena Mongolii). Moscow 1989. roy.8. 144
p., 32 pls., 41 figs. With Latin nomenclature and English annotation. €16.00
Spinar Zd. Revision of some Moravian Discosauriscidae (Labyrinthodontia). (Reviziya nekotorykh
moravskikh diskozavristsidov). Transl. fr. the Czech. (Praha, Rozpr. Ustr. Ust. Geol., 15) 1953. 4.
130 p., 39 pls., 47 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €20.45
Spiridonova E.A. The vegetation evolution of the Don drainage-basin in the Late Pleistocene and
Holocene (Upper Paleolithic-Bronze time). (Evolyutsiya rastitelnogo pokrova basseina Dona v
verkhnem Pleistotsene-Golotsene). Moscow 1991. 221 p., 40 figs., 7 tabs. With Latin nomenclature
& English annotation. €11.50
Cont.: Some methods of using spore-pollen analysis in archeological studies.- Palynological
characteristics of the main sections of the Don.- The main stages of vegetation evolution of the
Don basin.
Stepanov S.A. Phytostratigraphy of the Devonian key sections of the margin of the Kuzbas.
(Fitostratigrafiya opornykh razrezov devona okrain Kuzbassa). (Novosibirsk, Trudy SNIIGGIMS,
211) 1975. roy.8. 150 p., 48 pls., 29 figs., 2 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €12.50
Stratigraphic Dictionary of the USSR: Lower Precambrian. Ed. by K.A. Shurkin. (Stratigraficheskii
slovar SSSR: Nizhnii dokembrii). Leningrad 1989. 398 p. Cloth. €16.00
Stratigraphic Dictionary: Upper Precambrian. (Northern Eurasia in the boundaries of the
former USSR). Ed. by M.E. Raaben. (Stratigraficheskii Slovar: Verkhnii dokembrii). Moscow 1994.
350 p. Cloth. With English annotation. €24.95
Stratigraphic Wells of the USSR: The Berezov stratigraphic well (Tyumen region). By G.K.
Boyarskikh, V.F. Nikonov, V.I. Prokopenko et al. (Opornye skvazhiny SSSR: Berezovskaya
opornaya skvazhina). (Leningrad, Trudy VNIGRI, 195) 1962. 122 p., 7 gigs., 10 tabs. With Latin
nomenclature. €3.50
Deals with descr. of microfauna, Spores-Pollen.
Stratigraphic Wells of the USSR: The southern Kaliningrad (Nivenskoe) stratigraphic well. By
F.I. Romanov & A.I. Zomova. (Opornye skvazhiny SSSR: Yuzhno-Kaliningradskaya (Nivenskaya)
opornaya skvazhina). (Leningrad, Trudy VNIGRI, 197) 1962. 128 p., 5 figs., 15 tabs. With Latin
nomenclature. €4.50
Deals with descr. of macrofauna, foraminifera, ostracoda, spore-pollen.
Stratigraphic Wells of the USSR: The Zayarsk stratigraphic well (Irkutsk region). By Z.A.
Kondratyeva & Z.N. Ipatova. (Opornye skvazhiny SSSR: Zayarskaya opornaya skvazhina).
(Leningrad, Trudy VNIGRI, 198) 1962. 164 p., 5 figs., 13 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €3.50
Stratigraphy of the Ukrainian SSR. Vol. I: Precambrian. Ed. by M.P. Semenenko & L.G.
Tkachuk. (Stratigrafiya URSR: Dokembrii). Kiev 1972. roy.8. 348 p., 58 figs., 30 tabs. Cloth. In
Ukrainian with summary in Russian and English. €20.45
Stratigraphy of the Ukrainian SSR. Vol. VI, pt. 2: Triassic. Ed. by Y.Yu. Lapchik. (Stratigrafiya
URSR: Trias). Kiev 1972. roy.8. 208 p., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. In Ukrainian with Latin nomenclature
and summary in Russian & English. €18.50
Stratigraphy of the Ukrainian SSR. Vol. VII: Jurassic. Ed. by I.M. Yamnichenko. (Stratigrafiya
URSR). Kiev 1969. roy.8. 219 p., 21 figs., 19 tabs. Cloth. In Ukrainian with summaries in Russian
and English & with Latin nomenclature. €18.50
Deals also with the fossil flora, fauna and microfauna.
Stratigraphy of the Ukrainian SSR. Vol. XI: Anthropogen. Ed. by V.G. Bondarchuk. (Stratigrafiya
URSR). Kiev 1969. roy.8. 326 p., 52 figs. Cloth. In Ukrainian with summary in Russian and with
Latin nomenclature. €17.50
Stratigraphy of the USSR: Lower Precambrian: Asiatic part of the USSR. (Stratigrafiya
SSSR: Nizhnii dokembrii). Ed. by S.V. Obruchev. Moscow 1963. roy.8. 398 p., 37 figs., 27 tabs.
Cloth. With Latin name index. €15.90
Stratigraphy of the USSR. Vol. 2: Upper Precambrian. Ed. by B.M. Keller. (Stratigrafiya SSSR:
Verkhnii dokembrii). Moscow 1963. roy.8. 716 p., 94 figs., 24 tabs., 18 pls. Cloth. With Latin name
index. €27.50
Deals also with Stromatolites, Oncolites, Catagraphia, Archaeocyatha, Problematics.
Stratigraphy of the USSR: Silurian System. (Stratigrafiya SSSR: Siluriiskaya sistema). Ed. by O.I.
Nikiforova & A.M. Obut. Moscow 1965. roy.8. 531 p., 120 figs., 10 tabs., 11 fold. schemes, 3 fold.
col. maps. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature.-Lacks maps. €44.00
Deals with descr. of Protozoa, Spongia, Aphrosalpinx, Stromatoporoidea, Rugosa, Tabulata and
Heliolithidae, Bivalvia, Gastropoda, Conodonts, Cephalopoda, Coniconchia, Bryozoa,
Brachiopoda, Trilobites, Ostracoda, Eurypterids, Crinoidea, Graptolites, Fishes and Agnatha,
Algae, Psilophytes & Lycopodiales.
Stratigraphy of the USSR: Quaternary System. Vol. 2. Ed. by I.I. Krasnov. (Stratigrafiya SSSR:
Chetvertichnaya sistema). Moscow 1984. roy.8. 556 p., num. figs., tabs. and maps. Cloth. With
Latin nomenclature. €56.75
Stratigraphy of the USSR. Vol. XII: Neogene of the USSR. Ed. by A.D. Arkhangelsky. (Stratigrafiya
SSSR). Moscow 1940. roy.8. 687 p., 210 figs. Cloth. With Latin name index. €38.75
Strelkov S.A. & B.I. Koshechkin (Eds.) Paleogeography and morphostructures of the Kola
Peninsula. For the IXth Congress INQUA, New Zealand, 1973. (Paleogeografiya i morfostruktury
Kolskogo poluostrova). Leningrad 1973. roy.8. 152 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature
and with abstracts in English. €9.10
Deals also with Spore-Pollen.
Strelnikova N.I. The Late Cretaceous Diatoms (of western Siberia). (Diatomei pozdnego mela).
Moscow 1974. roy.8. 202 p., 57 pls., 11 figs., 5 tabs. With Latin name index. €14.50
Stukalina G.A. The Silurian Crinoids of the Siberian Platform. (Siluriiskie krinoidei Sibirskoi
platformy). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 278) 2000. roy.8. 110 p., 24 pls., 14 figs. With Latin
nomenclature. €14.00
Subbotina N.N. Fossil Foraminifera of the USSR: Globigerinidae, Hantkeninidae & Globorotaliidae.
(Iskopaemye foraminifery SSSR). (Leningrad, Trudy VNIGRI, n.s. 76) 1953. roy.8. 296 p.,
41 pls., 8 figs. Cloth. With Latin name index. €29.50
Sukhov S.V. The Late Paleozoic Seeds of Plants of Central Siberia. (Semena pozdnepaleozoiskikh
rastenii Srednei Sibiri). (Leningrad, Trudy SNIIGGIMS, 64) 1969. roy.8. 264 p., 31 pls., 31
figs., 2 tabs. Cloth. With Latin name index. €18.50
Suladze A.I. The Eupatorian horizon and an ecosystem analysis of the basin of its sedimentation
(after materials from the Western Crimea). (Evpatoriiskii gorizont i ekosistemnyi analiz basseina
ego sedimentatsii). Tbilisi 1984. 98 p., 30 figs. With summary in English. €6.80
Deals with descr. of Myarian and Gastropod Mollusks, Ostracoda and Foraminifera.
Suzdalsky O.V. The Paleogeography of the Arctic Seas of the USSR in the Neogene and
Pleistocene. (Paleogeografiya arkticheskikh morei SSSR v neogene i pleistotsene). Leningrad
1976. 112 p., 34 figs., 24 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Svichenskaya A.A. Fossil Mugiliformes of the USSR. (Iskopaemye kefaleobraznye SSSR).
(Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 138) 1973. roy.8. 63 p., 7 pls., 10 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €5.70
Deals with 17 species, 5 are new.
Svitoch A.A. Atlas-classification key of the Mollusks „Didacna Eichwald“ from the Quaternary
deposits of the central Caspian region. (Atlas-opredelitel mollyuskov p. Didacna Eichw. iz
chetvertichnykh otlozhenii tsentralnogo Prikaspiya). Moscow 1967. 66 p., 11 pls., 2 tabs., 9 figs.
With Latin nomenclature. €4.55
Syabryai S.V. & N.A. Shchekina. Developmental history of the vegetative cover of the Ukraine in
the Miocene. (Istoriya razvitiya rastitelnogo pokrova Ukrainy v Miotsene). Kiev 1983. roy.8. 170 p.,
20 pls., 12 figs., 2 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €15.00
Deals with palynological data.
Sysoev V.A. Biostratigraphy and Hyolites Orthothecimorpha of the Lower Cambrian of the
Siberian Platform. (Biostratigrafiya i khiolity ortotetsimorfy nizhnego kembriya Sibirskoi platformy).
Moscow 1972. roy.8. 152 p., 12 pls., 26 figs., 2 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €10.50
Sysoyev V.A. The Cambrian Hyolithidae from the northern slope of the Aldan shield. (Khiolity
kembriya severnogo sklona Aldanskogo shchita). Moscow 1962. roy.8. 65 p., 6 pls., 14 figs. With
Latin nomenclature. €6.80
Sytova V.A. & L.M. Ulitina. Early Paleozoic Rugosa of Mongolia and Tuva. (Rannepaleozoiskie
rugozy Mongolii i Tuvy). Moscow 1983. roy.8. 168 p., 32 pls., 11 figs., 10 tabs. With Latin
nomenclature. €16.00
Deals with 99 species and 7 subspecies belonging to 64 genera, among them are 6 genera, 45
species and 3 subspecies new.
Taboyakova V.Ya. Experience of biometric study of the Pliocene Viviparuses of the South of the
USSR. (Opyt biometricheskogo izucheniya pliotsenovykh viviparusov yuga SSSR). (Moscow,
Trudy Pal. Inst., 99) 1964. roy.8. 90 p., 9 pls., 40 figs., 20 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €4.55
Taktakishvili I.G. Biostratigraphy of the Pliocene of Western Georgia. (Biostratigrafiya pliotsena
zapadnoi Gruzii). Tbilisi 1984. 136 p. With Latin nomenclature and with summary in English. €6.80
Deals mainly with mollusk fauna.
Tatarinov L.P. The Gondwana Cynodontia in the Middle Triassic of the USSR. (Tsinodonty
gondvanskogo oblika v srednem triase SSSR). (Moscow, ex. Pal. Zhurnal, ’73, no. 2) 1973. 7 p., 3
figs. With Latin nomenclature.- In photostat. €1.13
Tatarinov L.P. Theriodonts of the USSR. (Teriodonty SSSR). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 143)
1974. roy.8. 250 p., 10 pls., 56 figs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €22.70
Tatishvili K.G., K.G. Bagdasaryan & Zh.R. Kazakhashvili. Reference book on the ecology of
marine Gastropoda. (Spravochnik po ekologii morskikh bryukhonogikh). The way of life of
Gastropoda belonging to the generic types in the Cenozoic of the southern USSR. Moscow 1968.
170 p., 52 figs. Cloth. With Latin name index. €6.80
Tectonics & Stratigraphy. Pt. 25. Ed. by V.G. Bondarchuk. (Tektonika i stratigrafiya). Kiev 1984.
roy.8. 92 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €7.95
Cont.: About two fundamental geological principles of the geotectonic science.- Some questions
of stratigraphical classification.- About the reconstruction of the paleoclimatic conditions of the
formation of the Quaternary of the right-shore zone of the Middle Dnestr.- Freshwater Mollusks
from the interglacial deposits of the Upper Pleistocene of the West of the East-European Plain.-
Tectonics & Stratigraphy. Pt. 31. Ed. by V.G. Bondarchuk. (Tektonika i Stratigrafiya). Kiev 1990.
roy.8. 96 p., 4 pls., num. figs. With Latin nomenclature. €12.05
Cont.: Yu.V. Teslenko & G.G. Yanovskaya. Vegetative zones of the Ukraine in the Bajocian-
Bathonian time.- O.E. Kotlyar. New data about the Brachiopoda of the Devonian-Carboniferous
boundary of the Dnepr-Donets basin.- M.A. Voronova. Development of the Palynoflora in the
Jurassic and Early Cretaceous boundary of the East-European Platform.- V.V, Khatimlyansky.
First find of Ammonites in the Senomanian of the Kanev dislocation.- a.o.
Temirbekova U.T. & Z.A. Antonova. Triassic and Jurassic Miliolidae of the northern Caucasus.
(Triasovye i yurskie miliolidy severnogo Kavkaza). Moscow 1985. 104 p., 16 pls., 8 figs., 12 tabs.
With Latin nomenclature. €9.50
Tesakov Yu.I. Favositida of Podolia. (Favozitidy Podolii). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz. SO
AN SSSR, 139) 1971. roy.8. 119 p., 59 pls. With Latin nomenclature. €16.00
Tesakov Yu.I. (Ed.) Paleozoic stratigraphy of the south-east of the West-Siberian platform.
(Stratigrafiya paleozoiskikh otlozhenii yugo-vostoka Zapadno-Sibirskoi plity). (Novosibirsk, Trudy
Inst. Geol. i Geofiz. SO AN SSSR, 766) 1990. roy.8. 183 p., 32 pls., 31 figs., 1 tab. Cloth. With
Latin nomenclature. €22.70
Deals with Stromatoporata, Tabulata, Brachiopoda, Heliolitoidea, Ostracoda, Coniconchia,
Crinoidea, Errantida, Chitinozoa, Conodontophorida, Acritarcha, Holosphaerales.
Tesakov Yu.I. Tabulata. Populational, Biocoenosoic and Biostratigraphic analysis. (Tabulyaty.
Popullyatsionnyi, biotsenoticheskii i biostratigraficheskii analiz). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i
Geofiz., 409) 1978. 262 p., 39 pls., 65 figs., 10 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €18.50
Tesakov Yu.I., A.V. Kanygin, A.G. Yadrenkina et al. The Ordovician of the northwestern
Siberian Platform. (Ordovik severo-zapada Sibirskoi platformy). Novosibirsk 2003. 4. 260 p., 41
pls., 18 figs. Cloth. With Latin name index & English annotation. €32.50
Cont.: Stratigraphy.- Rock associations and facies.- Fauna (Fauna review and chronozonal
distribution of species.- Tabulate and Heliolitid corals.- Brachiopods.- Conodonts).
Teslenko Yu.V. (Ed.) Geological history of the ecological surroundings in the Ukraine. (Geologicheskaya
istoriya ekologicheskikh obstanovok na territorii Ukrainy). Kiev 1992. 155 p., 6 pls.,
num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €10.50
Cont.: Materials of the XIIth Session of the Ukrainian Paleontological Society: Floristic-cenotic
method of stratigraphy and new methods of phytostratigraphical analysis.- Origin of fossil
Charophytes and some questions of its phylogeny.- To habitat conditions of Early Carboniferous
Bivalvia of the Lvov-Volyn coal basin.- Participation of Ulmaceae in the Tertiary floras of the
Donets basin by palynological data.- a.o.
Teslenko Yu.V. Jurassic stratigraphy and flora of western and southern Siberia and Tuva.
(Stratigrafiya i flora yurskikh otlozhenii zapadnoi i yuzhnoi Sibiri i Tuvy). (Moscow, Trudy
SNIIGGIMS, 42) 1970. roy.8. 270 p., 52 pls., 12 figs., 2 fold. schemes. Cloth. With Latin
nomenclature. €18.15
Tochilina S.V. Biostratigraphy of the Cenozoic of the north-western Pacific Ocean. (Biostratigrafiya
kainozoya severo-zapadnoi chasti Tikhogo Okeana). (Moscow, Intern. Geol. Correl. Progr.,
Project no. 114) 1985. 134 p., 8 pls., 18 figs., 7 tabs. With Latin nomenclature and English
annotation. €12.50
Deals with Radiolaria.
Tochilina S.V., N.K. Vagina, I.M. Opova & V.I. Remizovsky. Late Cenozoic of southern Sakhalin.
(Reference sections of rivers Maly Takoy, Bachinskaya). Vladivostok 1988. roy.8. 76 p., 4 pls., 20
figs., 3 tabs. With Latin nomenclature and English annotation. €11.50
Deals with Radiolaria and Spores-Pollen.
Tolstikova N.V. Mollusks of the Alai and Turkestan layers of Badkhyz. (Mollyuski Alaiskikh i
Turkestanskikh sloev Badkhyza). Moscow 1964. roy.8. 122 p., 5 pls., 8 tabs. With Latin name
index. €4.55
Deals with Lamellibranchiata and Gastropoda.
Tolstykh A.N. The Late Paleozoic flora of the eastern part of the Tungusska syneclise (Vilyui
region). (Pozdnepaleozoiskaya flora vostochnoi chasti Tungusskoi sineklizy). Moscow 1969.
roy.8. 124 p., 21 pls., 4 figs., 5 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Tolstykh A.N. The Late Paleozoic flora of Western Verkhoyan. (Pozdnepaleozoiskaya flora
zapadnogo Verkhoyanya). Novosibirsk 1974. roy.8. 103 p., 14 pls., 3 tabs. With Latin nomenclature.
Transactions of the Leningrad Society of Naturalists. Vol. 68, pt. 2: Section of Geology and
Mineralogy. (Trudy Leningradskogo obshchestva estestvoispytatelei). Leningrad 1951. 283 p., 7
pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €15.90
Cont.: G.Ya. Krymgolts: Some Jurassic Cephalopoda of the Trans Caucasus region.- I.A.
Korobkov: Paleogene Pectinidae of Central Asia.- E.N. Dyakonova-Savelyeva: Genesis and
stratigraphical position of the red coloured layer of the northern Caucasus in the connection with
the find of higher Fusulinids.- A.S. Moiseev: About the Corals and some organisms from the
limestones of Primorye.- B.S. Sokolov: About the stratigraphical significance of gen. Chaetetes
Fischer.- a.o.
Travaux sur la Geologie de Bulgarie. Serie Paleontologie. Vol. 1. Sofia 1959. roy.8. 350 p., 51
pls. H.cloth. In Bulgarian with summaries in English. €24.95
Cont.: Ammonite fauna of the Jurassic in the southern part of the Western Sechiou of the Balkan
range.- On the presence of genus Hybonoticeras Breistroffer 1947 in the kimmeridge layers of
western Bulgaria.- Calcarinidae of the Maastricht in Bulgaria.- Lenticulina and Robulus in the
Cretaceous and Tertiary in North-East Bulgaria.- Microfaunistic characteristics of the Tortonian in
North-Western Bulgaria.- Eocene Foraminifera of Pleven county.
Travaux sur la Geologie de Bulgarie. Serie Paleontologie. Vol. 2. Sofia 1960. roy.8. 380 p., 73
pls. Cloth. 1 article in German, 9 articles in Bulgarian with summaries in English, French, German
or Russian. €24.95
Cont.: Sarmatian Foraminifera from north-western Bulgaria.- Nummulites inconnues du Paleogene
en Bulgarie.- Paläozoische Conodontenfauna aus Südwestbulgarien und Ostserbien.-
Karnische Conodonten aus dem Luda-Kamcia-Teil des Ostbalkans.- Neue Fauna des bulgarischen
Obersilurs (Ober-Ludlow: Pelecypoda, Gastropoda, Cephalopoda, Brachiopoda, Graptolithina).-
La faune d’ammonites dans le Valanginien du Prebalkan oriental.- Representatives of the
fam. Amaltheidae in Bulgaria.- Pliozäne Säugetierfauna; Palynologische Untersuchungen; Fossile
Pflanzen aus Sofia.
Travaux sur la Geologie de Bulgarie. Serie Stratigraphie et Tectonique. Vol. I, Sofia 1960.
roy.8. 320 p., num. figs. & tabs. H.cloth. In Bulgarian with summaries in Russian, German or
French. €15.90
Cont.: Chr. Spesov: Stratigraphie der paläozoischen Sedimenten zwischen Tran und Temelkovo.-
V. Tzankov et al.: Geologie de Bourel et des regions avoisinantes entre Tran et Slivnitza (with
descr. of its fossils).- B. Vrabljansky et al.: La geologie de la region de Zabarde (with descr. of its
fossils).- Chr. Spasov: Stratigraphie des Ordoviziums und Silurs im Kern der Svoge-Antiklinale
(with Graptolithes).- V. Tzankov et al.: Recherches stratigraphiques sur le Jurassique et le
Cretace dans la Bulgarie du nord-ouest (with descr. of fossils).- a.o.
Travaux sur la Geologie de Bulgarie. Serie Stratigraphie et Tectonique. Wol. II. Sofia 1961.
roy.8. 251 p., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. In Bulgarian with summaries in Russian, German or
French. €15.90
Cont.: Chr. Spasov: Notizen über die Paläogeographie und tektonische Aktivität während des
Paläozoikums in Bulgarien.- M. Ganev: Stratigraphie der Trias im Luda-Kamcia-Teil des
Ostbalkans (with descr. of fossils).- J. Tencov: Stratigraphische Notizen über das Oberkarbon im
Kern des Svoge-Sattels (with descr. of fossil plants).- A. Atanassoff: Geologie du secteur maritime
des Prebalkans et de la vallee de la Kamcia (with descr. of its fossils).- a.o.
Travaux sur la Geologie de Bulgarie. Serie Stratigraphie et Tectonique. Vol. V. Sofia 1963.
roy.8. 212 p., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. In Bulgarian with summaries in Russian, German or
English. €11.35
Cont.: Ya. Tenchov & S. Yanev: Stratigraphy and lithology of the Upper Stephanien and Permian
near the town of Belogradchik and Kiryaevo Village (NW Bulgaria).- I. Nachev et al.: Stratigraphy
and lithology of the Jurassic system between Gorno Ozirovo and Prevala Villages (NW Bulgaria)
(with descr. of fossils).- I. Nachev: The Jurassic system in the Gabrovo region and the valleys of
Gabrovnitsa and Leshnitsa (with descr. of fossils).- a.o.
Travaux du Musée Géologique. Vol. VII. (Trudy Geologicheskogo Muzeya). Leningrad 1930.
roy.8. 204 p., 18 pls., num. figs. With Latin nomenclature & partly with summary in English or
German. €20.45
Cont.: Kolesnikov: Sur les représentants de la fam. des Trochidae de l’étage sarmatique.-
Schtylko: Restes de brochets fossiles provenant de la Sibérie Occidentale.- Orlov: Neue Funde
fossiler Säugetiere in Sibirien.- Alekseev: Die obersarmatische Säugetierfauna von Eldar, I:
Achtiaria Borissiakii n.sp.- a.o.
Trifonov V.G. Late Paleozoic structure of the North Balkhash region and its origin.
(Pozdnepaleozoiskaya struktura severnogo Pribalkhashya i ee proiskhozhdenie). (Moscow, Trudy
Geol. Inst., 175) 1967. roy.8. 255 p., 81 figs., 17 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €17.05
Deals also with Trilobites, Corals, Brachiopoda, Crinoidea, Bryozoa, Flora.
Trizna V.B. Early Carboniferous Bryozoa of the Kuznetsk Basin. (Rannekamennougolnye
mshanki Kuznetskoi kotloviny). (Leningrad, Trudy VNIGRI, 122) 1958. roy.8. 436 p., 64 pls., 26
figs., 3 tabs. Cloth. With Latin name index. €22.70
Troitsky S.L. (Ed.) Marine Pleistocene of Siberian Lowlands. Lithological and Paleontological
Data. (Morskoi pleistotsen Sibirskikh ravnin). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz. SO AN SSSR,
104) 1971. roy.8. 142 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €6.80
Cont.: Quaternary pollendiagrams from Muzschinian Ural upland.- Pleistocene pollendiagrams from
marine sediments of the western part of Taimyr lowland.- Diatoms from the type section of
Karginsky beds.- a.o.
Troitsky S.L. The marine Pleistocene of the Siberian Plain. Stratigraphy. (Morskoi pleistotsen
Sibirskikh ravnin). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 430) 1979. roy.8. 293 p., 64 figs., 47
tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €25.00
Deals with: Molluscs, Crustacea, Bryozoa, Brachiopoda, Foraminifera, Flora.
Trudy Instituta Geologii AN Estonskoi SSR. Vol. 4: L. Sarv. Ordovician Ostracoda of Estonia.
(Geoloogia Inst. Uurimused; Transact. of the Inst. of Geol.: Ostrakody ordovika Estonskoi SSR).
Tallinn 1959. roy.8. 210 p., 32 pls., 15 figs., 5 tabs. With summary in Estonian and English. €24.00
Trudy Instituta Geologii i Poleznykh Iskopaemykh. (Transactions of the Inst. of Geology &
Minerals). Vol. II. Riga 1958. 115 p., 6 pls., num. figs. & tabs. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €6.80
Cont.: A.M. Obut: Silurian Graptolites in Northern Latvia.- T.D. Bartosh: Spore-Pollen spectra of
the Holocene of Latvia.- P.P. Liepins: Permian deposits of the Baltics (with descr. of Brachiopoda,
Pelecypoda, Foraminifera, Bryozoa.- and 3 other articles concerning the Baltic region.
Tsai D.T. The Early Ordovician Graptolites of Kazakhstan. (Graptolity rannego ordovika Kazakhstana).
Moscow 1974. roy.8. 127 p., 11 pls., 39 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €9.10
Tsai D.T. The Middle Ordovician Graptolites of Kazakhstan. (Graptolity srednego ordovika
Kazakhstana). Alma-Ata 1976. roy.8. 76 p., 7 pls., 2 figs., 8 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €7.00
Deals also with new species.
Tsankov V., Khr. Spasov & B. Bogdanov. Jubilee Geological Volume. (Yubileen geologicheski
sbornik). Sofia 1968. roy.8. 470 p., 13 pls., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. In Bulgarian with summaries
in German, English or French. €9.10
Cont.: The stratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous in North-East Bulgaria.- Trias Conodonten aus
dem Stara Zagora-Teil der östlichen Sredna-Gora.- Conodonten aus der Trias der Wlachina
Planina.- Choffatella Decipiens Schl. d’Urgonien de la Bulgarie.- Paleozoic Molybdenum
mineralization in Sredna-Gora-Anticlinorium.- Saphir aus der Gegend von Slivarevo, Bezirk
Burgas.- a.o.
Tsapenko M.M. & N.A. Makhnach. The Anthropogen of Byelorussia. (Antropogenovye otlozheniya
Belorussii). Minsk 1959. roy.8. 226 p., 47 figs., 15 tabs., 1 fold. col. map. H.cloth. With Latin
nomenclature. €6.80
Cont.: Structure and stratigraphy of the Quaternary of the BSSR.- Spore-Pollen spectra of the
interglacial deposits of Byelorussia and its stratigraphical and paleogeographical significance.-
Some stratigraphical conclusions, based on Spore-Pollen analysis data.
Tseitlin S.M. Comparison of Quaternary deposits in the glacial and extra-glacial zones of Central
Siberia (Lower Tunguska basin). (Sopostavlenie chetvertichnykh otlozhenii lednikovoi i vnelednikovoi
zon tsentralnoi Sibiri: bassein nizhnei Tunguski). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 100) 1964.
roy.8. 187 p., 74 figs., 14 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €9.10
Tsereteli D.V. The Pleistocene deposits in Georgia. (Pleistotsenovye otlozheniya Gruzii). Tbilisi
1966. 583 p., 71 figs., 5 tabs., 1 col. map. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature and with summary in
English. €15.00
Tsiskarishvili G.V. The Late Tertiary Rhinocerotidae of the Caucasus. (Pozdnetretichnye
Nosorogi Kavkaza). Tbilisi 1987. 142 p., 27 pls., 14 figs., 13 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €10.50
Tsyganko V.S. & V.A. Chermnykh (Eds.) Paleozoic of the northern Urals and the Pechora
syneclise. (Paleozoi severa Urala i Pechorskoi sineklizy). (Syktyvkar, Trudy Inst. Geol., 49) 1984.
60 p., 5 pls., num. figs. With Latin nomenclature. €5.00
Deals with Brachiopoda, Ichthyofauna, Microfossils, Foraminifera, Conodonts, Fusulinids, Spores.
Tuchkov I.I. Paleogeography and historical development of Yakutia in the Late Paleozoic and
Mesozoic. (Paleogeografiya i istoriya razvitiya Yakutii v pozdnem Paleozoe i mezozoe). Moscow
1973. roy.8. 207 p., 21 figs., 5 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €13.65
Tugarinov A.I. & G.V. Voitkevich. The Precambrian Geochronology of the continents. (Dokembriiskaya
geokhronologiya materikov). 2nd rev. & enl. ed. Moscow 1970. roy.8. 432 p., 94 figs.,
125 tabs. Cloth. €18.15
Tuzhikova V.I. & A.N. Kurbezhekova. Biostratigraphy of the Triassic effusive-sedimentary
formation of the Urals. (Biostratigrafiya triasovoi effuzivno-osadochnoi formatsii Urala). Moscow
1973. roy.8. 150 p., 42 pls., 11 figs., 8 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €9.10
Deals with Acritarcha, Miospores, Spore-Pollen, Flora, Mollusks, Ostracoda, Fishes, Foraminifera,
Uchenye Zapiski. (Scientific Notes): Paleontology & Biostratigraphy. Pt. 31. Ed. by A.A. Gerke.
Leningrad 1971. 4. 97 p., 22 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature and English
annotations. €14.75
=Materials for the 3rd International Palynological Conference, 19-25 July 1971, Novosibirsk.-
Cont.: Late Precambrian and Early Cambrian Acritarcha of the north-western Siberian Platform.-
The importance of Classopollis pollen for stratigraphy of the Jurassic and Cretaceous in the
western Yenisei-Khatanga trough.- Diatoms from the Upper Cenozoic of the Anabar-Olenek
interfluve.- And 8 other articles on Palynology.
Ulitina L.M. The Devonian corals Cystiphyllina of the Trans-Caucasus region. (Devonskie korally
tsistifilliny Zakavkazya). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 113) 1968. roy.8. 100 p., 20 pls., 21 figs., 2
tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €9.10
Uziyuk V.I. & N.A. Ignatchenko. Microstructures of vitrinized plant tissues (Middle Carboniferous
of the Donbass). (Mikrostruktury vitrinizirovannykh tkanei rastenii; Srednii karbon Donbassa). Kiev
1985. 100 p., 92 pls. Bound. With Latin nomencl. €7.95
Vaitiekunas P.P. & O.P. Kondratiene (Eds.) Aufbau, Lithologie und Stratigraphie der Ablagerungen
des Unterpleistozäns in Litauen. (Stroenie, litologiya i stratigrafiya otlozhenii nizhnego
pleistotsena Litvy). (Vilnius, Trudy LitNIGRI, 14) 1971. roy.8. 152 p., 51 figs., 19 tabs. Cloth. With
Latin nomenclature and with summary in German & Lithuanian. €9.10
Deals with Spore-Pollen; Paleocarpological investigations; Lithological peculiarities; Boundary
between the Pliocene and Pleistocene; Stratigraphy of the Lower Pleistocene.
Vakhrameev V.A. Selected Works: Mesozoic paleofloristics, phytogeography and climates.
(Izbrannye trudy: Paleofloristika, fitogeografiya i klimaty mezozoya). Moscow 1990. roy.8. 292 p.,
num. pls., figs., tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature and English annotation. €29.50
Deals with Jurassic and Cretaceous floras of the Siberian and Euro-Sinian phytogeographic
Vakhrameev V.A. Selected Works: Problems of Mesozoic Stratigraphy. (Izbrannye trudy:
Problemy stratigrafii mezozoya). Moscow 1989. roy.8. 235 p., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin
nomenclature. €24.95
Deals with stratigraphy of Jurassic and Cretaceous in Siberia and the Far East as well as
correlation of Mesozoic continental strata on phytostratigraphic base, their division into stages and
several problems of stratigraphic theory. Deals also with palynological data.
Valkov A.K. The Cambrian Biostratigraphy and Hyolithes of the North-East of the Siberian
Platform. (Biostratigrafiya i khiolity kembriya severo-vostoka Sibirskoi Platformy). Moscow 1975.
roy.8. 140 p., 14 pls., 31 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €9.50
Deals with 50 species, 16 are new.
Vasilenko V.P. Upper Cretaceous Foraminifera of the Mangyshlak Peninsula. (Description,
schemes of phylogeny of some groups and stratigraphical analysis). (Foraminifery verkhnego
mela poluostrova Mangyshlaka). (Leningrad, Trudy VNIGRI, 171) 1961. roy.8. 490 p., 41 pls., 14
tabs., num. figs. Cloth. With Latin name index. €42.50
Vasilevsky R.S. & Yu.P. Kholyushkin (Eds.) Complex investigations of paleolithic objects of the
river Anui basin. (Kompleksnye issledovaniya paleoliticheskikh ob’yektov basseina r. Anui).
Novosibirsk 1990. 190 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €12.50
Deals with Spores & Pollen, Late Pleistocene birds, Microtheriological material, Arvicola,
Malacofauna, Insects.
Vasilkovsky N.P. Paleogeology of the North-East of Asia (Mongolian-Okhotsk and Sikhote-Alin
regions and the Sino-Corean shield). (Paleogeologiya severo-vostoka Azii). Moscow 1984. roy.8.
176 p., 38 figs. €16.00
Vasilkovsky N.P. The Upper Paleozoic stratigraphy and volcanism of the south-western spurs of
northern Tien-Shan. (Stratigrafiya i vulkanizm verkhnego paleozoya yugo-zapadnykh otrogov
severnogo Tyan-Shanya). Tashkent 1952. roy.8. 304 p., 39 figs., 9 tabs. H.cloth. With Latin
nomenclature. €18.15
Vasilyev V.G., V.S. Volkhonin, G.L. Grishin et al. The geological structure of the Mongolian
Peoples Republic. (Geologicheskoe stroenie Mongolskoi Narodnoi Respubliki). Leningrad 1959.
roy.8. 492 p., 61 figs., 1 tect. Map. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €36.30
Cont.: Stratigraphy (with descr. of fossils).- Tectonics.
Vassiliev D.A. Stratigraphy and tectonics of Precambrian and Cambrian deposits from the Altai-
Sayan mountain province. In 2 pts. (Stratigrafiya i tektonika dokembriiskikh i kembriiskikh
otlozhenii Altaisko-Sayanskoi gornoi oblasti). Tomsk 1964-1968. 708 p., 13 fold. schemes, num.
figs., tabs. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature and with summaries in English. €18.15
Vdovenko M.V., D.M. Rauzer-Chernousova, E.A. Reitlinger & A.A. Sabirov. Reference-book
on the systematics of Paleozoic smaller foraminifera (excluding Endothyroida & Multilocular
Permian genera of Lagenoida & Lituoloida). (Spravochnik po sistematike melkikh foraminifer
paleozoya). Moscow 1993. 127 p., 16 pls., 20 figs., 1 tab. With Latin name index & English
annotation. €10.50
Veklich M.F. (Ed.) Paleogeography of the Kiev-Dnepr region. (Paleogeografiya Kievskogo
Pridneprovya). Kiev 1984. roy.8. 175 p., 4 pls., 54 figs., 7 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €12.50
Veklich M.F. Stratigraphy of the loessial formations of the Ukraine and adjacent countries.
(Stratigrafiya lessovoi formatsii Ukrainy i sosednikh stran). Kiev 1968. 238 p., 97 figs., 12 tabs.
H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €7.95
Deals also with the fossil fauna and flora.
Veklich M.F. & N.A. Sirenko (Eds.) Paleopedology. Paleogeographical investigations. (Paleopedologiya).
Kiev 1974. roy.8. 216 p., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature and
summaries in English. €13.75
Deals with fossil soils, spore-pollen and mollusks of the Ukraine.
Vekua M.L. & A.K., G.A. Kvaliashvili, T.A. Lominadze & Zh.Sh. Dolidze. Mesozoic and
Cenozoic fauna of Georgia and its geohistorical significance. (Fauna mezozoya i kainozoya Gruzii
i ee geoistoricheskoe znachenie). Tbilisi 1970. 141 p., 9 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin
nomenclature. €3.50
Deals with Ostracoda, Mollusca, Middle Callovian Erymnoceras, Flora of Akchagyl, Pleistocene
new Tragelaphini.
Velichkevich F.Yu. Anthropogen Flora of Byelorussia and of adjacent regions. (Antropogenovye
flory Belorussii i smezhnykh oblastei). To the IXth Congress of INQUA. Moscow 1973. roy.8. 248
p., 63 pls. With Latin name index. €11.35
Velichko A.A., E.E. Gurtovaya & M.A. Faustova. Paleoclimates and glaciation in the Pleistocene.
(Paleoklimaty i oledeneniya v pleistotsene). Moscow 1989. 248 p., num. figs. & tabs. With
Latin nomenclature. €18.50
Deals also with paleobotanical data.
Venglinsky I.V. Miocene Foraminifera and Biostratigraphy of the Trans-Carpathian depression.
(Foraminifery i biostratigrafiya miotsenovykh otlozhenii Zakarpatskogo progiba). Kiev 1975. 262
p., 35 pls., 20 figs., 18 tabs. With Latin name index. €11.35
Verbitskaya Z.I., O.A. Dzens-Litovskaya & B.M. Shtempel. Cretaceous vegetation and coals of
the Primorye coal basin. (Melovaya rastitelnost i ugli Primorskogo uglenosnogo basseina).
Moscow 1965. roy.8. 120 p., 18 pls., 13 figs., 14 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €16.00
Deals also with its Spore-Pollen.
Verkhovskaya N.B. The Pleistocene of Chukotka. Palynostratigraphy and the principal paleogeographical
events. (Pleistotsen Chukotki). Vladivostok 1986. 112 p., 15 figs., 4 tabs. With Latin
nomenclature. €10.50
Deals with Palynozones, Vegetation & Climate.
Viira V. Ordovician Conodonts of the East Baltic. (Konodonty ordovika Pribaltiki). Tallinn 1974.
roy.8. 142 p., 13 pls., 165 figs., 2 tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature and with summary in
English. €10.50
Viskova L.A. Late Cretaceous Bryozoa Cyclostomata of the Volga region and the Crimea.
(Pozdnemelovye mshanki Cyclostomata Povolshya i Kryma). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 132)
1972. roy.8. 100 p., 18 pls., 40 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €6.80
Viskova L.A. Marine post-Paleozoic Bryozoa. (Morskie postpaleozoiskie mshanki). (Moscow,
Trudy Pal. Inst., 250) 1992. roy.8. 187 p., 16 pls., 50 figs., 1 tab. With Latin nomenclature and
English annotation. €16.00
Visnik Ukrainskoi Raionovoi Geologo-Rozvidkovoi Upravi. (Bulletin of the District Geological
Research Administration in the Ukraine). Year 1929 (vol. 14). Kiev 1929. roy.8. 200 p., 28 pls.,
num. figs. In Ukrainian or Russian with summaries in French, 2 in English. €13.65
Cont.: W. Resnitschenko. Zur Frage der Stratigraphie und Tektonik der Terrassen des Mittleren
Dnjeprgebietes.- W. Krokos. Les formations quaternaires du district de Loubny.- D. Sobolev. On
the stratigraphy of Pleistocene and on the geomorphology of the environs of the village Michailovka
in the Lebedinsky district.- Mangikian. Die Kujalnische Ablagerungen der Odessa Umgebungen
(mit Mollusken).- a.o.
Vitukhin D.I. Subdivision of the Russian Far East Cenozoic Sediments based on Radiolaria.
(Raschlenenie kainozoya Dalnego Vostoka Rossii po Radiolyariyam). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst.
RAN, 485) 1993. 105 p., 32 pls., 10 figs., 7 tabs. With Latin nomenclature & English annotation. €12.50
Voinovsky-Kriger K.G. The Ordovician system in the Lemva facial-structural zone. (Western
slope of the Polar Urals). (Ordovik Lemvinskoi fatsialno-strukturnoi zony). (Moscow, ex. Byull.
M. O-va Isp. Prirody, otd. Geol., vol. 35, pt. 3) 1960. 18 p., 2 figs. With Latin nomenclature &
summary in English. €2.50
Volgin V.I. Brachiopoda of the Gazsk shield in southern Ferghana. (Brakhiopody Gazskoi svity
yuzhnoi Fergany). Leningrad 1965. 96 p., 5 pls. With Latin nomenclature. €4.55
Volkov I.A., V.S. Volkova & I.I. Zadkova. Loess-like cover deposits and paleogeography of the
South-West of Western Siberia in the Pliocene-Quaternary time. (Pokrovnye lessovidnye
otlozheniya i paleogeografiya yugo-zapada zapadnoi Sibiri v pliotsen-chetvertichnoe vremya). For
the VIIIth Congress of INQUA. Novosibirsk 1969. roy.8. 332 p., 81 figs., 12 tabs. Cloth. With Latin
nomenclature. €9.10
Volkova N.A. The Middle and Upper Cambrian Acritarchs in the East-European Platform.
(Akritarkhi srednego i verkhnego kembriya vostochno-Evropeiskoi Platformy). (Moscow, Trudy
Geol. Inst. AN SSSR, 454) 1990. roy.8. 116 p., 24 pls., 4 figs., 10 tabs. With Latin nomenclature
and English annotation. €12.50
Deals also with 2 new genera and 15 new species.
Volkova V.S. Stratigraphy and History of Formation of Vegetation of West Siberia in the Late
Cenozoic time. (Stratigrafiya i istoriya razvitiya rastitelnosti zapadnoi Sibiri v pozdnem kainozoe).
(Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 325) 1977. roy.8. 238 p., 34 figs., 8 tabs. With Latin
nomenclature €20.50
For the IVth International Conference on Palynology, India, Lucknow 1976.
Volkova V.S. & A.F. Khlonova (Eds.) Palynostratigraphy of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic of
Siberia. (Palinostratigrafiya mezozoya i kainozoya Sibiri). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz.
SO AN SSSR, 620) 1985. roy.8. 142 p., 8 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €16.00
Volobueva V.I., B.V. Belaya, L.M. Dolmatova et al. Key section of the marine Neogene of the
North-East of Asia on Karaginsky Island. Pt. 2: Systematical part. (Opornyi razrez neogena
severo-vostoka Azii na o. Karaginskom). Magadan 1992. 167 p., 52 pls. With Latin nomenclature.
Deals with Foraminifera, Bivalvia & Gastropoda, Diatomflora.
Vologdin A.G. Cambrian Cribricyathea of the USSR. (Kribritsiaty kembriya SSSR). (Moscow,
Trudy Pal. Inst., 109) 1966. roy.8. 63 p., 3 pls., 30 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €3.40
Vologdin A.G. The Cambrian Monocyathea of the USSR. (Monotsiaty kembriya SSSR). Moscow
1977. roy.8. 156 p., 25 pls., 78 figs., 1 tab. With Latin nomenclature. €10.50
Voloshinova N.A., V.N. Kuznetsova, L.S. Leonenko. Neogene Foraminifera of Sakhalin.
(Foraminifery neogenovykh otlozhenii Sakhalina). (Leningrad, Trudy VNIGRI, 284) 1970. roy.8.
303 p., 51 pls., 25 figs. Cloth. With Latin name index. €21.50
Voprosy Mikropaleontologii. (Questions on micropaleontology) Vols. 1, 3-4, 6-11, 13-14, 16-17,
19-23, 25-27, 29-30. Moscow 1956-1989. With Latin nomenclature.- Single vols. available. €365.00
Vorobyeva E.I. Osteolepidiformes of the Main Devonian Field of the USSR. (Rizosontnye
kisteperye ryby glavnogo devonskogo polya SSSR). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 94) 1962. roy.8.
140 p., 28 pls., 34 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.35
Voronin Yu.I. Ajacicyathidae of the USSR. (Ayatsitsiatidy SSSR). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 176)
1979. roy.8. 148 p., 14 pls., 27 figs., 13 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €13.65
Vozin V.F. (Ed.) Paleontology and biostratigraphy of the Paleozoic and Triassic deposits in
Yakutia. (Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya paleozoiskikh i triassovykh otlozhenii Yakutii). Moscow
1965. 141 p., 19 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €6.80
Deals with Hyolithes, Camerothecida, new genus Brevilabiatus, Brachiopoda, new Cordaites, new
spec. of the fam. Trachyporidae, Bivalvia, two species of the gen. Sirenites, Phyllopoda.
Vozin V.F. (Ed.) Problems on the stratigraphy of the Devonian, Permian and Triassic of
Verkhoyan. (Problemy stratigrafii devonskikh, permskikh i triasovykh otlozhenii Verkhoyanya).
Yakutsk 1975. 186 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Deals with Tabulata, Brachiopoda, Pelecypoda, Flora, new gen. Kelteroceras.
Vozin V.F. Stratigraphy of the Mesozoic deposits of the river Yana basin. (Stratigrafiya mezozoiskikh
otlozhenii basseina r. Yany). (Moscow, Trudy Yakut. fil. Sib. otd., Ser. Geol., 15) 1962. roy.8.
120 p., 31 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €4.55
Vozzhennikova T.F. The Dinoflagellate cysts and their stratigraphical significance. (Dinotsisty i
ikh stratigraficheskoe znachenie). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 422) 1979. roy.8. 223
p., 27 pls., 19 figs., 8 tabs. Cloth. With Latin name index. €23.50
Vozzhennikova T.F. Introduction in the study of fossil Peridinophyceae. (Vvedenie v izuchenie
iskopaemykh peridineevykh vodoroslei). Moscow 1965. roy.8. 156 p., 51 figs., 10 tabs. With Latin
name index. €11.50
Vozzhennikova T.F. The Jurassic, Cretaceous & Paleogene Peridineae of the USSR. (Iskopaemye
peridinei yurskikh, melovykh i paleogenovykh otlozhenii SSSR). Moscow 1967. roy.8. 226 p.,
121 pls., 17 figs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €24.95
Vozzhennikova T.F., B.V. Timofeev & L.I. Sheshegova (Eds.) Microfossils of the USSR.
(Mikrofossilii SSSR). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 81) 1974. 144 p., 24 pls., num. figs.
With Latin nomenclature and with English annotation. €11.50
Cont.: Original finds in the lower horizons of the key sections of Yudomskaya suite.- Acritarchs of
Silurian and lower Devonian of Podolia.- Microphytoplancton of Early Cretaceous and its
significance for stratigraphy and paleogeography.- a.o.
Vtyurin B.I. & A.A. Svitoch (Eds.) The latest deposits and paleogeography of the Pleistocene of
Western Kamchatka. (Noveishie otlozheniya i paleogeografiya pleistotsena Zapadnoi Kamchatki).
Moscow 1978. 122 p., 28 figs., 8 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €9.10
Lithology, Palynology, Diatoms, Absolute Age, Paleomagnetism.
Vyshemirsky V.S. (Ed.) The Bazhenov horizon of western Siberia. Stratigraphy, paleogeography,
ecosystem, oil content. (Bazhenovskii gorizont zapadnoi Sibiri). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i
Geofiz. SO AN SSSR, 649) 1986. roy.8. 160 p., 56 pls., 24 figs., 4 tabs. H.cloth. With Latin
nomenclature. €18.50
Deals with Ammonitida, Belemnitida, Bivalvia, Inarticulata, Decapoda, Ammodiscida.
Yakhimovich V.L. The Cenozoic of the Bashkirian Pre-Ural region. Vol. 1, pt. 1: History of the
study of the Tertiary. (Kainozoi Bashkirskogo Preduralya). Ufa 1958. roy.8. 135 p., 1 fig., 4 tabs.
With Latin nomenclature. €4.55
Yakhimovich V.L. Cenozoic of the Bashkirian Pre-Ural region. Vol. 1, pr. 2: Stratigraphy of the
Tertiary deposits of the Bashkirian Pre-Ural region and the laws of its arrangement in connection
with young movements of the Earth’s crust. (Kainozoi Bashkirskogo Preduralya). Ufa 1958. roy.8.
176 p., 22 figs., 14 tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €4.55
Descr. are the fossil flora and spore-pollen.
Yakhimovich V.L. & O.S. Adrianova. The Cenozoic of the Bashkirian Pre-Ural region. Vol. 1, pt.
3: The South Uralian brown coal basin. (Kainozoi Bashkirskogo Preduralya). Ufa 1959. roy.8. 299
p., 48 figs., 40 tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €6.80
Cont.: Geological structure; brown coal deposits; Palynological basis of the age of the coalbearing
Yakhimovich V.L. The Cenozoic of the Bashkirian Pre-Urals. Vol. II, pt. 1: Quaternary of the
lower terraces of the rivers of the Bashkirian Pre-Urals (Stratigraphy). (Kainozoi Bashkirskogo
Preduralya: Chetvertichnye otlozheniya nizkikh terras rek Bashkirskogo Preduralya). Ufa 1958.
roy.8. 172 p., 17 figs., 16 tabs. Cloth. with Latin nomenclature. €9.10
Deals with Mammals, Flora, Spores and Pollen, Mollusks.
Yakhimovich V.L., V.K. Nemkova & I.N. Semenov. Stratigraphy of the Pliocene-Pleistocene
deposits of the Timan-Ural region and their correlation with the Pre-Ural region. (Stratigrafiya
pliotsen-pleistotsenovykh otlozhenii Timano-Uralskoi oblasti i ikh korrelyatsiya po Preduralyu). To
the IXth Congress of INQUA. Moscow 1973. roy.8. 100 p., 15 figs., 8 tabs. With Latin nomenclature.
Deals with fossil fauna and flora.
Yakovlev S.A. The geological principles of the Quaternary deposits of the Russian Plain:
Stratigraphy. (Osnovy geologii chetvertichnykh otlozhenii russkoi ravniny: Stratigrafiya). (Moscow,
Trudy VSEGEI, n.s., 17) 1956. roy.8. 314 p., 44 figs., 19 tabs., 1 col. map (in 2 sheets, each
59x70 cm., sc. 1: 5.000.000). H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €18.15
The map shows the deposits of the Quaternary system in the European part of the USSR and
adjacent regions.
Yakshin M.S. The Lower Riphean algal microbiota of the Anabar rise. (Kotuikan shield).
(Vodoroslevaya mikrobiota nizhnego rifeya Anabarskogo podnyatiya). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst.
Geol. i Geofiz. SO AN SSSR, 768) 1991. roy.8. 61 p., 16 pls., 16 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €8.00
Deals also with new genera and species.
Yankaouskas T.V. (Ed.) Precambrian microfossils of the USSR. (Mikrofossilii dokembriya
SSSR). Leningrad 1989. roy.8. 190 p., 56 pls. Cloth. With Latin name index. €19.30
306 species of microfossils refered to 150 genera are described or briefly characterized.
Yanko V.V. & T.S. Troitskaya. Late Quaternary Foraminifera of the Black Sea. (Pozdnechetvertichnye
foraminifery Chernogo morya). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 694) 1987. 111 p., 24
pls., 1 fig., 15 tabs. With Latin nomenclature & English annotation. €10.50
70 taxa are descr. first for this region, among them a genus & 3 species are new.
Yanshin A.L. (Ed.) Contributions to Stratigraphy. (Etyudy po stratigrafii). (Moscow, Trudy Inst.
Geol. i Geofiz., 276) 1974. roy.8. 218 p., 15 pls., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature.
Descr. are: Archaeocyatha, Tabulata, Retiolitidae, Trilobites, Brachiopoda, Ostracoda, Foraminifera,
Microphytolites from Late Precambrian to Late Carboniferous. Dedicated to the 60th birthday
of B.S. Sokolov.
Yaroshevich V.M. The Sinian and Cambrian Stratigraphy of the Bateni Ridge, the Azyr-Tal range
and the basin of the Belyi Iyus river (the eastern slope of the Kuznetsk Alatau). (Stratigrafiya
siniiskikh i kembriiskikh otlozhenii Batenevskogo kryazha, khrebta Azyr-Tal i basseina reki Belyi
Iyus). (novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz. SO AN SSSR, 17) 1962. roy.8. 186 p., 70 figs., 16
tabs. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €13.65
Deals also with descr. of Archaeocyatha, Trilobita.
Yataikin L.M. & V.T. Shalandina. History of the vegetative cover in the region of the Lower Kama
from the Tertiary up to the recent time. (Istoriya rastitelnogo pokrova v raione nizhnei Kamy s
tretichnogo vremeni do sovremennosti). Kazan 1975. 200 p., 48 tabs. H.cloth. With Latin
nomenclature. €8.00
Yavorsky V.I. Stromatoporoidea of the Soviet Union. Pt. 3: Actinostromatidae, Labechiidae,
Stromatoporidae, Diostromidae, Syringoporidae. (Stromatoporoidea Sovetskogo Soyuza).
(Moscow, Trudy VSEGEI, n.s., 44) 1961. roy.8. 70 p., 38 pls. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €7.95
Yolkin E.A. Regular patterns in Dechenellid evolution and biochronology of the Silurian and
Devonian. (Zakonomernosti evolyutsii Dekhenellid i biokhronologiya Silura i Devona). (Moscow,
Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 571) 1983. roy.8. 118 p., 16 pls., 13 figs., 13 tabs. With English
annotation and with Latin nomenclature. €12.50
The project 53:“Ecostratigraphy“. Int. geol. correlation Progr.
Yolkin E.A. & V.A. Zheltonogova et al. The Ancient Dechenellids (Trilobites) and the stratigraphy
of the Silurian of the Mountain Altai. (Drevneishie dekhenellidy i stratigrafiya silura Gornogo
Altaya). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 130) 1974. roy.8. 110 p., 13 pls., 18 figs., 9 tabs.
With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Deals with 9 species (3 new) and 3 unnamed forms of the genus Warburgella. Descr. are also:
Brachiopoda, Graptolites, Stromatoporoidea, Rugosa, Ostracoda.
Yuferov O.V. Carboniferous of the Siberian biogeographical realm. (Karbon Sibirskogo
biogeograficheskogo poyasa). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 162) 1972. roy.8. 278 p.,
17 figs., 18 tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €21.50
Deals with Brachiopoda, Goniatites, Foraminifera, Corals, Trilobites.
Yusupov B.M. & V.L. Yakhimovich (Eds.) Fauna and Flora of the Pliocene and Pleistocene
(Key sections of Sultanaevo-Yulushevo in Bashkiria). (Fauna i flora pliotsena i pleistotsena).
Moscow 1983. roy.8. 152 p., 32 pls., 46 figs., 19 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.75
Deals with Gastropoda, Bivalvia; Ostracoda, Spore-Pollen diagrams.
Zadorozhnyi V.M. The Devonian Foraminifera and biostratigraphy of the West-Siberian platform
and its folded frame. (Foraminifery i biostratigrafiya devona Zapadno-Sibirskoi plity i ee
skladchatogo obramleniya). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz. SO AN SSSR, 680) 1987.
121 p., 4 pls., 21 figs., 4 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €14.00
Zagorskaya N.G. (Ed.) Materials to the geological problems of Late Cenozoic. (Materialy k
problemam geologii pozdnego kainozoya). Leningrad 1969. roy.8. 174 p., num. figs. & tabs. With
Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Deals with the problem on the development of the Pliocene-Pleistocene transgressions in the
north-east of the European USSR and int he north of West Siberia; deals also with Foraminifera,
Ostracoda, Mollusks, Pollen-Spores, Diatoms.
Zakharov V.A. The Buchiidae and Biostratigraphy of the Boreal Upper Jurassic and Neocomian.
(Bukhiidy i biostratigrafiya borealnoi verkhnei yury i neokoma). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i
Geofiz., 458) 1981. roy.8. 272 p., 60 pls., 116 figs., 3 tabs. Cloth. With Latin name index. €34.50
Zakharov V.A. Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous Bivalves of the Siberian North and their
ecology. Pt. 2: Fam. Astartidae. (Pozdneyurskie i rannemelovye dvustvorchatye mollyuski severa
Sibiri i usloviya ikh sushchestvovaniya). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 113) 1970. roy.8.
144 p., 15 pls., 39 figs. With Latin name index. €10.50
Zakharov V.A. and M.S. Mesezhnikov. The Volgian stage of the subarctic Urals (Volzhckii yarus
pripolyarnogo Uralu). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 196) 1974. roy.8. 215 pl., 38 pls.,
49 figs. With Latin nomenclature and English annotation. €18.00
Described are 45 species of Volgian Ammonites and 44 species of Bivalves. Deals also with
Belemnites, Gastropoda, Brachiopoda, Foraminifera, Radiolaria.
Zakharov V.A., M.S. Mesezhnikov, Z.Z. Ronkina et al. The paleogeography of the North of the
USSR in the Jurassic Period. (Paleogeografiya severa SSSR v yurskom periode). (Novosibirsk,
Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 573) 1983. roy.8. 191 p., 49 figs., 18 tabs. Cloth. With Latin
nomenclature. €18.50
Zakharov V.A. & B.N. Shurygin. Biogeography, facies and stratigraphy of the Middle Jurassic of
the Soviet Arctic (by Bivalvia). (Biogeografiya, fatsii i stratigrafiya srednei yury Sovetskoi Arktiki).
(Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 352) 1978. roy.8. 206 p., 14 pls., 44 figs., 9 tabs. H.cloth.
With Latin name index. €20.45
Zaklinskaya E.D. & L.V. Rovnina (Eds.) Palynological investigations for the stratigraphy.
(Palinologicheskie issledovaniya dlya stratigrafii). (Tyumen, Trudy ZapSibNIGNI, 179) 1983. 160
p., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €17.05
Zakrevska G. L’elephas Trogontherii Pohl de la rive droite du Dnipro moyen. (Elephas Trogontherii
Pohl z pravoberezhzhya serednyogo Dnipra). (Kiev, Trudy Inst. Geol., 5) 1935. roy.8. 140 p., 45
pls. In Ukrainian with summary in Russian & French (45 p.). €15.90
Zakrevskaya E.Yu. Assilines, Operculines and Ranikothalies of the Crimea and their biostratigraphic
significance. (Assiliny, operkuliny i ranikotalii Kryma i ikh biostratigraficheskoe znachenie).
Moscow 1993. 112 p., 20 pls., 24 figs., 3 tabs. With Latin nomenclature & English annotation. €11.50
Zaltsman I.G. Paleogene and Neogene stratigraphy of the Kulunda steppe. (South of Novosibirsk).
(Stratigrafiya paleogenovykh i neogenovykh otlozhenii Kulundinskoi stepi). Krasnoyarsk
1968. roy.8. 151 p., 13 figs., 1 fold. map, 4 fold. schemes. With Latin nomenclature. €9.10
Deals also with the fossil fauna.
Zanin Yu.N. Ordovician and Silurian deposits of the Irkutsk amphitheatre. (Ordovikskie i siluriiskie
otlozheniya Irkutskogo amfiteatra). Novosibirsk 1970. roy.8. 217 p., 36 pls., 22 figs., 42 tabs.
H.cloth. €14.75
Zankov, V. Paleontologiya. Sofia 1969. roy.8. 563 p., 538 figs. H.cloth. With Latin name index.
Zaslavskaya N.M. The Silurian of the Siberian Platform: Chitinozoa. (Silur Sibirskoi Platformy.
Khitinozoi). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 518) 1983. 94 p., 16 pls., 14 figs., 1 tab. With
Latin nomenclature. €9.10
Zhamoida A.I. (Ed.) Cipher codification of systematic characters of ancient organisms. (Tsifrovoe
kodirovanie sistematicheskikh priznakov drevnikh organizmov). Moscow 1972. 188 p., 36 tabs.,
27 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €5.70
Zhamoida A.I. (Ed.) Systematics and biostratigraphical significance of Radiolaria. (Sistematika i
stratigraficheskoe znachenie radiolyarii). (Leningrad, Trudy VSEGEI, n.s., 226) 1975. roy.8. 105
p., 4 pls., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €7.95
Zhamoida A.I., O.P. Kovalevsky, A.I. Moiseeva. Review of foreign stratigraphic codes. (Obzor
zarubezhnykh stratigraficheskikh kodeksov). (Moscow, Trudy Mezhved. Strat. Kom. SSSR, 1)
1969. roy.8. 104 p., 14 tabs. With English annotation. €5.70
Codes of North America, Australia, Norway, Pakistan, Czechoslovakia, People’s Rep. of China,
France, England.
Zharkov M.A. & A.I. Skripin. The Upper Cambrian deposits of the southern Siberian Platform.
(Verkhnekembriiskie otlozheniya yuga Sibirskoi platformy). Novosibirsk 1971. 100 p., 22 figs. With
Latin nomenclature. €9.10
Deals with the characteristic complex of the Upper Cambrian fauna.
Zherikhin V.V. Development and change of the Cretaceous and Cenozoic faunistic complexes
(Tracheates and Chelicerata). (Razvitie i smena melovykh i kainozoiskikh faunisticheskikh
kompleksov). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 165) 1978. roy.8. 198 p., 20 figs., 3 tabs. With Latin
nomenclature. €27.50
Zhgenti E.M. The Middle Miocene Lutetiidae Dav., their evolution and stratigraphical importance.
(Lyutetsiidy srednego miotsena, ikh evolyutsiya i stratigraficheskoe znachenie). Tbilisi 1976. 130
p., 24 pls. With Latin nomencl. €6.80
Zhizhchenko B.P. & V.A. Ivanova (Eds.) The Cenozoic stratigraphy and paleogeography of the
gas-oilbearing regions of the south of the Soviet Union. (Stratigrafiya i paleogeografiya kainozoya
gazoneftenosnykh oblastei yuga Sovetskogo Soyuza). (Moscow, VNIIGaz, 31/39-32/40) 1971.
roy.8. 279 p., 11 pls., num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €22.70
Cont.: Some data about the Paleogene stratigraphy of the Volga and Ural interfluve by Foraminifera.-
About the zonal division of the Eocene of the Bakhchisarai section by Nummulitids.-
Oligocene complexes of Gastropoda of Mangyshlak and south-western Ustyurt.- About Oligocene
complexes of Foraminifera and Mollusks of the mountains of Kyzyl-Dzhar.- Sedimentation and
some Bivalvia of the Paleogene of the lower course of river Zeravshan.- Some Bivalvia of the
Sarbatyr shield of Auminzatau.- a.o.
Zhukov M.M. Stratigraphy of the Quaternary sediments of the Ergheny. (Stratigrafiya
chetvertichnykh otlozhenii Ergenii). (Moscow, Trudy Vses. N.-Issl. Inst. Min. Syrya, 84) 1935. 54
p., 14 figs., 2 maps. €9.10
Zhuravlev V.S. The stratigraphy of the Upper Jura in the north-eastern part of the Pre-Caspian
syneclysis. (Stratigrafiya verkhnei yury severo-vostochnoi chasti Prikaspiiskoi sineklizy).
(Moscow, ex. Byull. M. O-va Isp. Prirody, otd. Geol., vol. 35, pt. 2) 1960. 12 p., 4 figs. With Latin
nomenclature & summary in English. €2.00
Zhuravleva F.A. Devonian Nautiloids. Orders Oncoceratida, Tarphyceratida, Nautilida. (Devonskie
Nautiloidei). (Moscow, Trudy Pal. Inst., 142) 1974. roy.8. 159 p., 17 pls., 12 figs., 4 tabs. With
Latin nomenclature. €11.50
Deals with 95 genera, 32 are new.
Zhuravleva I.T. Archaeocyatha of Siberia: Monocyathida & Rhizacyathida. (Arkheotsiaty Sibiri:
Odnostennye arkheotsiaty). Moscow 1963. roy.8. 139 p., 12 pls., 68 figs., 22 tabs. With Latin
nomenclature. €9.10
Zhuravleva I.T. Archaeocyatha of the Siberian Platform. (Arkheotsiaty Sibirskoi Platformy).
Moscow 1960. roy.8. 344 p., 33 pls., 147 figs., 26 tabs. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €18.50
Zhuravleva I.T. (Ed.) Lower Cambrian biostratigraphy and paleontology of Siberia and the Far
East. (Biostratigrafiya i paleontologiya nizhnego kembriya Sibiri i Dalnego Vostoka). Moscow
1969. roy.8. 228 p., 60 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €15.90
Deals with Archaeocyatha (mainly), Hyolithida, Dactyloidites, Asteroides, Renalcis, Polymorphus
Zhuravleva I.T. (Ed.) Stratigraphy and Archaeocyati from the Lower Cambrian of the Altai-Sayan
folded area. (Stratigrafiya i arkheotsiaty nizhnego kembriya Altae-Sayanskoi skladchatoi oblasti).
(Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 380) 1979. roy.8. 216 p., 28 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With
Latin nomenclature. €19.30
Zhuravleva I.T. & V.N. Elkina. The Archaeocyathi of Siberia. Ethmophylloid Archaeocyathi.
(Arkheotsiaty Sibiri. Etmofilloidnye Arkheotsiaty). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 230) 1974.
roy.8. 166 p., 29 pls., 33 figs., 15 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €11.35
Zhuravleva I.T. & V.I. Ilyina (Eds.) The Upper Paleozoic of Angarida. Fauna and flora. (Verkhnii
paleozoi Angaridy. Fauna i flora). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 707) 1988. roy.8. 265
p., 72 pls., 8 figs., 10 tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €20.45
Deals with non-marine bivalves, plants, seeds, spores and pollen. New species are also descr.
Zhuravleva I.T., K.N. Konyushkov & A.Yu. Rozanov. Archaeocyatha of Siberia: Regulares and
Irregulares. (Arkheotsiaty Sibiri: Dvustennye arkheotsiaty). Moscow 1964. 166 p., 16 pls., 75 figs.,
12 tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €9.10
Zhuravleva, I.T., V.I. Korshunov & V.A. Sysoev. Stratigraphical position of the Profallotaspis
zone of the transitional type of Lower Cambrian Section of Lena River Middle Course. (Novosibirsk,
ex: Geol. i Geofiz., nr.3) 1968. 9 ., 1 fig. – With Latin nomenclature and English annotation.
Zhuravleva Z.A. Riphean and Lower Cambrian Oncolithes and Catagraphes of Siberia and their
stratigraphic importance. (Onkolity i katagrafii rifeya i nizhnego kembriya Sibiri i ikh stratigraficheskoe
znachenie). (Moscow, Trudy Geol. Inst., 114) 1964. roy.8. 75 p., 24 pls., 2 figs., 4 tabs. With
Latin nomenclature. €6.80
Zhuze A.P. (Ed.) Fossil Diatomaceae of the USSR. (Iskopaemye diatomovye vodorosli SSSR).
Moscow 1968. roy.8. 136 p., 6 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €6.80
Zhuze A.P. (Ed.) Micropaleontology of Oceans and Seas. (Mikropaleontologiya okeanov i morei).
Moscow 1974. roy.8. 202 p., 25 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature and with
summaries in English. €10.20
Biostratigraphy of the bottom deposits of Oceans and Seas (Indian Ocean, Pacific, Equatorial
Atlantic, Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Caspian Sea). Deals with: Diatoms, Radiolaria, Silicoflagellates,
Calcareous Nannoplankton, Oligocene Coccoliths, Benthonic and Planktonic Foraminifera.
Zhuze A.P. & V.A. Krasheninnikov (Eds.) Marine micropaleontology. (Morskaya mikropaleontologiya).
Moscow 1982. roy.8. 200 p., 24 pls., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €18.50
Deals with specific composition and distribution of microfossils of the World Ocean: Foraminifera,
Calcareous Plankton, Diatoms, Silicoflagellatae, Radiolaria.
Zosimovich V.Yu. The Oligocene of the Dnepr-Donets basin. (Oligotsenovye otlozheniya
Dneprovsko-Donetskoi vpadiny). Kiev 1981. 167 p., 4 figs. With Latin nomenclature. €7.95
Deals with stratigraphy and paleontology.
Zubakov V.A. Paleogeography of West-Siberian Lowland in Pleistocene and Late Pliocene. For
the IXth Congress of INQUA, New Zealand 1973. (Paleogeografiya zapadno-Sibirskoi nizmennosti
v pleistotsene i pozdnem pliotsene). Leningrad 1972. 200 p., 18 tabs., 17 figs. H.cloth. With
Latin nomenclature and with summary in English. €11.35
Zvonarev I.N. (Ed.) The coal-bearing deposits of the Kuznetsk and Tungussk provinces.
(Uglenosnye otlozheniya Kuznetskoi i Tungusskoi provintsii). (Novosibirsk, Trudy SNIIGGIMS,
221) 1975. roy.8. 108 p., num. figs. & tabs. With Latin nomenclature. €6.80
Cont.: About the Upper Paleozoic of the north-eastern margin of the Kuznetsk basin.- Phytostratigraphical
characteristics of the coal-bearing dep. of the Minusin basin.- Palynological complexes
of the coal beds of Izykhsk dep. of the Minusin basin.- Phytostratigraphical characteristics on river
Bakhta in the Tungussk basin.- a.o.
Zvonarev I.N. (Ed.) Questions of stratigraphy and Paleontology of Western Siberia. (Voprosy
stratigrafii i paleontologii zapadnoi Sibiri). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 1) 1960. roy.8.
210 p., 17 pls., num. figs. & tabs. H.cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €20.45
Cont.: Paleoalgological characteristics of Meso-Cenozoic; Albian, Senomanian and Turonian
Foraminifera; Fossil plants; New species of Neamnigenia Khalfin; Torynifer; Brachiopoda; New
Upper Cambrian Trilobites.
Zykina V.S. (Ed.) The Cenozoic of Siberia and the North-East of Siberia. (Kainozoi Sibiri i severovostoka
SSSR). (Novosibirsk, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz. SO AN SSSR, 668) 1989. roy.8. 186 p.,
num. figs. & tabs. Cloth. With Latin nomenclature. €18.15
Zonal scale of the Paleogene, Palynostratigraphy, paleomagnetism of the Paleogene and
Neogene, Climatostratigraphy, Paleogeography.
Zykina V.S., I.A. Volkov & M.I. Dergacheva. The Upper Quaternary deposits and fossil soils of
the Novosibirsk – Ob region. (Verkhnechetvertichnye otlozheniya i iskopaemye pochvy Novosibirskogo
Priobya). (Moscow, Trudy Inst. Geol. i Geofiz., 507) 1981. 204 p., 36 figs., 24 tabs. With
Latin nomenclature. €12.00